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  • 1. (2023八上·涪城月考) 阅读理解

    Our family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation. Our son, Tom, wanted to see bears there. And what a breathtaking experience (经历) it was!

    When we got there, we put up our tent and went to explore (探险). As we returned, we heard our daughter Susie cry out. And then we saw a bear go into our tent.

    Tom wanted his father to chase (追赶) it away. His father said, "No. It's dangerous to chase a bear. And don't let it chase you." Susie said, "What shall we do? Maybe we should climb up a tree." Tom said, "No. We have to get it out of there. It might (可能) go to sleep in our tent. " "Maybe we could make it leave if we put some honey outside for it to eat," Susie suggested (建议). Then I said, "How are you going to get the honey? It's in the tent. " We watched the bear go into the tent and heard it upset (翻倒;弄翻) everything inside. "It's foolish (愚蠢的) of us to try to chase it away," said my husband (丈夫). "Leave it alone and wait for it to come out." We waited, but the bear stayed inside. We had to sleep in the car that night.

    1. (1) Where did the family go on vacation last summer?
    2. (2) Tom wanted to go there to see ________.
    3. (3) Who do you think saw the bear first?
    4. (4) What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent?
    5. (5) What did the bear do in the tent?
  • 1. The effect of this kind of medicine needs (far) study before it can be widely used.
  • 1. (2023八上·无锡月考) People in the UK say “lorry” while people in the USA say “_______ ”.
    A . yard B . vacation C . truck D . soccer
  • 1. (2022八上·盐都月考) 近来全球环境问题引起了人们对环境保护以及动物保护的思考。假如你是Sam, 要求你用英文写一封加入动物保护协会的申请信,要点如下表:






    Dong Fang Middle School

    Your ages, interests and hobbies、favourite subject. . . . . .

    Report on wild animals:  1. bears:paws and fur

    2. Elephants:tusk(象牙)

    3. Tigers : bones fur other parts of the body


    The reasons to protect wild animals. . . . . .


    The ways to protect . . . . . . .

    Free time

    2pm-6pm on Saturday 


    123456@qq. com

    Dear Chairperson

    Last week I heard a report on wild animals. To protect them, I would like to join the Animal Protection Society.

    Yours sincerely


  • 1. (2022八上·盐都月考) 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。

    Lord Ye's Love of Dragons

    Long ago, there was a person. People c him Lord Ye(叶公). It was said that Lord Ye liked dragons very much. E in his room was about dragons. The walls of his house had dragon p. The doors and windows were carved(雕刻)with them.

    'I love dragons best,' Lord Ye always said to o people. When the real dragon in heaven(天堂)heard this, he f very happy. 'Lord Ye loves dragons so much. I should v him and thank him,' said the real dragon. So he f to Lord Ye's house. He put his head into Lord Ye's window and shouted, 'Lord Ye, are you in?'

    You might think Lord Ye was very h to see a real dragon. But, in fact, when he saw the real dragon, he was very frightened and ran a as fast as he could.

    From then on, people knew that Lord Ye o loved pictures of dragons, but not real dragons.

  • 1. (2022八上·盐都月考) It is a ability for birds to fly thousands of miles without losing their ways. (nature)
  • 1. (2022八上·盐都月考) The teacher told us in his class that the Sun in the east. (rise)
  • 1. (2022八上·盐都月考) The weather in Yancheng this year is much than last year now. (rainy)
  • 1. (2022八上·盐都月考) When autumn comes, farmers are busy crops in the field. (harvest)
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