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  • 1. 新农村建设不仅推动经济发展,并且改善当地人民生活,普及教育,因此这成为政府工作计划的重中之重。(not only)
  • 1. After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

    The Caped Crusaders'(十字军) Tailor

    It is not a sword or a horse that makes one a hero. Sometimes it can be a piece of clothing. Every superhero, small, needs a cape. That was Robyn Rosenberger's motivation when she started sewing superhero capes for kids with cancer, heart defects, and other serious diseases.

    It all began when she was making a cape  a birthday present for her nephew. Rosenberger heard of a girl named Brenna who was battling a potentially deadly skin condition called harlequin ichthyosis. going through what she was going through had to be tough. "I had an aha moment," Rosenberger says. "Brenna was a superhero! She needed a cape. "

    So, Rosenberger sent her one, and Brenna's mother was delighted. Rosenberger found ten more kids online and sent out ten more capes. Before long, she quit her job at a software company to dedicate herself full-time to (operate) tiny superheroes.com. That is a websitepeople can buy hand-made capes for brave kids (face) with illness and disability.

    Since 2013, Rosenberger with her small paid staff  (send) more than 12,000 handmade capes to kids in all 50 states and 15 other countries. The capes come in pink, blue, purple, or red and be decorated with the child's initials or specialized patches, including a heart, a rocket, or a lightning bolt. Rosenberger and her staff wish to convey to those disease-fighting kids was care and love.

    One recipient was eight-month-old Gabe. Rosenberger sent him a red cape with a bright yellow Gin the center. He was the 100th kid _ (receive) a super-hero cape. It was a hit. Gabe is now a fixture on the company's social media posts. "The Tiny Superhero community has been a wonderful connection to have," says Gabe's mom, Kate Glocke. In fact, two years later," We still bring Gabe's cape with us to every hospital appointment. "

  • 1. Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

    A. comparatively    B. humanitarian    C. worsen    D. victim    E. especially

    F. self-sufficient    G. provide    H. vision    l. dedicated    J. charges    K. debt

    Muhammad Yunus

    Poor people have hard lives. Many banks feel loaning money to poor people is too risky. To get needed money, the poor then fall to loan sharks, who lend at very high rates of interest which consume future income. Such loans often simply  the cycle of poverty and debt.

    Muhammad Yunus, touched by this difficult situation of the poor in his own country of Bangladesh, decided to try to break this cycle. In the 1970s, Yunus began tosmall, low-interest loans to rural craftspeople. Instead of demanding collateral(抵押), he trusted these people to pay him back. The craftspeople used the loans to buy supplies, made a small profit selling their products and paid back the loans.

    Micro lending was born! Younus went on to start a number of organizations to helping the poor, _through micro lending. The Grameen Bank ("Village Bank"), which Yunus founded, became a model for micro lending all around the world. So effective and influential were his efforts that Yunus received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006. He has also received dozens of otherawards, along with at least 60 honorary university degrees.

    Yunus was born in 1940 in a small village in the Chittagong district of what was then East Bengal. In 1971, he returned home and began his amazing career as a social entrepreneur, helping needy people—especially women—to develop their own businesses and become Unfortunately, Vera, his wife, did not share his . She left him and returned to the

    US with their one child in 1977.

    This was not Yunus' only serious setback. He also began to face legal and government opposition to his efforts. In serving the poor, he somehow brought innumerable difficulties upon himself. But these are not the things that he will be remembered for. Muhammad Yunus,"banker to the poor,"" has changed the lives of millions of people for the better. And for this, the whole world is in his .

  • 1. 随着社会进步,家庭教育正通过立法加以干预与规范。(regulate)
  • 1. 作为一所历史悠久的寄宿制高中,这所学校旨在培养全面发展的人才。(intend)
  • 1. For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    I've been fascinated by happiness most of my life. When I was a small boy, I noticed that though many of the adults around me were wealthy and educated, they were not always happy and this sometimes led them to behave in ways which l, as a child, thought strange. 1, I decided to understand what happiness was and how best to achieve it. It was not surprising, then, that I decided to study 2.

    On arrival at the University of Chicago fifty years ago, I was 3 to find that academic psychologists were trying to understand human behavior by studying rats in a laboratory. I felt that there must be other more useful ways of learning how we think and feel. Although my original aim had been to achieve happiness for myself, I became more 4_. I decided to build my career on trying to discover what made others happy also. I 5by studying creative people such as musicians, artists and athletes because they were people who devoted their lives to doing what they wanted to do, 6 things that just brought them financial rewards.

