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  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) I ran out of my money. Can you (借给) some money to me?
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) Although his grandpa lives (单独), he doesn't feel lonely.
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) There were few (乘客) on the subway because of the influence of COVID-19.
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) We all know the i (重要)of learning English.
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) She s the floor last night. Now the floor is clean.
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) I think it is an u result. I tried my best but I didn't get the prize.
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) I always help the b people, because they can't see anything.
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) Li Lanjuan is a great doctor. She doesn't think about h and only thinks about saving others.
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) 阅读理解

    Feb 12th. 2020. a boy named Dalian became a volunteer in Wuhan No.1 Hospital. Because of COVID-19, Wuhan had been locked down(被封锁). He wanted to save more people. In the hospital, he was responsible for(对……负责) taking out rubbish, sweeping the floor disinfecting (消毒) the hospital, dealing with used protective suits防护服) and bringing meals to patients(病人).

    The young man Dalian, had to work 12 hours every day, changing his protective suit three times day.

    While working, he couldn't drink anything or go to the bathroom. He also can't touch the patients. It is a risk.

    Dalian was afraid of getting sick at first," When I entered the hospital, I was kind of nervous and felt like I couldn't move." he said. But after he saw more patients get better with the help of the doctors and nurses, he become happier and braver. He told all the patients not to give up. He tried his best to help them.

    He sang the songs 10 cheer sick people up and he also communicate with them heart to heart.

    Dalian's story has gone viral (走红的) online. People were surprised by his experience, and described him as having" a heart of gold".

    1. (1) Why did Dalian become a volunteer?
    2. (2) What did Dalian do as a volunteer in Wuhan No. 1 Hospital?

      ①bring meals to doctors

      ②deal with used protective suits

      ③disinfect the hospital

      ④take out rubbish and sweep the floor

    3. (3) What did Dalian tell all the patients?
    4. (4) What do people think of Dalian?
  • 1. (2021八下·嘉祥月考) 阅读理解

    Life is always full of stress these days. How do you usually solve your stress? Do you know doing housework is helpful in solving strees? In fact, doing something like washing dirty clothes may rally make people relaxed. "Doing some housework such as folding clothes or cleaning the room is a good way to face our stress without taking am medicine," says Carol Clark, a successful psychologist (心理学家) in New York. She often advises people who are under lot of stress to try doing housework every day. "While washing something," she says, "you can imagine you're washing away some trouble in your life."

    Do people all agree with her idea? Here are some ideas about it.

    "Housework is the main reason for the stems in my life," says Linda in France(法国) " Get me out of doing the housework and then I'll really be relaxed."

    Gary is a single (单身的) father. "So, a man pays a psychologist 5200 an hour for his problem about stress.

    However he is just told to go back home and do some housework. I really don't know who is crazier, the psychologist or the man!

    1. (1) What does Carol Clark advise people under stress to do?
    2. (2) Linda thinks that doing housework will make her _______.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "it" refer to?
    4. (4) Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?
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