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  • 1. What annoyed us was that she pretended to have various abilities she didn't possess.
  • 1. 回应挑衅( provocation)最成熟的方式就是置之不理。(respond )
  • 1. 玛丽把她的人工智能机器狗当作好朋友。(refer)
  • 1. 我们希望在我们出发之前,风暴赶快停下来,否则驱车前往那个遥远的山区就太危险了。(die down)
  • 1. 在开始一项要求高的游戏之前,你应该伸展你的四肢。(stretch)
  • 1. 救援队正在努力查明失踪水手的下落。(locate)
  • 1. Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage according to the instructions. Use your own words as far as possible.

    Zion Market Research has published a new report titled "Virtual Reality ( VR ) Market by Hardware and Software for ( Consumer, Commercial ,Enterprise ,Medical , Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Energy and Others ) Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast, 2016— 2022". According to the report, the global virtual reality (VR) market was valued at approximately USD 2.02 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach approximately USD 26.89 billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of around 54.01 % between 2017 and 2022.

    VR is an artificial environment which is created by software and presented to the user in such a way that the user believes and accepts it as a real environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, the users are immersed in and able to interact with 3D worlds. By simulating as many senses as possible like vision, hearing, touch, and even smell, the computer is transformed into a gatekeeper to this artificial world.

    The increasing use of head—mounted displays in the entertainment and gaming sector along with a decline in the prices of displays and other hardware components of HMDs and increasing uses of VR in training purpose are the key driving factors for the VR market. Additionally, increasing tablets, and smartphones with built—in VR functionalities that have become an important tool in the workplace enhance smooth business workflows and operations. The market has the challenge to develop user—friendly virtual reality and tracking systems for easy acceptance and penetration of the virtual reality. However, increasing the investment by global players in the virtual reality applications is expected to grow the market during the upcoming time.

    The report published by Zion Market Research shows that         .


    Though VR is       ,

    users may      


    此段为VR的定义和实现的方式。介词或介词词组,如unlike和instead of后的内容,缩写时需要有选择地省略。

    The rise of the VR market comes from       .

    And the market will still increase because of       .

    注意表明句子关系的副词或连词,如additionally 和however。此段为VR市场现在和未来增长的原因,尝试用同义的语句来改写。

  • 1. Read the following passage and complete it by using the sentences in the box below. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    A. As an online furniture brand, we need to reach potential clients in a targeted way.

    B. The ultimate goal would be for us to make quicker, smarter decisions that considered employee happiness as a real business.

    C. Many have attempted versions of this but have fallen short of market adoption.

    D. We have access to countless resources but constantly have to navigate several outlets of information.

    E. This could definitely ease up some sleepless nights.

    F. This would help those brands in the social—good space gain more visibility.

    Free Business Ideas

    Entrepreneurs always need more—more help, more time, more insight. So we asked: What's the one product you wish someone would create to help your business? Now maybe someone will make it.


    "I'm going to call it 'Siri for business'. Imagine if there were an app that would let you ask for business advice 24 hours a day, for free.Having a digital mentor at your fingertips to evaluate multiple situations and consolidate everything into one perfect answer would be a dream. You could ask anything, from scaling advice to HR recommendations and beyond."

    Lana Hansen, chief growth officer, Ban.do


    "Are people happy? Satisfied with their work? As leaders, we manage by walking around, launch surveys, and look to our HR team for some measure of employee morale, but I wish we had a better sense of spirits in real time. The Smart Empathy App, as I'd call it, would give an instant read on how people are feeling.If we detected a problem, we would be able to respond more quickly."

    Harry West, CEO, Frog


    "Instagram are so large now, the social media message—delivery system is inundated with content. I want to inspire people visually, in an industry—focused way. On Instagram, you can follow a hashtag, but people can post anything, whether it's related or not. We need a new social platform with image recognition technology to group content in a meaningful way.

    Christiane Lemieux, founder and CEO, The Inside

  • 1. Read the following the passage. The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best fits according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    Small Wonders

    ITEM: Accelerometer

    INVENTED: 18th Century

    USE: Sensing Movement

    Developed in the 18th century by English physicist George Atwood, the first accelerometer— a device to measure acceleration— was taller than a full—grown man. Today's micro electromechanical sensors are as small as 3 mm square by 0.9 mm thick. When movement flips an electrode forward, it completes a circuit, indicating a change in acceleration force or direction. These tiny measurers of movement help ensure images on our phones and tablets stay upright, keep planes on course and missiles on target, and, in a lifesaving moment, signal airbags to inflate when cars crash. According to federal highway safety figures, this function had saved, when last counted, an estimated 44, 866 lives in the U.S. alone between 1980 and 2015.

