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  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 根据短文内容,从方框中A~E中选择相应的句子填入空格内。

    Nowadays, there are lots of unmanned convenience stores(无人便利店) such as Bingo Box, Amazon Go, convenience store chain Lawson, and Alibaba unmanned convenience stores.

    There's no shop assistant in the unmanned convenience stores and shoppers must scan a QR code(扫描二维码) on the door to get in. Then . It means the next shopper has to scan the code to get in too.

    After choosing the things, shoppers can scan the price of each thing at the electronic cheek-out area. Once the shopper has paid, .

    You can also walk around the store without buying anything. Scanning the QR code on the wall beside the door will make the locked door open. But , an alarm is triggered (触发)at the door.

    Although not large, . Also, the things are cheaper than those in other convenience stores. However, , because they are not used to making mobile payments.

    The unmanned convenience store costs less to build and run. For now, such stores are mainly in rich neighborhoods that are closed or semi-closed.

    A. if someone tries to leave without paying

    B. it may not win the hearts of some people

    C. the door locks once the shopper enters

    D. he or she can leave the store

    E. the store has many kinds of things to choose

  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给的单词的正确形式。

    Bruce lived in a small town in England. He lived (quiet) with his family. And he always spent his holidays in England, but last year he wanted to do something (difference)," I've never been outside this country. Many people say Spain has beautiful sunshine and fantastic (beach). Also, I can go to visit my cousin in Barcelona, I (not see) her since many years ago. So this year, I'm going there. "

    He went to Madrid, and stayed in a small hotel for some days. One day, he went out a walk. In England people drive on the left, in Spain they drive on the right. Bruce forgot about this. While he (cross) a busy street, a bike hit him down. The bike hit Bruce heavily that he lay on the ground for a few seconds. Then he sat up and said to (him)," Where am I?"

    Just then old man came, he was selling maps next to him. As soon as he heard what Bruce said, he asked him at once, "Map of the city, sir?"

  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空限填一次。

    There was an English speaking (比赛) in our province last year. I (参加) it because the top five students could visit Beijing for free. Visiting Beijing was one of my (梦想). I told myself I must take the chance. I began to (准备) for it from the day when my English teacher told me the news. First, I (写) about what kind of person I wanted to be. My English teacher helped me correct it. Second, I remembered it and practised speaking it every day. Third, I (邀请) my friends and teachers to listen to my speech. They gave me some good (建议).

    After two months' hard work, I won the third (奖项). I was so proud of myself. Then the next month, two teachers and a guide took us to Beijing by train. We saw many (古老的) buildings. We had fun at Happy Valley and ate many kinds of Beijing snacks. I really had a good time in Beijing.

    The (经历) is unforgettable. It proves that you can get what you want if you work hard.

  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。

    taste  ever  communicate  hobby  late

    1. (1) We hope we can  with them some day.
    2. (2) The apple pie  sweet. I'd like some more.
    3. (3) Different people have different .
    4. (4) Have you heard the  news. Scientists have sent spaceships to Mars.
    5. (5) Have you  been to Shanghai?
  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 阅读理解

    Children laugh often and easily. But as we grow up, we laugh less and maybe feel unhappier. Try laughing for no reason at all. That's how thousands of people start their day at Laughter Clubs around the world, and many doctors now think that having a good laugh may be one of the best ways to stay healthy. The first Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in June, 1995 by Dr Madam Kataria. "Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults laugh between 7 and 15 times a day," says Dr Kataria, "Everyone's naturally good at laughing. We want people to feel happy with their lives." There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1,300 all over the world.

    Place: 264 North Main Street, East Longmeadow. We're in an office building near the entrance. Walk down the hall and we're on the right.

    When: Every Sunday afternoon from 3:45 p. m. to 4:45 p. m.

    Cost: Free. Donation (捐赠) will be welcomed.

    Ages: Adults from 18 to 75.

    Parking: If you're facing the building, the car park is on the right of the building.

    Teacher: Robert Rivest.

    More information: go to // www. Robertrivest. com.

    If you want to feel like a kid again, try our Laughter Club. You will be fine in five minutes and begin to laugh for real in ten minutes and sometimes you just can't stop! You'll experience deeper happiness in half an hour. You'll meet other people who want more fun and laughter. And you will feel so relaxed in about one hour!

    Come and join us for laughter and a fun experience!

    1. (1) The passage is a ______.
    2. (2) How soon will you start laughing in the Laughter Club?
    3. (3) The main purpose (目的) of Paragraph 1 is to ________.
    4. (4) Which of the following is true?
  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 阅读理解

    Have you ever heard robot fish? Scientists will put some robot fish into the sea near Spain. These robot fish will help people to detect (探测) the pollution in the water. If the robot fish are able to finish their work successfully, the scientists hope to put them into rivers, lakes and seas around the world.

