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  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) 请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,注意:每空只填一词

    If you want to feel the sense of real Beijing, walk off the main streets and visit a siheyuan. As traditional buildings, siheyuan are mostly seen in northern C. A typical (典型的) siheyuan has a big square courtyard w four buildings on all four sides. Usually, one big family lives here. The d of a siheyuan follows Confucian (儒家的)ideas of respecting the old. The northern main house gets the most sunshine, sthe oldest member of the family lives there. The east and west wing houses are for children and grandchildren. The southern building is closest to the doorway. It is usually for servants(仆人) or guests. Living under the same roof hto form a strong family bond(纽带). Every family member stays close by slaughs and cries together. Later, siheyuan developed into neighborhoods for many different families. Strangers became n. Their children became friends. When one family had p, all warm-hearted neighbors came to help.

    But nowadays, m tall buildings have replaces(取代) many of these traditional, beautiful buildings. The nof siheyuan in Beijing has dropped(下降) from 40,000 in the Qing Dynasty to 3,000 today. In order to protect siheyuan, the government will collect about a thousand valuable siheyuan in The Records of Beijing Siheyuan.

  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) 根据所读内容,在文章中71-80小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每空一词。

    Li Ruiquan:

    My hometown Xi'an welcomes visitors from all over the world every year. It has the ancient (古代的) capital of China for 13 dynasties(王朝). It has a long history and rich culture. Many visitors visit it all year round. Before, I just knew it from books. I didn't actually feel its greatness until I went to the Xi'an Museum last month. There I saw buildings and treasures (珍宝) with thousands of years of history. I also learned how people lived in the ancient times by watching a video. Xi'an is my lovely hometown. I love her long history and rich culture.

    Lin Tongtong:

    Shenzhen is my hometown. I love her for her tolerane(包容性) of different people and cultures best. In the early days of the Chinese economic reform(经济改革), lots of people came here to work. No matter where they were from, many of them succeeded and stayed. And in the Windows of The World Park in Shenzhen, there are copies of different places of interest in the world. If you come to Shenzhen, you come to the world.

    Zhang Weiwei:

    There is paradise(天堂) above Suzhou and Hangzhou bellow. My hometown is the beautiful Hangzhou. Hangzhou has warm weather and nice views. I can often see tourists from everywhere taking photos beside West Lake. They all keep praising (赞扬) its beauty. I'm proud to have such a lovely hometown.

    Zhang Qing:

    I love my hometown Chongqing. Chongqing is famous for its food. Maybe you have not come to Chongqing yet, but you must have tries the famous Chongqing hotpot. It is spicy (辣的) and cool. Chongqing is also a city with great mountains and water views. Here, you can see the great Three Gorges(三峡). It is really amazing to row a boat in the mountain stream(河流). Last month, Chongqing was named the most attractive tourist city in China.

    What makes your hometown special?



    Xi'an is as the ancient capital of China for 13 dynasties. It has a museum full of buildings and treasures with a history.


    Shenzhen's tolerance of different people and cultures is my part. The Windows of The World Park in Shenzhen is of copies of different places of interest in the world.

    My hometown is a beautiful city. It has warm weather and nice views. There're always tourists photos beside West Lake and praising(赞扬)how it is. I'm proud to have such a lovely hometown.


    Chongqing is famous for its food Chongqing hotpot. It is also a city with great mountains and rivers. a boat in the mountain stream is really amazing.

  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) 我们期待在这遇见你。(look forward to)
  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) 周末金陵小镇里游客如织。(be full of)
  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) 它面积约2万平方英里。(have an area of)
  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) 金陵小镇(Jinling Town)是了解南京历史的好地方。(learn about)
  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) We won't have a sports meeting in our school next week. (同义句转换)

    There    a sports meeting in our school next week.

  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) Simon's father is a postman. (对划线部分提问)

       Simon's father?

  • 1. (2023七下·南京月考) She will get the book he buys on the Internet in two days. (对划线部分提问)

       Will she get the book she buys on the Internet?

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