    ITEM: Eyeglasses Screw (螺丝)

    INVENTED: 20th Century

    USE: Joining Hinges

    London optician Edward Scarlett was among the first to advertise temple arms for eyeglasses around 1730. Later appendages featured a door—like hinge that lets users fold their specs for travel. The first models used metal posts to attach frames to arms. But, as the refinement of industrial threading machines like lathes continued into the 20th century, tiny stainless—steel screws took that job. Over time, the fit has become standardized: Most frames now require fasteners with a shaft diameter of 1.4 mm, while some thin wire frames use ones as small as 1.2 mm. Consider that two-thirds of American adults—about 159 million people— wear prescription glasses. That's a lot of screws that could go loose. Fortunately, you can find a repair kit at nearly any drugstore.

    ITEM: Mesh

    INVENTED: 25,000 B.C.

    USE: Stopping bugs

    Weaving dates back to some 27,000 years ago, preceding the domestication of plants and animals and farming. Hungry humans may have used nets to get their preys. Since then, mesh has played an essential part in our comfort and survival. One of its most prominent current tools is the mosquito net, a protective covering in some countries. Thanks to machines that churn out cotton, polyester, polypropylene, and nylon weaves as fine as 0.6 mm, the air—permeable shields are a key tool in preventing the spread of malaria and other bug—borne illnesses. Insecticide— treated skeeter—stoppers helped prevent more than 600 million cases of malaria and saved 6.8 million lives between 2000 and 2015.

    1. (1) Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
    2. (2) Who invented the eyeglasses screw?
    3. (3) Thanks to the mesh, we can do a lot but      .
    4. (4) In which magazine can you most probably find this passage?
  • 1. Read the following passage and choose the best word or phrase for each blank.

    Arming your home with smart tech is a great idea for added security, saving energy and making your house feel, well, more homely. But we're glad to see a1in the range of connected cleaning products designed to take the stress out of housework, as this gives you time to put your feet up.

    Robot vacuum cleaners have been2for a while now, but they've come on in leaps and bounds in recent years. Many of the major robot brands have3their robots with great cleaning skills to make them effective ,hard—working household companions that don't4furniture.

    The Neato D7 Botvac D7 Connected is one of our favourite robot vacuums, thanks to its laser technology system used to scan,5and clean your whole home. As it is6via an app on your phone, you can also tell the Botvac D7 to give certain areas a more thorough clean, or to avoid areas7.

    iRobot creates a great range of smart cleaning robots too,8the Roomba980, which has an easy—to—use app for scheduling cleans. It's also a great vacuum for giving carpets a deep clean, for9up pet hair, and for cleaning hard floors.

    iRobot also has the Braava 390t, a floor—mopping robot that's specially10to clean hard floors, both dry or damp. It's capable of tracking where it's been and where it needs to go and once cleaning is finished, it returns to where it started and powers11automatically. Its cleaning pad is12continually during the cleaning process.

    Smart cleaning tech isn't just13in vacuums, either. There are a number of14that provide automated cleans. This includes the Emperor of Gadgets Toilet Sanitizer, which starts a six—minute cleaning15every time you close your toilet lid.

    A . misuse B . rise C . decrease D . decoration
    A . available B . flexible C . symbolic D . feasible
    A . uploaded B . upraised C . upgraded D . uplifted
    A . store B . kill C . maintain D . contain
    A . view B . invade C . wander D . map
    A . installed B . launched C . developed D . controlled
    A . eventually B . entirely C . domestically D . constantly
    A . including B . devoting C . reducing D . introducing
    A . turning B . picking C . sucking D . setting
    A . designed B . arranged C . organized D . trained
    A . across B . out C . back D . down
    A . sewn B . wowen C . refreshed D . held
    A . estimated B . found C . invented D . investigated
    A . devices B . companies C . institutions D . masks
    A . agent B . sponge C . term D . cycle
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