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  • 1. As teenagers,it is not until we are able to face difficulties bravely________we are mature enough.

    A . which B . when C . that D . whether
  • 1. —You've been getting home very late recently.

    —________?Can't I enjoy myself if I want to?

    A . So how B . So what C . So why D . So where
  • 1. —________you got to know I traveled to the USA?

    —Through one of your colleagues.                                   

    A . Where it was that B . When it was that C . How was it that D . Why was it that
  • 1. 阅读理解

           There is a very instructive incident involving the life of Alexander, the great Greek king. Alexander, after conquering many kingdoms, was returning home. On the way, he fell ill and it took him to his death bed. With death staring him in his face, Alexander realized how his conquests, his great army, his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no consequence. So, he lay helplessly waiting to breathe his last. He called his generals and said, “I will depart from this world soon, I have three wishes, please carry them out without fail.”

        “My first desire is that,” said Alexander, “My physicians alone must carry my coffin.” After a pause, he continued, “Secondly, I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard be strewn(撒满) with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected.” The king continued, “My third and last wish is that both my hands be kept hanging out of my coffin.” Alexander's favorite general kissed his hand and pressed them to his heart. “Oh King, we assure you that your wishes will all be fulfilled. But tell us why do you make such strange wishes?”

         At this Alexander took a deep breath and said, “I would like the world to know of the three lessons I have just learnt. I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realize that no doctor can really cure any body. They are powerless and cannot save a person from the clutches of death. So let people not take life for granted.

          The second wish of strewing gold, silver and other riches on the way to the graveyard is to tell people that not even a bit of gold will come with me. I spent all my life earning riches but cannot take anything with me. Let people realize that it is just a waste of time to chase wealth.

           And about my third wish of having my hands hanging out of the coffin, I wish people to know that I came empty-handed into this world and empty-handed I go out of this world.” With these words, the king closed his eyes. Soon he let death conquer him and breathed his last.

    1. (1) The first paragraph suggests that Alexander ________.

    2. (2) The underlined word “clutches” in paragraph 3 means “________”.

    3. (3) The author intends to ________.

    4. (4) What would be the best title for the passage?

  • 1. Everyone would prefer to improve the________of their life by taking part in all kinds of activities.

    A . quantity B . quality C . quantities D . qualities
  • 1. 阅读理解

            Katharine Mehta's mother likes to joke that the first sentence her daughter said was“I love dogs.”It's not the fact, but it's certainly true in spirit.

         “When I was young, my grandmother told me about how she sometimes found stray dogs and cats, and kept them on her farm as pets,”says Katharine.“That made me wonder what would happen when animals didn't have a home.I felt horrible thinking that they might be hungry or could get hit by a car.”

          But what could a little girl do?The answer came during a trip to a park in her New York City neighborhood two years ago, where she met volunteers from Mighty Mutts, a local no­kill animal rescue organization.“I thought maybe I could earn some money and give it to them,”she says.

           Since Katharine had plenty of practice taking care of her own dog, she decided to start a summer dog­walking service.She chose two friends and, with their parents'permission, the group put up homemade posters with their phone numbers and a bargain price—50 cents an hour.Before long they had 15 dogs in their care.“We walked two or three at a time with one mother helping out,”she says.“By the end of that summer, we'd collected $45.”That fall Katharine and her mother,Loma, came up with another mini enterprise to raise money for Mighty Mutts—selling fresh­baked shortbread to their neighbors.

           The 11­year­old,who starts sixth grade this fall, has become a nonstop campaigner.Her mother says,“When she sees somebody with a dog, she starts a conversation and tells them to donate to Mighty Mutts.”

            Katharine's passion comes from the heart.“It makes me cry to think that strays might be_put_to_sleep when there's a group that can find new homes for them,” Katharine says.“But it makes me smile to know I can help.”


    ①stray adj.流浪的 ②shortbread n . 黄油甜酥饼

    1. (1) Katharine's love of dogs comes from________.

    2. (2) How did Katharine help the organization—Mighty Mutts?

    3. (3) The underlined part “be put to sleep” in the last paragraph means“________”.

    4. (4) What would be the best title for the passage?

    5. (5) The author's attitude towards Katharine's behaviour is________.

  • 1. 阅读理解

    Does stress cause gray hair?Many people believe that tension and stress can cause your hair to lose its color.In fact,it is an_old_wives'_tale that being upset all the time can result in premature graying.Here is a closer look at this situation and why some believe that this old wives' tale could be true.

           As one ages,the hairs on the head also age.In fact,just about everything on the human body begins to show signs of wear and tear after a while.The joints wear and become stiff and skin wears and becomes wrinkled.Hairs on the head grow and eventually die.They are replaced,but in the process something else happens.

