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  • 1. For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    It had taken so much for Tina to get to the supermarket; to go home1left her in tears. At the checkout, the checkout assistant scanned Tina's items and2her cash.

    "You can't pay cash in here," she told Tina. Tina is one of the many people who have3to purchase necessities during the coronavirus pandemic, as stores4refuse to take cash. A recent study of more than 2,000 people in the consumer group found that one in 10 people was refused by shops when trying to purchase essential items with cash during the pandemic.

    Retailers moved to ban cash transactions (交易) because of5that coins and notes may spread virus.6reports, the World Health Organization never instructed consumers to avoid cash during the pandemic.

    The UK has been moving towards a7economy for some time, with ATM usage declining at about 6% to 10% a year. But the concern over virus spread further pushed this transition. "During lockdown, cash withdrawals from ATMs were8about 60%,"says Natalie Ceeney of the access to Cash Review.

    But for the approximately 1.2 million people living in the UK who are unbanked一meaning they don't9any bank account-buying essentials became a challenging task. "People without legal immigration status in the UK are not legally allowed to open a bank account," says James Tullett of the migrant and refugee charity Ramfel. When shops refuse to take cash from these people, they are likely to use informal services, which are more10to being exploited.

    It is not only11people who will have struggled during the pandemic. People with bank accounts12to use cash for a variety of practical and personal reasons. "Those who13cash are the most disadvantaged people in our society," says Ceeney.

    "Cash is really the14of payments," says Scott. "It appeared before the card and is still popular today. We need to have a15form of payment systems .... cash and card working together, just as bicycles and car lanes go together."

    A . heart-broken B . empty-handed C . absent-minded D . puppy-eyed
    A . smiled on B . focused on C . took off D . turned down
    A . struggled B . volunteered C . managed D . frustrated
    A . rarely B . increasingly C . miserably D . immediately
    A . fascinations B . symbols C . concerns D . illustrations
    A . Contrary to B . In addition to C . Thanks to D . In response to
    A . prosperous B . depressed C . levelled D . cashless
    A . stable B . down C . troublesome D . out
    A . get familiar with B . get involved in C . have access to D . keep track of
    A . subjected B . opposed C . limited D . supposed
    A . aged B . migrant C . unbanked D . disabled
    A . refuse B . prefer C . hesitate D . agree
    A . rely on B . frown on C . give out D . set out
    A . vehicle B . part C . element D . bicycle
    A . multimodal B . single C . remarkable D . universal
  • 1. Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.

    A. delight    B. moving    C. displayed    D. ultimately

    E. passion    F. creativity    G. convincing    H. prosperously

    I. emotional    J. originals    K. questioned


    I had the opportunity to catch a movie on a recent flight, China's Van Gogh, about a painter , Zhao Xiaoyong, who made a living drawing replicas (复制品) of the work of the great Vincent Van Gogh, in Shenzhen's Dafen Village. The movie is more than just a documentary. It is but is in no way a "tear-jerker".

    Zhao was originally from Hunan. After arriving in Dafen 20 years ago, he started a family business by making replicas of Van Gogh and has finished over 100, 000 copies. Now Zhao has developed a great for Van Gogh and has strict requirements on the quality of his staff's work, but he had never visited the Netherlands before, nor had he seen the real drawing by Van Gogh himself.

    Zhao had always wanted to make the trip, but travel expenses put him off and off again. After a long strugglehis wife, Zhao eventually made the trip.

    Zhao had a serious breakdown when he visited the Van Gogh museum. Amazed by the beauty of the real work, he his own talent: none of his replicas came close to capturing the moments in the. And he wondered whether he could continue painting after all knowing that he had none of the originality and of the Dutch master.

    Zhao,recovered some of his confidence when he went to Provence, France, and drew a painting at the same spot where Van Gogh drew his The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, to the of the audience.

    Upon returning to China, Zhao began to produce original work. How Zhao would survive in his new pursuit is anybody's guess, but I am struck by the parallels between Zhao's story and China's recent economic development.

  • 1. After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

    Jack Ma, the founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba, has offered some of his insights into running business and the role of innovation. The businessman also shared with people how Alibaba has grown into it is today.

    As a Hangzhou native, Jack Ma owes his success to the hard work and innovative spirits that (impress) on him at a young age.

    The business tycoon stresses the role of competitive and innovative ideas while opportunities, in his opinion, are open to those who own those creative thoughts.

