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  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) It is necessary for everyone to develop a good (习惯) of reading.
  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) The Dragon Boat Festival is on the f day of May on the lunar calendar.
  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) It's just a short distance from here to the (餐馆).
  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) 任务型阅读

    According to the Chinese lunar calendar, the year staring on Feb 12 will be the Year of the Ox. Many Chinese people believe it will be a good year, partly because they have a strong liking for the animal itself. So, let's learn something about the ox in the Year of the Ox.

    In Chinese culture the ox stands for the spirit of hard work and unselfishness. We often say that the ox is enduring(忍耐的) and generous(慷慨的). The term "Iaohuangniu" describes those who help others and ask nothing for themselves. Just as Chinese writer Lu Xun once wrote," Cows eat grass, but give milk".

    But in the West, people have a different opinion about the animal," Bull-headed" people are very stubborn (固执的) and will not listen to advice.

    If you scorch on the internet for the word" bull", you'll also find other interesting English expressions.

    For example. if someone behaves" like a bull in a china shop", he or she behaves in a clumsy(笨的) manner when they should be more careful.

    With the new year coming, we hope that all of us will work just as hard as the ox does. Avoid anything that might make you as angry as" a red flag to a bull". We hope you can always" take the bull by the horns (不畏艰险) when you have to deal with a difficult situation.

    1. (1) What kind of people are considered to be "laohuangniu"?(no more than 9 words )
    2. (2) Which English words in the passage have the same meaning with“牛”?(no more than 4 words )
    3. (3) If a person acts carelessly, which phrase in the passage might be used to describe them? (no more than 7 words)
    4. (4) 请把文中划线的句子译成汉语。
    5. (5) 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。
  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) 阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词填空,每空一词,方框中有两个词是多余的。

    kindness  country  None  All  part  While  that  soldiers  if

    I sat down in my scat waiting for the plane to take off. A line of came over and filled all the empty scats.

    After a while, we were told that sack lunches(袋装午 餐) were available for S5. As I reached for my wallet to buy one, I overheard a soldier ask another he planned to buy lunch. "No, that seems like a lot of money for just a sack lunch."

    I looked around. of the soldiers were buying lunch. I walked to the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant(服务人员)a S50 bill. "Take a lunch to all those soldiers."

    After I finished eating, I went to the restroom. A man stopped me. "I saw what you did. I want to be of it. Here, take this. "He handed me S25.

    Soon after I returned to my seat, the Flight Captain came to me and said: "I want to shake your hand. I was a military pilot(军队飞行员). Once someone bought me a lunch. It was an act of I never forgot:" I was embarrassed when applause (掌声) was heard from all of the passengers.

    Later I walked to the front of the plane so I could stretch (伸展) my legs. A man who was seated about six rows in front of me reached out his hand wanting to shake mine. He left another S25 in my hand.

    When we landed in Chicago, I picked up my belongings waiting to get of a man passed by and put something in my pocket. Another S25.

    I walked over to the soldiers and handed them S75. These soldiers were giving their all for our . I could only give them a couple of meals. It seemed so little.

  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) What is Andrew going to do this evening?
    A . Attend a concert. B . See a film. C . Play tennis.
  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) 阅读理解

    You have been told to wash your hands many times a day to help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus. But what about the mobile phone that you're always using? Scientific studies have shown that the virus can live for two to three days on smooth materials like plastic and stainless (不锈钢的)steel. Experts suggest cleaning all" high touch" surfaces every day, including phones, keyboards and computers. However, few people know how to do the cleaning. Here are some things not to do when cleaning the phone.

    ◆Do not spray(喷) cleaners directly on the phone.

    ◆Do not put the phone into any cleaning liquids.(液体)

    ◆Do not use tools that use forced air, which are often used to clean computer keyboards.

    ◆Do not clean the phone with hard materials. They could make small cuts on it.

    So, what is the right way!? Below are some suggested ways to clean the phone. With any of these suggestions, be sure not to get the phone wet.

    ◆Start turning off the phone. Make sure the phone is not connected to the electricity.

    ◆Use cleaning cloths with70 percent alcohol(酒精)instead of the common ones.

    ◆Use paper cloths, or other soft like those you use to clean the eyeglasses. It's OK to cover the cloths lightly in cleaners. But do remember to clean the phone" "gently".

    Cleaning the phone is one of the measures that are helpful in keeping away from the novel corona vine

    You should clean your own phone often and tell others the correct ways to do it.

    1. (1) We can learn from Paragraph I that ________.
    2. (2) Which of the suggested ways has a direct relation with virus killing?
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "measures" mean?
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the article?
  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) — Do you know the price of the ticket?

    — Yes. Each (花费)¥180.

  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。

    Online eating shows are from South Korea and have become popular quickly. Many hosts of such shows become popular for their ability to eat a lot of food. But these shows have also received criticism(批评) for their waste of food. While some hosts actually eat the food, (other) do not.

    CCTV exposed(曝光) several Chinese hosts who were pretending(假装) to eat large amounts of food while on cameras, but actually later threw it away,

    To stop this, many video and live streaming platforms(直播平台), including Douyin, Kuaishou and Bilibili, (remove) videos that show food waste and have promoted (宣传) messages to "stop food waste and eat reasonably".

    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about a (three) of the world's food— 1.3 billion tons (waste) every year. In China alone, 50 million tons of food ends in landfills (垃圾堆) every year, according to Beijing News.

  • 1. (2021九下·嘉祥月考) In order to p for the exam, you need to work much harder now.
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