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  • 1. 通过在线旅行,你可以实现出国旅行的梦想。

    You can by .

  • 1. 完形填空

        Rob Howes wanted to spend a day at the beach. He1 his daughter Nicky and her two friends, Helen Slade and Karina Cooper. They all went to Ocean Beach in New

        Zealand, where Howes was a lifeguard.

        The group swam and bodysurfed. Then they saw something2. "Suddenly, there are these fins," said Howes.

        The3 saw seven dolphins moving towards them. The dolphins seemed worried. They 4 the water with their tails. They kept moving in a circle around the swimmers. Then one large dolphin swamtowards Howes and Helen. Next, it dived(潜水) down underwater. That's when Howes saw something grey moving in the 5.

        A great white shark6 underwater. It wasn't far from the people. The shark headed straight towards Nicky and Karina. Now the shark was not slow. It moved 7 ! So the dolphins used their tails to swim even faster. Each one splashed its tail even more. Then Howes knew8 the dolphins did so. The dolphins didn't want to harm him and the girls. These sea mammals(哺乳动物) wanted to keep them 9.

        The dolphins stayed close to the group 10 the shark left. When Howes and the kids were safe, the dolphins swam away.

        "You want to say thank you and shake their flippers," Howes said. This isn't a fishy tale! These dolphins are heroes.

    A . brought B . missed C . returned D . searched
    A . broken B . common C . strange D . polluted
    A . trainers B . coaches C . fishermen D . swimmers
    A . held B . hit C . cleaned D . provided
    A . pool B . air C . island D . water
    A . waited B . washed C . grew D . slept
    A . beautifully B . fast C . heavily D . away
    A . where B . what C . why D . which
    A . worried B . busy C . safe D . dangerous
    A . until B . because C . if D . since
  • 1. Alice in Wonderland is a fantastic movie. It's about how Alice ended the Red (女王的) reign of terror(恐怖统治).
  • 1. 在网上你可以找到各种各样的信息。

    You can on the Internet.

  • 1. —Lucy, do people in (英格兰) celebrate Thanksgiving Day like Americans?

    —No, we don't. It is their festival, not ours.

  • 1. More than 2,000,000 US (美元) is raised every year by the charity to help children in Africa.
  • 1. —                  weather it is! We can't go boating on the Xuanwu Lake.

    —Don't worry. Let's go to the Science Museum instead.

    A . What good B . How good C . How bad D . What bad
  • 1. —The price of the shoes is      than before. I can't afford two pairs.

    —You mean each of pairs is 100 dollars, right?

    A . more expensive B . much higher C . much cheaper D . much lower
  • 1. The guide pointed at the West Lake and (introduce) it to us.
  • 1. The UK is an old (Europe) country and China is an Asian country.
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