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  • 1. How r the high-speed trains run!
  • 1. Are your parents in a that you can deal with it by yourself?
  • 1. Smoking raises the (the possibility of something happening at some time in the future) of developing heart diseases.
  • 1. Jack felt (anxious and unable to relax) when his friends started saying bad words about others.
  • 1. 根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文完整。

    China has named the nation's (one) Mars rover (火星车) Zhu Rong. For all of us, Zhu Rong is a well-suited name.

    In an ancient Chinese story, Zhu Rong had the face of a man and the body of an animal. He rode on two (dragon).When he had a big fight with Gong Gong, Zhu Rong (win). But after the fight, the human world came into complete (dark). Then he brought fire to the world.

    "Zhu Rong is regarded as the (early) master of fire in traditional Chinese culture," a space official said. "The first Mars rover (name) Zhu Rong. The name symbolizes (象征) light and hope for space exploration (探索) in our country, and (mean) to guide humans to continue exploration."

    After  (leave) the Earth, Zhu Rong circled Mars for several years and landed on it in May. In recent years, our country (send) up the world's first quantum satellite (量子卫星), and Chang'e-4 has made a soft (land) on the Moon. We have made great progress in space technology and will explore more on our own space station.

  • 1. — Is your mother ________ tomorrow's parents' meeting?

    — Yes. I've told her about that.

    A . aware of B . interested in C . surprised at D . crazy about
  • 1. — How can I become a(n) ________ learner?

    — Connect what you learn ________ your real life.

    A . active; with B . wisely; with C . patient; and D . successful; and
  • 1. There is no need to push the kids too hard. ________, you hate to see them stressed out.
    A . After all B . Over again C . In all D . Above all
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Hello! We're in 2042 now. Let's share our beautiful life together!

    Bai Yi

    I had a serious illness at the age of 7. From then on, I expected to be a doctor. Now I work in a hospital as a doctor. There are modern medical instruments and services. I can treat patients even when they're far away from me. This is because the Internet is faster now.

    Wen Hua

    Through years of studying, I'm teaching Chinese in a middle school. Some of my students come from other countries. Since they like Chinese history and culture, they carefully listen to me explain Chinese poems and novels. They spread Chinese history and culture around the world.

    Gan Jing

    China is much greener now because it has worked on protecting the environment. New energy is used without polluting Earth. I'm doing something common for our city. I keep our streets clean and tidy every day to make people live comfortably. I take pride in my job. Any job is a good job.

    Lan Tian

    When I was young, I dreamed of being an astronaut and flying into space. Nowadays, my dream has come true. Traveling to the Moon has got popular. People between the ages of 18 to 60 are able to travel to the Moon. I'm going to travel to the Mars soon. I'm so excited!

    1. (1) Bai Yi has achieved her dream and can treat patients far away ________.
    2. (2) Gan Jing may be ________ according to what he said.
    3. (3) Lan Tian is excited because he ________.
    4. (4) We can infer that the four students are imagining their ________.
  • 1. — What's the ________ of the girls in your class?

    — About a half.

    A . number B . percentage C . population D . amount
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