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  • 1. (2020九上·昌黎期中) 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中的横线上填写一个正确的单词。

        Have you ever tried shopping online? What about talking strangers through the Internet? Of course, yes. With the (develop) of society, the Internet is (play) a more and more important part in our daily life; more and more people, especially teenagers (be) showing great interest in the Internet. If we teenagers are crazy about playing (game) or chatting online, it will definitely have a bad influence on our study and health.

        Things are getting even (bad); it may make  (we) get tired of everything except surfing the net. We should spend more time reading good books, novels or news reports on the Internet. In word, the Internet makes our life convenient and (color), we should still learn the way to make full use of it properly.

  • 1. (2020九上·昌黎期中) I won't go_____ he comes back.
    A . until B . while C . when D . why
  • 1. (2020九上·昌黎期中) 完形填空

        Everyone in our school 1 sports. Every morning we get up 2 and do morning exercises. We have classes at 8:00. 3 the second class we do exercises again at half past nine. We only have P.E. classes twice a week, but we have physical training(训练)at five o'clock every afternoon. The most popular sport is basketball. The boys enjoy 4 it, and many of the girls like it, 5 . Another popular sport is football and in every class there are 6 football fans. We often play football when the weather is 7 .We have school teams in basketball, football and volleyball. Our teams often have friendship matches with teams from other schools. When there is a game, many of us go to 8 it and cheer(加油)our side on.

        Besides (除...之外) ball games, some of us like track and field even (田径项目), and we often practice 9 , jumping and throwing. Every term we have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sports meeting. Sports keep us healthy and 10 .

    A . like B . loves C . hates D . hate
    A . early B . quickly C . late D . quick
    A . By B . After C . From D . With
    A . plays B . to play C . playing D . play
    A . also B . either C . too D . as well
    A . a lot B . lot of C . lots of D . much
    A . rainy B . snowy C . windy D . fine
    A . look B . watch C . see D . look at
    A . playing basketball B . swimming C . playing  tennis D . running
    A . sad B . fat C . happy D . worried
  • 1. (2020九上·昌黎期中) His father is used to ______up early.
    A . get B . getting C . gets D . got
  • 1. (2020九上·昌黎期中) I go to school ______bus every morning.
    A . in B . on C . at D . by
  • 1. (2020九上·秦皇岛期中) Though my uncle is very rich, he ____wastes his money on unnecessary things.
    A . always B . never C . sometimes D . often
  • 1. (2020九上·秦皇岛期中) I have two friends. _____ of them are like me.
    A . Both B . All C . None D . Neither
  • 1. (2020九上·秦皇岛期中) 完形填空

        This is a touching moment when a giraffe gave a sad goodbye to a dying worker. The 1 spent his whole life cleaning the giraffes' home at a Dutch 2. The 54-year-old worker had a cancer (癌症). He asked to put his hospital3in the giraffes' home at the zoo. In a touching moment, one of the giraffes went to the man and 4him a kiss goodbye.

        Mario has 5in the zoo for over thirty years. He asked for a moment to say goodbye to his workmates and the animals at the zoo. He had no6and he lived alone. A charity group helped to send Mario back to the zoo. They usually help7persons finish their dying wishes.

        "It was very nice that we could do8to help his last wish come true," Mr. Veld boer said. "It was a very special moment. The giraffe came with9eyes. He looked at Mario for some time, and kissed him10. You saw him smiling."

    A . worker B . teacher C . doctor D . policeman
    A . park B . school C . hospital D . zoo
    A . chair B . table C . bed D . sofa
    A . asked B . gave C . found D . bought
    A . played B . studied C . worked D . taught
    A . family B . brothers C . sisters D . school
    A . healthy B . sick C . rich D . pale
    A . everything B . nothing C . anything D . something
    A . happy B . sad C . free D . busy
    A . exactly B . normally C . politely D . kindly
  • 1. (2020九上·秦皇岛期中) 阅读理解

    It was a cold winter afternoon before Christmas. My parents and I sat on the bench in Washington, D.C. Union Station, waiting for the train. Inside the waiting hall were many people.

    A boy sat nearby. His worn jacket, pale face, dirty hands all seemed to tell me that he was homeless.

    "He must be cold and hungry. Maybe I should help him," I said to myself.

    Just at that moment, a well-dressed young couple walked towards him.

    "Excuse me," the young man bent down. "My wife and I bought two meal boxes but one was enough for us. We hate to waste good food. Can you help us out and put this to use?" he handed the boy a meal box.

    The boy thanked them and opened the box with joy and care. Suddenly he stopped. In the direction to which he looked, I saw an old man in rags in a worn sweater, worn trousers and open shoes, entering the hall.

    Putting the meal box aside, the boy stood and helped the old to his seat. He took off his jacket and covered it on the old man's shoulders, saying, "A gentleman brought me this warm meal but I just finished eating. I hate to waste good food. Can you help me out?" He placed the still-warm meal box in the old man's hands without waiting for an answer.

    "Sure, son, but if only you share that sandwich with me. It's too much for a man at my age. "

    We were all touched. Dad went away and soon returned with cups of hot chocolate and a big pizza. Mum and dad went up to those rags, "Excuse me…"

    I rushed into a KFC and took out my pocket money. It was so cold that afternoon but I felt much warmer than I had ever thought possible.

    1. (1) Who gave the boy a meal box?
    2. (2) Why didn't the boy have the meal?
    3. (3) What did the writer most probably do at the end of the story?
    4. (4) The underlined words "in rags" means________.
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?
  • 1. (2020九上·秦皇岛期中) The shirt on sale _____ nice, but it doesn't feel so soft.
    A . sounds B . looks C . tastes D . smells
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