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  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) My sister is a very nice girl, and she often _________her books with others.
    A . calls B . shares C . buys
  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) 一Can you sing this song in English _______in Chinese?

    一I can sing it in Chinese.

    A . but B . and C . or
  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    The Millers have got a new computer. Every time Tony comes home1school, he goes to his room to do homework. When he finishes (完成) it, he2the computer and plays games.

    It's Tony's birthday this Saturday. Mrs. Miller doesn't know3to buy for him. Mr. Miller says, "What about buying a new4for him? He's good at it."

    "Dear, it's good for him to play basketball,5he has no interest (兴趣) in it now. He loves playing computer games so much. It's not good for6eyes," says Mrs Miller. She doesn't want Tony to7too much time on computer games.

    "Ah! I've gota(n)8! Let's buy a dog," Mr Miller says. "It can help our son get much exercise. And our son can9to love others.'

    "What a10idea!" says Mrs Miller. She's sure that Tony will love the present.

    A . for B . to C . from D . with
    A . turns on B . looks at C . listens to D . talks with
    A . how B . which C . where D . what
    A . football B . basketball C . tennies D . table tennis
    A . so B . and C . but D . because
    A . my B . your C . his D . her
    A . start B . spend C . give D . save
    A . idea B . story C . plan D . secret
    A . like B . want C . choose D . learn
    A . bad B . small C . great D . happy
  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案

    Hello! I'm Jackie Brown. There is a computer in my home. Read the questionnaire (问卷) and find out what my family often do on it.

    Family Questionnaire

    1. What do you do?

    Dad: a theatre manager

    Mum: a nurse

    Jackie: a student

    Nina: a student

    2. How long do you use the computer every day?

    Dad: about eight hours

    Mum: about two hours

    Jackie: about an hour

    Nina: about half an hour

    3. How often do you shop on the computer?

    Dad: sometimes

    Mum: often

    Jackie: never

    Nina: never

    4. What do you usually use the computer to do?

    Dad: buy train tickets. check emails & talk to customers

    Mum: do some shopping & listen to music

    Jackie: do homework & play games

    Nina: listen to music

    5. What do you think of the computer?

    Dad: It's really useful (有用的). I do most of my work on it.

    Mum: I's good. With it, I don't need to go to shops to buy things.

    Jackie: It's great because I can play games on it.

    Nina: I don't like it Because of it, no one plays with me.

    1. (1) Where does Jackie's mum work?
    2. (2) Who uses the computer for about eight hours every day?
    3. (3) How often does Nina buy things on the computer?
    4. (4) Nina's dad does NOT use the computer to
    5. (5) What can we know from the questionnaire?
  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。

    A. How about you?

    B. We can check it on the Internet.

    C. Would you like to come with me?

    D. Use the mouse to click the seats and then we can choose.

    E. Let's get a computer first.

    A: Good morning, Sarah.

    B: Morning, Tony. What are your plans for Sunday?

    A: I don't have any.

    B: I want to go to the cinema.

    A: Yes, I'd love to. How much is the ticket?

    B: And you?

    B: I don't know.

    A: Can we choose seats (座位) on the Internet too?

    B: Yes, of course.

    A: Can you show me how to do it? I want to learn.

    B: OK.

    A: My home is near here. Let's go to my home now.

  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) My (鼠标) doesn't work. Can you help me, Henry?
  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) Thank you for all your (present). I like them very much.
  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) 格林夫妇为了让儿子Bob合理使用电脑,制定了一些规则。假如你是Bob,请根据下列提示内容写一篇英语短文,介绍这些规则。









    make rules制定规则; lastly 最后;be careful with小心对待

  • 1. (2022七上·青秀月考) 听录音,选答语(   )
    A . Me too. B . You're welcome. C . Good idea.
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