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  • 1. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。

    A. What's up?

    B. What time is it now?

    C. It's time to go to the zoo.      

    D. Would you like to go/see with me?

    E. But I have to go shopping with Jack.

    Jim: Hi Andy! Where are you going?

    Andy: I am going to the zoo. I can see a dolphin(海豚)show there. .

    Jim: Yes, I'd love to. Dolphin is my favorite animal. .

    Andy: Do you have any time tomorrow?

    Jim: Yes. .

    Andy: There is another(另一个) show at 10 a. m. tomorrow. We can see together.

    Jim: Good idea.

    Andy: .

    Jim: It's a quarter to three.

    Andy: . I have to go now. See you.

    Jim: See you then.

  • 1. 以My Mother's Day为题写一篇短文,不得少于50个词。
  • 1. Look at the e. It has a long nose and big ears.
  • 1. —It's a big animal and it looks like a black and yellow cat.

    —I see. It's a t

  • 1. 阅读理解。

    Welcome to the zoo!

    Do you like clever monkeys? Do you like cute pandas from Sichuan? Do you want to see strong tigers? Do you want to see big elephants? Then you can have a good time here!


    Saturday (星期六):10: 00 a. m.一4: 00 p. m.

    Sunday: 9: 00 a. m~ 5: 00 p- m


    Adults: 50 yuan

    Students(12~18): 30 yuan

    Kids (9~11):20 yuan

    Kids(O~8): free

    Please call 031244S8 for tickets.

    1. (1) How long does the zoo open on Saturday?
    2. (2) Tom is five years old. He and his father go to the zoo. How much do they have to pay?
    3. (3) You can see the following animals in the zoo except (除了)           .
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
    5. (5) You may find the text        .
  • 1. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。

    A. Would you like to go with me?

    B. When and where will we meet?

    C. Yes, I am free that day.

    D. See you then.

    E. I like oranges very much.

    A: Danny, do you have any time next Sunday?

    B:  What's up?

    A: I want to visit my grandparents and they have a big farm.

    B: Yes, I'd love to. Can we eat oranges there?

    A: Sure. You can eat apples and bananas, too.

    B: That's very nice.

    A: Let's meet at eight o'clock at my home.

    B: OK.


    B: See you.

  • 1. H of the students in my class are boys.
  • 1. —What time is it, Mike?

    —Oh, it's a q to eight. We have to go to school now.

  • 1. —Bob, do you like p?

    —Yes, I like them very much. They're from Sichuan. Look! They look very cute.

  • 1. ——去放风筝怎么样?


    flying a kite with me?

    —I'd like to, but I'm sorry I have no time.

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