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  • 1. Daming can't find his  (蜡笔). They were on the desk just now.
  • 1.  Lucy has brown hair, but Lily doesn't.  (她的) is black.
  • 1. Jenny has a pair of nice  (手套).
  • 1. Don't (失去) your personal things,please.
  • 1. I have two (钱包) and they are very nice.
  • 1.  阅读下面的表格,完成句子。每空不超过2词。


    A set of keys. There are four keys on it. If you lose it, call me at 8803****. I'm from No.2 Middle School.



    An old bike. It's black. Its seat is yellow.If you find it, please return it to me. I live on the fifth floor in Building 2.



    Yesterday I lost a novel written by Charlotte Brontë. Its name is Jane Eyre. I'm eager(渴望的) to find it. If you find it somewhere, can you return it to me? I'm from Class 6 Grade 7.


    1. (1) Jack found a set of keys with  on it.
    2. (2) Tom lost a(n) old bike.
    3. (3)  Jane Eyre is a(n) written by Charlotte Brontë.
    4. (4)  Jim is from  Grade 7.
    5. (5) If you lose a set of keys, you can call at 8803****.
  • 1. 阅读理解                       

    "Mum, I can't find my jacket."

    "Dad, I can't find my schoolbag."

    "Linda, do you see my keys?"

    Sam's things are everywhere. He often asks his family for help.

    Now it is 11:30 am. Sam can't find his English book. He must find it for the English class in the afternoon. It is not in his schoolbag.

    "Do you see my English book?" Sam asks his sister Linda.

    "No, but I found a white ruler," she says.A 2 "What about you, Dad?" Sam asks his father.

    "No, but I found a black pen. Is it yours?"

    "Yes, it is,"Sam says. "Thank you."

    The English book is lost. Sam is sad.

    "Sam, here is your English book,"Mum says. "You must be careful next time."

    "I see, Mum. I will take good care of my things,"says Sam.

    1. (1) How many people are there in Sam's family?
    2. (2) When is it now?
    3. (3) What does the underlined word"it"refer to(指的是)?
    4. (4) What can we know from the passage?
  • 1.  用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。

    glove, are, colour, with, it

    1. (1) —What  is your pen?

      —It's white and black.

    2. (2) I like my cat.  name is Dongdong.
    3. (3) This pair of is Lucy's.
    4. (4) There  many different kinds of pens on the teacher's desk.
    5. (5) Please be careful  the knives,boys!
  • 1. There are two blue (bag) on the floor.
  • 1. Let's (go) swimming!

    —Good idea!

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