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  • 1. (2023九上·重庆市月考) He has already finished his homework.(改否定句)

    He finished his homework .

  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) There are many ________teachers in this primary school.
    A . woman B . woman's C . women D . women's
  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) China's two sessions (两会) began        March 5th last year.
    A . on B . in C . at D . from
  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) Jenny thinks that the teenagers ___ to choose their own clothes.
    A . allow B . allowed C . are allowing D . should be allowed
  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) —What's our head teacher like, do you know?

    —Oh, he is very kind           he looks very serious.

    A . because B . if C . though D . when
  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) —What do you like to do after class, singing or dancing?

             , and I also like acting. I'm in our school acting club.

    A . Both B . All C . Either D . Each
  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) 阅读理解

    Three students are talking about the last Winter Holiday.

    Li Yufang: I went to Chongqing with my cousin. We visited Chaotianmen. We ate the most famous foods there.

    Chongqing is a beautiful city with a long history. I like it very much. We stayed there for two days.

    Zhang Xin: My parents took me to Beijing by plane. We visited the Great Wall, the Bird's Nest and the Palace Museum. We had planned to visit the Beijing Expo, but the tickets were too difficult to buy. My parents said they would take me there this summer.

    Liu Liang: My uncle and aunt work in Shanghai. I took a train to visit them with my sister. They took us to Shanghai Disneyland. It opened on June 16th, 2016. It is the sixth Disney Theme (主题) park in the world. It is different from the others.

    1. (1) Li Yufang visited Chaotianmen with her     during the winter Holiday.
    2. (2) Liu Liang's uncle and aunt work in        .
    3. (3) Zhang Xin couldn't visit _________ with his parents during the holiday.
  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) 阅读下面对话,从方框内 7 个选项中选择 5 个恰当的句子完成此对话。

    A. I hope so.

    B. Are you Mary?

    C. What did the doctor say?

    D. Is that Mary?

    E. How are you feeling now?

    F. Why didn't you go to school today?

    G. Are you feeling better now?

    Mary: Hello!

    Jim: Hello!

    Mary: Yes. This is Mary speaking.

    Jim: Hi, Mary. This is Jim. Mary: I had a bad stomachache.

    Jim: That's too bad.

    Mary: Yes. But I still don't want to eat anything.


    Mary: The doctor asked me to eat light meals only and gave me some medicine. Jim: If you follow the doctor's advice, you'll soon get better.

    Mary: Thank you, Jim.

  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) 阅读下文并回答问题。

    It's very important for everyone to sleep. We spend about one— third of our lives sleeping. So we should pay more attention to the quality of sleeping. However, a lot of people have trouble in sleeping. Some people even take sleeping pills to help them sleep better. In fact, taking sleeping pills is very dangerous. That' s because sleeping pills are habit-forming (上瘾 的). If you take them for several weeks, you will find it hard for you to stop taking them. Then, what should you do if you have trouble getting a good night's sleep?

    Doctors say that the best thing to do is to get out of bad habits. In other words, you can't stay up too late at night and you should get up earlier in the morning. However, you may still have trouble sleeping if you have problems or something else on your mind. Then it's time for you to do some exercise to relax your tense muscles (紧绷的肌肉). If relaxing your body can't help you, try to write down your worries on your mind. If you like listening to music, you can choose some music that is quiet and gentle. Be sure not to choose some music which is too loud, or you may get so excited that you can't fall asleep.

    Remember, choosing proper ways can help you sleep better.

    1. (1) Is it safe to take sleeping pills?
    2. (2) How long do people sleep in their lives?
    3. (3) What can you do if relaxing your body can't help you sleep better?
    4. (4) Do you think that getting up early is good for your sleep? Why or why not?
  • 1. (2022九下·开州月考) 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。

    Author Elizabeth Becker says we have a responsibility(任)to respect the places we visit. Some basic rules still hold, such as not traveling at busy times and taking fewer trips but making them longer. The best and easiest to be a responsible traveler is to use common sense and go local.

    Respect traditions. Read about the culture and traditions of the places you visit. Understand the local culture and customs to avoidany mistakes. For example, dress properly when you visit temples (寺庙) and

    don't eat or talkin religious(宗教的) sites. If you visit a beach, leave seashells where you find them and try not to catch fish while swimming.

    Learn the Language. expects you to become fluent (流利), but try to learn some basic phrases such as "please" and "thank you". You'll be amazed at how much nicer and more helpful people will be if they know you're making an effort to get used to their culture.

    Spend local. Stay away from international hotels and restaurants run by foreigners. using local guides, buying local products and staying in family run hotels, you're not only giving back to the community, but you also get a better understanding of the country you stay in and the people who there.

    Bargain( ) fairly. Always be when you try to get a lower price. Sometimes goods at local market can seem expensive. Nobody likes to be cheated and it may be fun to bargain, but remember that for the local people bargaining may not be a game. So try not be too rude (粗鲁的 ) when bargaining.

    Don't litter. In some countries, getting rid of waste is a big problem, so don't throw rubbish on the ground. Doing so is harmful to the environment and unpleasant for others. Hold on to your rubbish you find a bin(垃圾箱)

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