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  • 1. (2024·云南模拟)  ____ you can use your dictionary, you will learn English better.
    A . If B . Unless C . Though D . Before
  • 1. (2024九下·崇川期中) There is no doubt ____ the Harry Potter series is ____ again and again.
    A . whether; well worth reading B . that; well worth reading C . that; very worth to read D . whether; very worth to read
  • 1.  —Mrs. Green, you can't expect your son to be ____ . Everybody makes mistakes.

    — I see. I won't push him so hard.

    A . polite B . perfect C . creative D . strange
  • 1.  They ____ that a passport be carried with you at all times.
    A . advise B . tell C . hope D . expect
  • 1. (2024八下·武汉月考) —Mum, I have lost the tennis match. I can't feel worse now! 

     —Dear, I know ____ how you feel. But I believe you can make it if you keep practicing! 

    A . properly B . widely C . exactly D . closely
  • 1. (2024·云南模拟)  The engineers will keep ____the project with the manager of the company. 
    A . discuss B . discussed C . discussing D . to discuss
  • 1. We didn't start our discussion __________ everybody arrived.
    A . since B . if C . while D . until
  • 1. The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan has shown the ____ of the new development of Chinese society. 
    A . pleasure B . direction C . knowledge D . wealth
  • 1. Nothing gives him more(please) than helping those in trouble.
  • 1. (2024九上·深圳月考) 下周,你们班将举行主题为"Great minds"的英文演讲比赛,请你根据以下信息,写一篇演讲稿,向大家介绍爱因斯坦。
    Name            Albert Einstein
    Born            March 14, 1879, Germany
    Interest            Music (play the violin)
    Job                Physicist
    Achievements        The theory of relativity
    Nobel Prize in Physics (1921)
    Death            April 18, 1955
    Comments        ……. 

    要求:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数):
    2. 要点齐全,可适当发挥;3. 条理清晰,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范;4. 文中不得出现真实姓名。

    Good morning, everyone! I'd like to make a speech about Albert Einstein. 

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