          When new hairs are replaced,the color or pigment (色素) is also added to them.However,as one ages,this pigment becomes less and less available.At first,hairs will have a limited amount of pigment and they will appear to be grayish in color.In time,they will lose all of their pigment and will be white.Many things are known to cause graying,and genetics is a very powerful factor.If one of your parents turns gray at an early age,there is a good chance that you will too.Some people begin the graying process in high school,while others may be over the age of forty.

          Constant worry and tension can have many harmful effects on the human body.It is a known fact that stressful times can cause one to suffer hair loss.It would make sense that if it can cause these problems,perhaps it also may contribute to graying.However,there is no sound evidence to support this.

           On the other hand,many medical professionals believe that there may be a link between graying and a constant state of anxiety or tension.Does stress cause gray hair?There is no scientific evidence to support the theory,but it is best to avoid stressful situations.

    1. (1) The underlined phrase in the first paragraph most probably means________.

    2. (2) The second paragraph mainly tells us________.

    3. (3) What might play the most important role in the graying process?

    4. (4) According to the passage,continuous pressure may result in________.

    5. (5) From the passage we can infer that________.

  • 1. 阅读理解

            In America, parents tend to encourage their children to develop their potential (潜能) to the fullest extent. Fathers and mothers frequently teach their children both ambition and the confidence necessary to work toward their goals. American parents are always active in concentrating on what their kids can do, not what they can't. As a result, millions of American boys and girls grow up hoping to become actors and athletes, diplomats and doctors. Many of them even want to become president.

           American parents often encourage their children to become involved in extra activities of all types at school, such as student government, sports and music. They believe that only through taking part in these activities can their children become mature young adults.

           As we all know, schoolwork is important. But parents should realize that the social skills their children learn form natural conversations with each other are as important as schoolwork and the skills they will need in the future work. What's more important in their work is that their children should have a sound knowledge of physics or the ability to communicate effectively.

           As a rule, Chinese parents don't educate their children about the same kind of ambition and confidence as Americans do, nor do they encourage the same level of participation in extra activities. Children are typically advised to study hard and pass exams. They have to spend a lot of time in doing much schoolwork every day. It is a great waste of time to do so.

           Now more and more Chinese parents have recognized that they should pay attention to developing the potential of their children. I hope that leaders in Chinese educational circles should take some measures to develop the potential of their children. I am very confident about it.  

    1. (1) From the passage, we know the American parents pay much more attention to ________.

    2. (2) According to the passage, Chinese parents ________.

    3. (3) From the passage, we can infer ________.

    4. (4) What's the writer's attitude towards Chinese education reform?

  • 1. Many people think that the rainbow is a ________of good fortune because it connects heaven and earth.

    A . slogan B . brand C . logo D . symbol
  • 1. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

                   There are simple ways to organize and clean sports gear (设备). It just takes a little extraeffort, along with some tricks. Here are some tips.

    Organizing sports gear

               For children playing different sports, have gym bags in different colors for eachsport—basketball gets green, soccer gets red, baseball gets blue. As forwhat to do with the soccer ball or baseball bat that comes home, keep itemscontained to one spot in the garage. Overhead shelves and nets work well forout-of-season items, too. They are out of theway but still in sight.

    Cleaning sports gear

            Most  items can go in the washing machine. Use warm water, and always air-dry. For padded items with plastic,put them in a mesh laundry washing bag or a pillow case with a zipper.

    ●Gym bags

    It's body odor. You played soccer, or basketball, or fencing, and you sweat.Prevent odor from building up by putting used fabric softener sheets in thebag, or spraying the inside of the bag with aerosol deodorant. This also workswell for padded helmets, where sweat gathers.

    ●Water bottles

               Wate rbottles often get a moldy, damp smell after a sports season or two. If you havereally cleaned it, if you've used a scrub brush, you may have scratched theplastic. Try using vinegar, which is safe and environmentally friendly, tokill mold and mildew.


             The   easiest way to clean a baseball cap is to put it in the dishwasher. Then takeit out and air-dryit. If you want to make sure the cap keeps a rounded shape, dry it over acoffee can. Another option is to use shampoo, which is designed to breakdown body oil.

    a.As we all know, they smell.

    b.It's necessary to clean a sport gearafter every practice.

    c.You can also put it on a blown-up balloon.

    d.This protects the machine, and theequipment from getting scratched.

    e.Those tiny little scratches are wherebacteria can get, and cause that smell.

    f.Don't let children stuff clothing intheir bags.

    g.So when they're rushing from oneactivity to the next, it's easy to grab the correct gear.

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