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  • 1. 用方框中所给的选项补全对话

    A. What happened to him?

    B. Is there a Chinese festival in June too?

    C. Thank you for telling me.

    D. Yes, you are very smart.

    E. It sounds very interesting.

    F. What do you usually do on that day in China?

    G. What a pity!

    Nathan: There is a festival in June in our country- it's Father's Day.

    Li Fei: Yes. It's on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(阴历的) month. We call it Dragon Boat Festival.


    Li Fei: We make and eat zongzi and hold dragon boat races.

    Nathan: Why do you celebrate Dragon Boat Festival?

    Li Fei: Oh, it is a story about Qu Yuan. He lived about two thousand years ago. His job was to give advice to the emperor. But he wasn't trusted and often got punishment. So he jumped into the Miluo River and died.

    Nathan: Did Qu Yuan die on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in that year?

    Li Fei: From then on, Chinese people began to eat zongzi and have dragon boat races on that day to memorize him.

  • 1. 晚饭后,我们通常会在电视上看一个特殊的节目。

    After dinner, we usually on TV.

  • 1. 英汉互译。
    1. (1) 打扫房子
    2. (2) get ready for ...
    3. (3) 赶快
    4. (4) sweep the floor
    5. (5) 春节
    6. (6) sweep away
    7. (7) 此刻,目前
    8. (8) Father Christmas
    9. (9) 因为
    10. (10) on that day
  • 1. Father Christmas is an old man ________________ a long white beard.
    A . in B . at C . with D . to
  • 1. 我们现在相当忙。

    We are now.

  • 1. 在春节,妈妈经常给我们礼物。

    At Spring Festival, Mother often .

  • 1. 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空(有一项多余)。

    because of   get   tradition   happen   sweep   present

    1. (1) What to the girl? Let's go and see.
    2. (2) Dragon Boat Festival is one of the Chinese festivals.
    3. (3) The child doesn't go to school the bad weather.
    4. (4) Mary usually gets lots of on Christmas Day.
    5. (5) I have some photos of Lantern Festival.
  • 1. Our Chinese teacher often ________________us stories.
    A . says B . tells C . speaks D . talks
  • 1. 每年我们总是得到压岁钱。

    Every year we always get .

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