    The fish are about 1. 5 meters long. There will be a detector in their bodies. They can find the sources (来源) of pollution in the water, and then the robot fish will eat part of it. Unlike other robots, they don't need to be controlled by people far away. The robot fish all have an eight-hour battery (电池). They can "swim" in the sea freely and send back information to people on the beach. After their batteries die, they will return by themselves.

    There are five robot fish altogether now. Each costs about 29,000 dollars. They are part of a three-year project between engineering company BMT Group and Essex University in southeastern England.

    "We invented the robot fish creatively. We hope they can find the changes in the sea water and report back the information," said Professor Hu of Essex University. His team is developing the fish.

    1. (1) What will the robots do if they find the pollution in the water?
    2. (2) How much do the five robot fish cost altogether?
    3. (3) What can we learn from the passage?
  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 阅读理解

    Ben, a 14-year-old boy, used to be a lazy boy. In his own words, he hardly did any housework. But now, things have changed. Washing dishes, cooking and making his bed… all of these chores have become a part of his daily life.

    This big change is the result of a new program at his school. Starting from last term, Da Zhou No. 1 Middle School has made housework part of its students' homework, in order to improve their life skills.

    At the beginning of each month, every student gets a list of housework to do every weekend. Their parents help them keep track(轨迹) of their performance. Some of the tasks are quite specific(具体的), such as cleaning out bookcases, washing cups and cooking food. On holidays like Mother's Day, students are asked to prepare gifts for their mothers.

    Wang Yixi, 13, has learned several life skills through the program, including cooking. "I used to be afraid of fire," she said. But she tried her best to surmount her fear and complete cooking tasks.

    At the same time, she also learned how tired her mother gets after doing housework every day. On Mother's Day, she made a cake for her mother to show her thanks. "I've begun to better understand my parents and want to help them more," she said.

    1. (1) What do parents usually do at this program?
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "surmount" mean according to the context?
    3. (3) What has Wang Yixi learned from this program?
  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    A wise man was walking from one town to another with a few of his followers, and they happened to pass a lake. So they stopped there to 1 for a while, and the wise man said to one of his followers, "I am very 2. Could you please 3 me some water from the lake?"

    One follower walked to the lake 4 the wise man requested(要求). Some people were washing clothes in the water, and right at that moment, several carts(手推车) started crossing the lake. 5, the water become very muddy(泥泞的).

    Then he went back and told the wise man that the water was very muddy and not 6 to drink. After they had rested for about half an hour, the wise man again asked the 7 follower to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. As requested, the follower went to the lake again. This time he found that all the mud had settled(沉淀) to the 8. The water was very 9 and looked fit to drink. So he 10 his water bottle and took it to the wise man.

    The wise man took the water bottle and drank, then looked up at the follower. "See what you did to make the 11 clean?" he said. "You let it be for a while and the mud settled down on its own, 12 you could get some clear drinking water. Your mind can also be like that lake when it is disturbed (被搅乱) by something. If you just let it be and give it a little 13, it will most likely settle down on its own 14 being put in any effort at all to 15 it."

    A . rest B . look C . watch D . see
    A . hungry B . thirsty C . happy D . sad
    A . get B . give C . take D . carry
    A . while B . before C . as D . until
    A . However B . Instead C . In fact D . As a result
    A . fit B . able C . important D . interesting
    A . different B . same C . other D . left
    A . top B . side C . bottom D . lake
    A . dirty B . clear C . fresh D . sweet
    A . got B . finished C . reached D . filled
    A . juice B . water C . food D . drink
    A . so that B . in order to C . because D . when
    A . water B . money C . time D . air
    A . without B . with C . after D . like
    A . prevent B . calm C . protect D . fix
  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 听短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项。

    Something Important about the Journey

    The name of the city: 1

    How long to stay:2

    Why to wear a red shirt:3

    The phone number:4

    The job of Mrs Smith:5

    A . London B . New York C . Toronto
    A . For three weeks B . For two weeks C . For one week
    A . Because it's beautiful B . Because it's cool C . Because it's easy to be seen
    A . 850 4436 B . 580 4463 C . 580 4436
    A . An English teacher B . A cleaner C . An officer
  • 1. (2021八下·秀洲月考) 听下面一段较长的对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What happened to Amy's aunt last night?
    2. (2) How long does Amy's aunt have to stay in hospital?
    3. (3) Where are the two speakers probably talking?
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