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  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) —Mum, can I go to the zoo with Jack?

    —When your homework _________________, you can.

    A . is done B . was done C . does D . did
  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) We are not sure if it __________ tomorrow. If it __________, we won't go hiking.
    A . snows; snows B . snows; will snow C . will snow; will snow D . will snow; snows
  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) —Excuse me, could you tell me __________?

    —On the Changjiang River.

    A . where the accident happens? B . where the accident happened? C . where did the accident happen? D . where does the accident happen?
  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) 完形填空,阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给出的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        My friend and I entered a little coffee house and ordered two cups of coffee. While we were waiting, two young men came in and began to order, " 1 cups of coffee, please. Two of them for us and three there on the wall." The waiter served them with respect (尊敬). They paid for their order, took the two and left. As soon as they left, the waiter 2 put three pieces of paper on the wall. We saw this with great 3.

    Some more people came. Two girls asked for one coffee each, paid and went away. Then came three lawyers who paid for seven coffees —three for 4 and four suspended(待用). I really 5 what the suspended coffees were. Suddenly a man came into the coffee house. The way this man was dressed didn't 6 the style(风格)of this coffee shop. He kindly ordered a coffee on the wall. The waiter served coffee to this man, showing him the same 7 as the other customers. The man had his coffee and left 8 paying. The waiter took off a piece of paper from the wall and threw it in the dustbin.

    At that moment, I knew the meaning of the suspended coffees. It's simple—people pay the coffee in advance(预先) for someone who can't 9 it. The tradition with the suspended coffees 10 in Italy, but it has spread all over the world. A suspended coffee is not only a cup of coffee, but also the warmth and love to someone in need.

    A . Two B . Three C . Five D . Seven
    A . quickly B . rudely C . wisely D . properly
    A . fear B . sadness C . anger D . interest
    A . myself B . himself C . ourselves D . themselves
    A . checked B . wondered C . waited D . asked
    A . change B . match C . show D . wear
    A . respect B . courage C . custom D . result
    A . in B . for C . with D . without
    A . sell B . want C . buy D . afford
    A . started B . built C . caused D . accepted
  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) 书面表达

    Peter's Changes

    3 years ago

    shy, quiet

    be weak in English


    outgoing, friendly

    be good at English; have many good ways to learn English, for example…

    根据表格中的内容,以“Peter's Changes”为题,谈论Peter三年来的变化,并写出他提高英语水平的三个方法。




    Peter's Changes

        It seems that Peter has changed a lot. He used to

  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) They found ___________ they were famous for only a short time.
    A . that B . it C . this D . them
  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) It __________three years since I came to this school.
    A . has been B . been C . has was D . has is
  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) 根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词成用所给单词的正确形式填空。

        I have three good friends. They're Jerry, Dave and Bill. Jerry is an Asian boy, Dave is an African boy. Bill is a (Europe)boy. When I met them, they were very young. Now they've grown up and have changed. Ok, now please listen to their(总的)introduction about their changes.

        Jerry used to be shy and (silence). He took up dancing to deal with his problems. Now he dares to dance in front of crowds. And he also dares to give a speech in public.

        Dave used to be afraid of English. He always made mistakes in g. Now his English is good, and he never worries about his English.

        Bill is from London, the UK. So exactly, he is a British boy. He used to hate school and sometimes he was a from class. Since his headteacher talked to him in person, he has changed. Now he doesn't fight with other students. And he is very helpful.

        My three friends are very great and I am p of them. What about your friends? Do you take pride in them?

  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) 将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法、语句通顺、大小写正确使用。
    1. (1) your address,  stranger,  don't, the, give, to
    2. (2) to, loudly, it's impolite, in public, speak
    3. (3) valuable, what, it, a suggestion, is
    4. (4) we, shall, our, make, decisions, own
    5. (5) friends, how about, him, being, with
  • 1. (2019九上·枣强期末) —Who is the lady over there? Is it Miss Wang?

    —It __________be her. Miss Wang is much taller.

    A . needn't B . mustn't C . shouldn't D . can't
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