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  • 1. 当危险发生时,我们最好不要四处乱跑。
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

    By Robert Frost

    Whose woods these are I think I know.                      His house is in the village though

    He will not see me stopping here.                          To watch his woods fill up with snov

    My little horse must think it queer.                         To stop without a farmhouse near

    Between the woods and frozen lake.                        The darkest evening of the year.

    He gives his harness bells a shake.                         To ask if there is some mistake

    The only other sound's the sweep.                          Of easy wind and downy flake.

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep.                        But I have promises to keep

    And miles to go before I sleep.                             And miles to go before I sleep

    1. (1) This is most probably__________.
    2. (2) What season does it describe?
    3. (3) Which of the following words rhymes with "though"?
  • 1. 阅读理解

    The airport seemed like a huge maze (迷宫)when was younger But gradually I've learned to check my luggage andfill out a card with my personal information. I thought boarding internationalflight by myself was out of the question. However, had an unexpected experience(经历)this summer.

    My first time flying alone would take mefrom Chicago to Montreal. I can still remember feeling worried after I walkedto the wrong security gate. But I told myself to calm down and follow someothers to the international flight departure lounge (候机室). But there,the security staff (保安人员) made me do an open-bag- check (检查). Theyasked me to take off my shoes. Standing in my sock, I worried about having towait for someone to look through my bags. Luckily there were no banned (禁止的)objects in my bags and started to repack (重新打包) in few minutes. I'd made simple list of everything I needed forthe trip. Also because I was under 16. I asked for help from staff members.

    The most memorable part of my experiencewas talking with those around me on the plane, nearly every flight, met politeneighbors. once, came across cybersecurity professional (网络专家). As computer science fan myself, it was exciting to speak withhim. Planes are a wonderful place to meet new people and learn new things.

    The whole trip by myself helped me todevelop more life skills.

    1. (1) The writer tells us about__________________.
    2. (2) The writer felt worried during the trip because________________.
    3. (3) What do we know about the writer from Paragraph 3?
    4. (4) What word would best describe the writer's experience?
  • 1. — I am very ______ to hear the ______ news. What about you?

    — Me, too.

    A . excited; exciting B . exciting; excited C . exciting; exciting D . excited; excited
  • 1. Sally, I can't go to the cinema with you today, because I have ______ to do.
    A . important something B . something important C . important nothing D . nothing important
  • 1. —It was kind of you to ________ food with me, Eric.

    —Forget it. We're friends.

    A . grow B . share C . feed D . order  
  • 1. Lisa doesn't like to clean her room, but her mother makes her ______ it twice a day.
    A . do B . to do C . not do D . not to do
  • 1. —Next week, I will ______ a basketball match.

    —Oh, really? Can I ______ you?

    A . join in; join in B . join; join C . join in; join D . join; join in
  • 1. I haven't heard from my aunt and uncle ______ months. I really miss them.
    A . in B . for C . since D . with
  • 1. It's so cold here that I ______ I stay in an ice room.
    A . smell like B . sound like C . look like D . feel like
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