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当前位置:手动组卷 /初中英语 /按章节
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  • 1. In your life there will be times when you have to decide what to do. ____ is the road sign for that. Right or left? Maybe it's just a question of how to manage your time—you should think how to divide your time between studying and hobbies.
    A . B . C . D .
  • 1. Jane's grandma is more than 80 this year, but she looks ____.
    A . well B . good C . ill D . old
  • 1. There is ____ to eat at home. Let's go to the McDonald's.
    A . nothing B . something C . anything D . everything
  • 1. The ____ month of the year is February.
    A . one B . first C . two D . second
  • 1. —Jack, will your family move to Shanghai?

    —Yes. That's a very big ____ my parents made.

    A . interview B . decision C . education
  • 1. No mountain in the world is as ____ as Qomolangma.
    A . highest B . higher C . high D . highly
  • 1. —Kate won the first Prize in the singing competition.

    —____ pleasant surprise this gave her classmates!

    A . What a B . How C . What D . How a
  • 1. —Who is ____ boy over there?

    —He is my cousin.

    A . that B . this C . these D . those
  • 1. 假如你是李琦,在英国伦敦某学校做交换生学习,住在史密斯夫妇家。今天史密斯夫妇不在家,而你准备外出,请你给 Mrs. Smith 写一张留言条,内容包括:
    1. 外出参加同学 Jane 的生日派对;
    2. 帮助 Mrs. Smith 去市图书馆还书;
    3. Mrs. Brown 来电留言:

    ① 取消下周三在 Blue Coffee 的会面;

    ② 邀请史密斯夫妇参加下周六晚的慈善晚宴;

    ③ ……(自由发挥)。

    要求:1. 语句通顺、语法正确,可适当发挥;
    2. 80 词左右;
    3. 条理清楚、行文连贯、标点清楚、书写工整。

  • 1. —Can I help you?


    A . Here you are B . No, I don't C . Thank you D . Yes, please
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