    "There are all kinds of problems every day when you start a new business, and these problems need  (fix) , either by yourself, or by others, because someone has to do it. And by that, those who are able to solve these problems  (seize) their opportunity," Ma said.

    Ma is encouraging entrepreneurs (创业者) to have a broader vision and take a much ( wide ) picture into account in running business.

    He describes an innovative entrepreneur as being someone always sets their sights on the future. "Being innovative means you look at today from a viewpoint of tomorrow. We need to look at today's China from a viewpoint of the world, and look at ourselves from the viewpoint of outside this industry. When you think this way, you will do things in a different way," Ma noted.

    the huge success, Ma says he remains cool headed and still stays true to his dreams. "It's important to retain a' simple' and 'naive' outlook for the world. a man still maintains his' simplicity' and' naivety' when he turns 100, I think he will be a very noble old man. I hope we can all hold on to a simple mindset and stick to our dreams, because if we lose our dreams, everything we strive (accomplish) will become pointless and we will only become money-making machines.

  • 1. Write an English composition in 120- 150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.





  • 1. 由于可持续发展意识的缺失,游客激增以及过度开发使得古镇的人文环境与自然环境遭到了严重的破坏。(lack)
  • 1. 除制作精良以外,这部电影凭借真挚的剧情,被人们奉为永久的经典。 (apart)
  • 1. 医生要求他在手术后休息几天,但他充耳不闻。(demand)
  • 1. 我国商品的新市场遍及亚洲和美洲。 (stretch)
  • 1. Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

    Your Health and 5G

    The fifth generation of cellular (移动电话) data service, or 5G, promises to bring lightning-fast data connection speeds. Much faster, even, than broadband internet connections currently offered in many homes. High-speed cellular service has the potential to revolutionize many different technologies, from virtual reality to medicine. Not everyone is excited about 5G service, however.

    Some people worry that the technology behind 5G might present serious health risks. There are even protests aimed at slowing down or even stopping companies from installing the equipment necessary for 5G service. Why are people so worried, and do they have credible reasons to be concerned?

    To understand the possible health risks of 5G, it is important to understand how the new service is different from existing ones, like 3G or 4G. The main difference is the new frequency of the signals that will be used to transmit data. 5G uses a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum than previous cellular services. The signals have short wavelengths measured in millimeters called millimeter waves. Millimeter waves are perfect for high-speed data, but small transmitters and antennas (天线) must be put up everywhere to ensure good connections. This presents a cause for concern.

  • 1. Read the following passages. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    A. The gene editing tool stays in the eye and does not travel to other parts of the body.

    B. Scientists have found it difficult to treat the condition with usual gene therapy.

    C. Through a tube the width of a human hair, doctors put three drops of fluid containing the gene editing machinery just under the retina.

    D. Many scientists believe CRISPR is a much easier tool for finding and cutting DNA at an exact spot.

    E. Some independent experts were hopeful about the new study.

    F. The CRISPR tool makes it possible to change DNA to add needed genes or take some away if they lead to problems.

    CRISPR Gene Editing Used to Restore Eyesight

    Scientists say they have used the gene -editing tool CRISPR to repair a person's eyesight for the first time.

    DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid, the substance that carries genetic information in the cells of living things.

    A patient recently had the procedure done for an inherited form of blindness, the companies that make the treatment announced Wednesday. The operation took place at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. The companies did not release additional details about the patient. It may take up to a month to see if the procedure worked to repair a patient's vision. If the first few attempts seem safe, doctors plan to test it on 18 children and adults.

    Dr Jason Comander is an eye doctor at Massachusetts Eye and Ear in Boston. He said it marks "a new era in medicine" in which technology has made "editing DNA much easier and much more effective."

    Doctors first tried in-the-body gene editing in 2017 for a different inherited disease using a tool called zinc (锌) fingers.

    The people taking part in the study have a genetic condition that keeps the body from making a protein needed to turn light into signals to the brain, which leads to sight. People with the disease are often born with little ability to see. They can lose whatever vision they are born with when they are still very young.

    So, they are aiming to edit or remove the mutation (突变) by making two cuts on either side of it. The hope is that the ends of DNA will reconnect and make the gene work as it should.

    The procedure is done in an hour-long operation.That is the lining at the back of the eye that contains the light-sensing cells.

    Doctors believe they need to fix one-tenth to one-third of the cells to repair vision. In animal tests, scientists were able to correct half of the cells with the treatment, Albright said.

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