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  • 1. 这头狮子来自非洲。

    This lion Africa.

  • 1. 让我们去看看老虎怎么样?

    the tigers?

  • 1. 补全对话

    A. What does it like to eat?

    B. No, it doesn't.

    C. That's my favourite animal too.

    D. What's the animal?

    E. Does it only live in China?

     (Ann and Lingling are in the zoo. )


    Lingling: It's a panda.

    Ann: A panda? Oh, it's so lovely. I like it very much.



    Lingling: It likes to eat bamboo.

    Ann: Does it eat meat?



    Lingling: Yes, you're right.

  • 1. 阅读理解

        Today is Sunday. It's fine today. Jenny goes to the zoo with her mother. They can see many animals. There are tigers, lions, pandas, snakes and many more. Look! The pandas are over there. They're from Sichuan, China. Look at the baby panda! It's climbing the tree. How cute it is!

        Next, they go to see the lions. The lions are so strong. Their mouths are too big. The tigers are next to them. They are from Asia. They are yellow and black. At last, Jenny and her mother go to see the monkeys. Some are climbing mountains, and some are eating bananas. The monkey is Jenny's favourite animal. It's so fun!

        Jenny sees a lot of animals at the zoo and she is so happy today!

    1. (1) The weather is _________________ today.
    2. (2) Jenny and her mother _________________ on Sunday.
    3. (3) The pandas are from _________________.
    4. (4) _________________ are eating bananas.
    5. (5) How many animals are mentioned(提及) in the passage?
  • 1. The girl (也) likes red and green.
  • 1. — Shall we go to the park?

    — _________________ The park is my favourite place.

    A . Thank you. B . Good idea! C . Sorry. D . Please don't.
  • 1. 商店里有许多种类的东西。

    There are things in the shop.

  • 1. I think the e is the biggest(最大的) animal on the land(陆地上).
  • 1. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(有一项多余)。

    study   play   come   go   danger   fun

    1. (1) Shall we and see the monkeys?
    2. (2) Does the tiger from China?
    3. (3) The story in this book is very .
    4. (4) Tigers are very . Be far away from them!
    5. (5) She always the piano on Sunday.
  • 1. The zoo has many kinds of a .
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