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  • 1. The basketball team's victory produced s(场面)of joy all over the country.
  • 1.  N(叙述)is an important means of expression of the narrative literature.
  • 1.  I s(看见)a shooting star which,to my astonishment,was bright green in colour.
  • 1.  He (bet)all his money on the final score of the game yesterday.
  • 1.  She answered all my questions with her usual (honest).
  • 1.  I was about to go home and just at that time the telephone rang.

    → (be about to do...when)

  • 1.  阅读理解

    Television's favorite red-headed female characters

    There are many incredible female characters on television,but perhaps the most impressive are the redheads. Here is a list of some popular red-headed characters and the actresses who played them.

    Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark on Game of Thrones

    Sansa started out as an innocent child,but over the seasons,she grew to become a strong woman and eventually the Queen in the North. As the character grew,so did the red hair,and by the last season,Sansa's hair reached all the way to her waist.

    Christina Hendricks as Joan Holloway on Mad Men

    Joan mostly wore her short hair up,but when she was going to parties,she would let down the red curls to frame her face. Joan exercised power as she rose in the ad company from head secretary through the ranks to one of the top people there,breaking the glass ceiling of the boys' club.

    Rose Leslie as Ygritte on Game of Thrones

    As another actress on Game of Thrones,Leslie played the warrior Ygritte. With her beautiful red hair,she was loved by Jon Snow (Kit Harington). While Ygritte was killed in Season 4,Harington and Leslie's love story began and lived on as the couple married in 2018.

    Kate Walsh as Addison Montgomery on Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice

    This red-headed doctor was so successful on Grey's Anatomy that the broadcasting company gave her a spin-off series called Private Practice,where the character finally achieved success in love and career. While Addison's hair was often put up into a cap during surgery,when she let it down,her beauty was striking.

    1. (1) According to the text,which of the following female characters got promoted?
    2. (2) What is special about Rose Leslie?
    3. (3) According to the text,what did Sansa Stark and Addison Montgomery have in common?
  • 1.  完形填空

    Chicago winters are famous for their bitter cold. It is a 1 time to earn a living for the city's street vendors (商贩). They have been hit hard by the pandemic (疫情) as the population of street shoppers has

    2 by as much as half in the city. One Chicago based restaurant owner,Robert Magret,came up with a brilliant and quite 3 idea to help these vendors. He purchases their entire day's food 4 as a clever way to get them out of the 5 . Robert then distributes the food to the 6 for free,turning one good deed into a chain of 7 .

    Robert has been purchasing truckloads of 8  from Chicago vendors for weeks as the temperature began to fall into the single digits. After he 9  the vendors from the cold weather,he then 10  the delicious bread to the homeless. Robert also uses his purchases to 11  Love Fridges,which are fridges around his city where people can either donate or 12  fresh vegetables and cooked meals. 

    Robert's creative idea won great 13 on social media and he immediately began receiving donations from the community. Robert plans to 14 buying out street vendors all winter with the help of donations from kind 15 who have joined him on his merciful mission.

    A .  specific B .  high C .  good D .  difficult
    A .  decreased B .  risen C .  grown D .  expanded
    A .  unique B .  generous C .  common D .  general
    A .  supply B .  chain C .  cycle D .  support
    A .  way B .  control C .  question D .  cold
    A .  surrounding B .  homeless C .  remote D .  neighboring
    A .  stores B .  reaction C .  kindness D .  safety
    A .  sand B .  water C .  bread D .  medicine
    A .  defends B .  prevents C .  forbids D .  rescues
    A .  conveys B .  donates C .  offers D .  sells
    A .  stuff up B .  buy out C .  live in D .  set down
    A .  cook B .  order C .  bring D .  grab
    A .  reputation B .  attention C .  honor D .  applause
    A .  cancel B .  avoid C .  start D .  continue 
    A .  friends B .  workmates C .  strangers D .  neighbors
  • 1.  教材语法填空

    Henry was an American,who worked for a mining company. One day he was sailing when he had accident. He found himself (carry)out to sea by a strong wind. He didn't know whether he could survive the next morning. (lucky),he was spotted by a ship and arrived in England accident. He had no money and was very hungry. He was (lose)in England and was wandering in the street. To (he)surprise,an unbelievable thing happened. Two rich brothers invited him into their house.

    When the two brothers learned that Henry had no money,one of the brothers said it was a luck, made Henry puzzled. He thought they(make)fun of him. He wanted to leave the house,but the two brothers stopped him and gave him a letter. They asked him not (open)it until two o'clock. Henry said he would keep his word and     (leave)the house.

  • 1.  He made it clear that he had no i(打算)of withdrawing from the political stage.
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