    Later, I 7the study by inventing a system called" the experience sampling method". Ordinary people were asked to keep an electronic pager for a week which gave out a beeping sound eight times a day. Every time it did so, they 8_where they were, what they were doing, how they felt and how much they were concentrating. This system has now been used on more than 10,000 people and the answers are 9as with creative people, ordinary people are happiest when concentrating hard.

    After carrying out thirty years of research and writing eighteen books, I believe I have10_that happiness is quite different from what most people imagine. People need more than just wealth and comfort in order to lead happy lives. I found that the most obvious cause of happiness is intense 11_. This must be the main reason why activities such as music, art, literature and sports have survived. In order to stay focused, whether you're reading a poem or building a sandcastle, what you need is a challenge that12 your ability. The way to remain continually13therefore, is to keep finding new opportunities to improve your skills. This may mean learning to do your job better or faster, or doing other more difficult jobs. As you grow older you have to find new challenges, which are more appropriate to your age.

    I have spent my life studying happiness and now, as I look back, I wonder if I have 14it. Overall, I think I have and my belief that l have found the 15 to its secret has increased my happiness immeasurably.

    A . On the whole B . As a result C . To some degree D . In the meantime
    A . physiology B . acting C . medicine D . psychology
    A . disappointed B . amazed C . relieved D . annoyed
    A . sympathetic B . ambitious C . idealistic D . doubtful
    A . took off B . stood up C . started out D . broke through
    A . not to mention B . as well as C . rather than D . in favor of
    A . expanded B . interpreted C . defended D . evaluated
    A . made up B . objected to C . depended on D . noted down
    A . consistent B . ambiguous C . common D . ridiculous
    A . implied B . proved C . promised D . questioned
    A . awareness B . pressure C . concentration D . desire
    A . affords B . observes C . underrates D . matches
    A . cautious B . healthy C . original D . happy
    A . achieved B . deserved C . considered D . struck
    A . references B . extensions C . keys D . links
  • 1. Read the following two passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern-day nursing, would be 200 this year. In her honor, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that 2020 was the International Year of the Nurse.

    Nightingale was born into a wealthy family in Britain in 1820. As a teenager, she felt a powerful desire to become a nurse. But in those days, nursing wasn't considered an appropriate for young ladies. In 1850, however, Nightingale went to Germany to study nursing.

    In 1854, Britain went to war with Russia. Suddenly there was a great need for medical workers. Nightingale led 38 nurses to Turkey to help British soldiers. There she found unsanitary conditions in the British military hospitals. She and her nurses cleaned everything completely. Nightingale provided medical equipment, clean water and fresh fruit for the wounded. Her methods helped lower the hospitals' mortality rates. Her efforts earned an award from Britain's Queen Victoria.

    Nightingale was the first to organize and train nurses. In 1860 in London, she started the first scientifically based nursing school at St. Thomas Hospital.

    Nurses are professionally trained to care for the sick and promote healthy living. Throughout history, they have been at the forefront of medical disasters. Often there aren't enough nurses at hospitals, so providing proper care is very difficult.

    Today, nurses also work in schools, businesses, prisons and almost anywhere medical care is needed. In some regions, nurses are the only health care workers available. Across the ages, nurses have left the safety of their homes to go and help others. During the coronavirus scare, many nurses volunteered to go and help in high-risk areas. Yet, as in the past, they haven't always received enough credit for their work.

    The WHO hopes to right that wrong as they honor nurses with this announcement. They will host many events which will hopefully raise appreciation for nurses around the world. This year, as we honor our modern-day nurse heroes, we also remember Florence Nightingale. Two hundred years later, she still serves as a symbol of the importance and value of nursing.

    1. (1) The word "mortality" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to       .
    2. (2) Nightingale's achievements include all of the following EXCEPT that       .
    3. (3) Which of the following statement is true about Nightingale?
    4. (4) The WHO announces 2020 the International Year of the Nurse to remind people of       .
  • 1. 阅读理解

    During the Second World War, Dr. William Walsh served on a US Navy ship in the South Pacific. While serving there, Walsh observed the poor health conditions in which the people of the South Pacific lived and decided to do something to relieve their suffering. After the war ended in1945, Walsh founded an organization called Project Hope. Its goal was to bring health education and care to people in poor countries around the world.

