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当前位置:手动组卷 /高中英语 /按章节
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  • 1. When seeing the thief stealing something in the street,my uncle seized him by________arm and handed him over to the police in________end.

    A . the;/ B . an;the  C . an;/ D . the;the
  • 1. —What kind of car do you like?

    —Well,I don' t care what a car looks like________it is of good quality.

    A . even if B . as if C . as long as D . in order that
  • 1. The famous singer expressed particular________for  those children suffering from AIDS and said she would contribute some money for them.

    A . apology B . satisfaction C . concern D . appreciation
  • 1. ________people's dress differs from country to country is a reflection of cultural differences.

    A . What B . That   C . This D . Which
  • 1. College students can________social experience necessary  for their future careers by taking up part­time jobs.

    A . accelerate B . accompany C . accomplish D . accumulate
  • 1. When we were talking about Hamlet , he said  nothing.My doubt is________he has any real  understanding of Shakespeare.  

    A . whether B . what  C . that D . which
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