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  • 1. L , the police found the lost boy in the town.
  • 1. My friends and I w  it will rain in the afternoon. We are not sure if we can go out.
  • 1. The little girl fchickens with her grandpa. How happy they were! 
  • 1. The small village is q small but it's really relaxing to live there.
  • 1. 阅读理解

    13-year-old Anna always wanted to keep a pet at home, but her parents didn't let her do so because they thought animals were dirty.

    Anna didn't give up. She read lots of books about animals, and then checked a lot of information on the Internet. A few days later, Anna told her parents that she had found a great website and she wanted to share it with them.

    When her parents got online, they found it was all about animals. On the website, there were many pictures and videos of animals, like cats, dogs and rabbits. After browsing(浏览) carefully, the parents became interested. The more they read, the more they knew about animals. They began to realize that animals were just like people. The dogs and cats in the street were dirty because their masters abandoned them and no one took care of them any more. It's man's problem, not animals'.

    Before her parents said how good the website was, Anna told them she built the website by herself. She collected information about animals and put them on her website.

    Now Anna's family are thinking about what kind of pet to keep at home.

    1. (1) Why didn't Anna's parents let her keep a pet?
    2. (2) What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 2 refer to(所指)?
    3. (3) Who set up the website about animals?
    4. (4) Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
    5. (5) What does the underlined word "realize" probably mean in Chinese?
  • 1. 假设五一期间,你和父母坐火车去了上海旅游。第一天,你们去拜访 了爸爸的一些朋友;第二天,你们去了上海迪斯尼乐园(Shanghai Disneyland Park), 晚上住在锦江酒店(Jinjiang Hotel);第三天,你们去南 京路购物,下午乘火车返回自己的家乡。请根据所给内容提示,以"The trip to Shanghai"为题写一篇短文,简单介绍一下你们的行程,并写写你的内心感受。


    The trip to Shanghai

    During May Day holiday, my parents and I

  • 1. The movie is funny and e, so we all like it very much. 
  • 1. My father bought some pfrom a gallery(画廊).
  • 1.  上周末,我喂了鸡,并在河里游泳了。

     the  and  in a river last weekend. 

  • 1.  你觉得你的学校旅行怎么样?

      you  about your school trip?

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