    In 1958, Walsh convinced US President Eisenhower to allow Project Hope to rent a US Navy hospital ship for just one dollar a year. Many companies and ordinary people donated money to Project Hope. The organization used the funds to turn the navy ship into a civilian hospital ship called the SS Hope. During the next 14 years, the SS Hope traveled to every region of the world. Wherever it went, it provided health care for needy people and helped poor countries establish their own health care systems. In 1974, the SS Hope was retired from service, and Project Hope began to provide healthcare on land instead.

    The story of the SS Hope inspired Don and Deyon Stephens to buy a passenger ship in 1978 and transform it into another hospital ship. Since then, their organization, called Mercy Ships, has sent ships equipped with medical supplies and hospital beds around the world. Doctors volunteer to travel on these ships and perform free surgeries on people who need them. They can correct people's vision, straighten bent limbs, fix cleft palates, remove facial tumors and more. Mercy Ships also provides medical equipment for local health clinics and builds medical facilities. In addition, it teaches local people how to farm their land more effectively and more sustainably.

    1. (1) Welsh came up with the idea of the Project Hope when       .
    2. (2) What do the two hospital ships have in common?
    3. (3) What can we learn about the surgeries on Mercy Ships' vessels?
    4. (4) According to the passage, what do local people learn to do with the aid of Mercy Ships?
  • 1. Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point (s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

    Be a Good Gardener, Be a Good Human

    Ian McKenna was in third grade when he learned that nearly a quarter of the kids at his Austin school weren't getting enough to eat at home. He wanted to help, but local volunteer organizations turned him away, saying he was too young. So, he decided to find his own solution. For years, he had been gardening with his mother, and they often distributed their extra vegetables to the neighbors. Why not give the produce to a soup kitchen?" Then I thought, I am good at gardening," says McKenna, now 16. "Maybe I could try to start a garden that's meant solely to help feed these people who are in need. "Better yet, he thought, why not plant a garden at school, so that kids in need could take food home?

    McKenna persuaded his school to set aside space for a garden; then he asked the community for donations of seeds and equipment. Other students donated their time. Within months, McKenna's garden was producing lettuces, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers and squash for students and their families. Now, seven years later, McKenna's Giving Garden project has expanded to five area schools in addition to his own backyard garden, and he has provided more than 20,000 Ib. of organic produce (enough for 25,000 meals) to Austin families and food pantries.

    For most of his gardening activities, McKenna wears the same T-shirt in different colors, emblazoned with what has become a personal motto: BE A GOOD HUMAN. To him, that means helping in any way you can, no matter your age. Even a smile can make a difference in someone's life. He says," It lets them know that they are important. It can change their day."

  • 1. Complete the following passage by using the sentences in the box. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two sentences more than you need.

    A. You sound like a high school biology teacher.

    B. I can't agree with you more. Only a few people can roll their tongue.

    C. Approximately 75 percent of the human population can roll their tongues.

    D. However, we couldn't persuade her to spit competitively in public with us.

    E. Congratulations! What is the key to competing with other contestants?

    F. So, what's your trick?

    The International CHERRY PIT SPITTING Championship

    The International Cherry Pit Spitting Championship has been held in Eau Claire, Michigan, every year since 1974. Every year, contestants across the country competes with each other, spitting pits of cherries as far as they can to win the championship of this game. Kevin Bartz, aged 53, from Edwardsburg, Michigan is the winner of this year. His final record is 58 feet. Here is an interview about him.

    One of the keys is curling your tongue, kind of creating a tube to shoot the pit out of. A lot of it is the trajectory, too, so that when it hits the ground, it rolls. My personal record is 58 feet 10 inches.

    That's so unfair! Not everyone can roll their tongues, you know.

    It is thought that tongue rolling is purely genetic, but that is most likely not the case. There are probably also environmental influences as well as some learned neuro-muscular factors.

    You guess right. I am a biology teacher and a football coach.

    But pit spitting might be genetic, right? You come from a family of spitters.

    I do, and all three of my children are spitters. My daughter Chloe, who is in college, won last year. She's been doing it since she was five.

    Did your wife approve of teaching the kids to spit?

    She liked the shared family interest and would practice with us in the driveway on occasion.

    After all these years, do you still like cherries?

    I love cherries, but the official competition uses tart cherries, so they aren't that good.

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