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  • 1. (2021八下·赵县期末) 词语运用

    It was Sunday. Kate's parents went to look after her grandmother. This was the (one) time she stayed at home alone. In the morning, she (borrow) a book from her friend and read it in her bedroom. An hour later, she felt hungry and took out an apple. Then she cut the apple with one of her (knife) she also played with her dog (happy). She stayed at home alone, but she didn't feel l.

    In the afternoon, she felt hot and act lots of ice-cream. Soon she had a stomachache. She couldn't take care herself. She came up with idea. Her neighbor. Mr. Li was free at home. she asked (he) for help. Mr. Li took her to the hospital and called up her parents quickly. When her parents reached the hospital, she felt (good) than before. They all said Mr. Li was a kind man.

  • 1. (2021八下·赵县期末) 任务型阅读

    Nowadays, a new method(方法)is used to decide who are the top students in school. The best students are those who not only get high marks, but also follow the rules and the behavior standards for middle school students. Here are some of the new rules and standards.

    Tell the truth. Don't copy someone else's work in the exams. That's not something an honest student should do. If you have played online games for two hours in your room, don't tell your parents you were doing homework.

    Learn to be loving and caring. Good students love animals and care for other people.

    Learn to work together with others. It would be more fun when more people work together. Did you quarrel with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger. You shouldn't only think of yourself. You should also think of others.

    Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Perhaps you'll discover Earth Ⅱ someday. Don't look down on new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.

    Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. Some websites(网站) on the Internet aren't for kids, so make sure to visit the ones that are good for you. You can use the Websites for fun or homework. Can't you find any good websites for you?

    1. (1) A top student shouldn't in the exams.(完成句子)
    2. (2) Why does the writer think everyone's ideas are important?(简略回答问题)
    3. (3) What can you do with the websites that are good for you?(简略回答问题)
    4. (4) 找出并写下第四段的主题句.
    5. (5) 将文中划线句子译成汉语.
  • 1. (2021八下·赵县期末) 阅读理解

    Young foreigners think High-speed trains. Alipay (支付宝), shared bikes and online payment are the new Four Great Achinvemanls of China, according to a video survey. In the video, young people from 20 countries along the Belt and Road(一带一路) told us some great inventions, they said these inventions influenced their lives in China. The following is what they said from 4 young people of them.

    Justin: I'm from Romania. China is a great country and its high-speed railways are very fast, convenient and tidy. It takes me only 6 hours from Beijing to Shanghai by train. It saves a lot of time and it's cheaper than by plane. I wish we will have high-speed railways in our country someday.

    Yala: I'm from Nepal. l always go out by bike. The bicycle-sharing system allows people to borrow a bike from point "A" and return it at point "B". It's cheap and a low carbon and healthy way of life. I like it very much.

    Archana: I'm from India. My life in Beijing is quite different from that in India. I hardly take money with me when l go out. I can pay for almost everything by Zhi Fu Bao. Oh, it's amazing. In India, if you don't take money with you you'll be awkward.

    Bond: I'm from Thailand. In China, you can find many wonderful things that we don't have. Alipay or other online payment Apps are convenient. So I can go shopping without stepping out of the doors(足不出户). lf only(要是……就好了) l could bring them back to my country.

    1. (1) Justin thinks of the high-speed railways are ________________ in China according to his words.
    2. (2) What do "A" and "B" refer to(指)in Yala's words?
    3. (3) What does the underlined phrase "be awkward" mean?
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?
  • 1. (2021八下·赵县期末) 阅读理解

    Four students are talking about the best museums they have ever been to.


    The Metropolitan Museum of A-t in New York City, which was built in 1872, is very popular in the world. It is one of the world's finest art museums. I really enjoyed my trip because I love modern arts very much. l think the Dance Class by Edgar Degas is the greatest work of art there.


    Built in 1204, the Louvre Museum in Paris is the world's largest art museum. Nearly 38, 000 objects from prehistory to the 2lst century are exhibited there. It was great to enjoy so many treasures at one time there. Among them, I think the Mona Lisa is a must-see.


    First built in 1912, the National Museum of China in Beijing shows well the cultural aspects of China. Since I'm crazy about Chinese culture and history, I really enjoyed this trip. It has a large collection of bronze vessels(青铜器).My favorite one is "Hou Mu Wu" Bronze Ding.


    Built in 1753, the British Museum in London is the greatest museum I've ever been to. l enjoyed my trip there because I'm very interested in the culture of ancient Egypt. That's why l was deeply attracted by the famous Rosetta Stone(罗塞塔石碑).

    1. (1) Where is the Metropolitan Museum of Art?
    2. (2) When was the Louvre Museum built?
    3. (3) Which collection belongs to the National Museum of China?
    4. (4) Why does Sam think the British Museum is the best one?
  • 1. (2021八下·赵县期末) 阅读理解

    Peter was the best table tennis player in his school and hardly ever lost a match. He hated losing anything. When he won, he would feel really good. If he lost, he would feel terrible. It seemed to Peter that losing was the worst thing in the world.

    A new kid, Albert, came to Peter's school. He was good at table tennis, too.

    Soon there would be a match between Peter and Albert. Peter worked hard to get ready for the match, but Albert didn't seem to think much of it. When the match began, Albert was a real player. There was always a smile on his face, while Peter looked serious all the time. Peter thought it was so important to win the match that he even wanted to cheat, but he lost in the end.

    "You played very well, Peter. I think we can play again sometime," said Albert. But Peter didn't feel happy and couldn't fall asleep that night.

    One day, Peter saw Albert playing basketball. Though he lost again and again,

    The happy smile never left his face. Peter found Albert was great at table tennis but bad at basketball. However, he enjoyed both of them.

    Peter came to realize that enjoying a game was much more important than winning or losing it. So he felt happier than before.

    1. (1) How did Peter feel when he lost a match?
    2. (2) From the passage, we can learn ________________.
    3. (3) lf Peter loses the game with Albert again, he will ________________.
  • 1. (2021八下·赵县期末) 阅读理解

    There was a fire in the factory at about 11:40 last night. Jim is a worker. He was on duty last night. When he got up, he saw smoke coming from the workshop(车间). So he called 911 and his manager at once. The firelighters drown to the factory as soon as they got the call at 11:47 p. m. They arrived at about 11:55 p.m. Tom, the manager of the factory was preparing a report when he got the phone call from lim. He also drove to the factory quickly. When he arrived there, the firefighters were putting out the fire. They put out fire soon. Luckily, no one got hurt in the fire.

    In order to keep safe, the firefighters told us it was dry these days. Everyone should be more careful.

    1. (1) What was Tom doing when he got the phone call?
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE?
    3. (3) What DON'T we know about the fire?
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