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  • 1. —Do you know the Hong Kong Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (港珠澳大桥)?

    —Yes, it is ____ cross-sea bridge in the world.

    A . the longer B . longest C . the longest D . longer
  • 1. —Helen, your English is so good.


    A . No, I'm not good at it. B . Yes, you're right. C . Really? D . Thank you
  • 1. 假设你是李华,你的外国朋友 Peter 想了解你和你的家人在 2020 年这个长寒假的学习和生活情况及你的感想。请根据以下要点或做适当发挥,给他回一封 e-mail。





    参考词汇:上网课 have online lessons;健康生活 live a healthy life;独立学习 study by oneself;相互理解 understand each other

    注意:1. 词数在 80 词左右,邮件的开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。

    Dear Peter,

    Thank you for your greeting.

    Now I'd like to share what my family and I did during the long winter vacation in 2020.




  • 1. 我记得告诉过他这件事情了。

    I this matter to him.

  • 1. 港珠澳大桥是 2018 年中国人的骄傲。

    The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge was Chinese people in 2018.

  • 1. 你认为愚公的故事怎么样?

    What do you think about Yu Gong?

  • 1. 如果我们没有知识我们就不能成功地做任何工作。

    If we have no knowledge, we cannot.

  • 1. 我们必须为会议做好准备,否则会议就不能准时开始了。

    We must the meeting, or it won't start on time.

  • 1. 语法填空

    Greetings from Madrid,

    I can't believe I'm finally here! The trip from Hong Kong (be) long and tiring, but I made it. My hotel is nice and I am staying in a guesthouse in the central area of Madrid. I got a cheap and simple room, much (small) than my own room back home. It only has a small bed and a shower,it is quite comfortable to stay in. The weather here is wonderful. It's warm and sunnyclear blue skies every day. It's great for sightseeing, because there are a lot of things to see and do. I've found a friendly guide here and yesterday I (show) around the city. Tomorrow he will take (I) to Andalusia to visit the city of Granada. I can't wait (see) the Alhambra Palace and other places of interest. Also, I (real) want to try the food there—especially gazpacho,kind of cold soup which I hear is special and very different from anything else in Spain.

    I'll bring you back some (present). See you next month!



  • 1. You can ask for help (when) you need it.
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