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  • 1. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。

    1. (1) The kids are always (捉弄) their teacher.

    2. (2) That is a play (以……为背景) the Cultural Revolution in China.

    3. (3) Many people went to cities to (发财).

    4. (4) I wanted to (出发) early in order to avoid the traffic.

    5. (5) I opened the door(结果却发现) the room empty.

    6. (6) The problems (与……有关) agriculture are being discussed.

  • 1. To our________,there was a light in one of the cabins.
    A . astonishing B . astonish C . astonishment D . astonished
  • 1. The film,which is worth seeing a second time,________the Middle Ages in Europe.
    A . is set in B . is put in C . was set in D . was put in
  • 1. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。

    1. (1) She and her sister worked together on a b of their father.

    2. (2) She nearly died off at the sight of the escaped tiger.

    3. (3) I can now see what the (侦探) meant:he was trying to find where I was on the night of the crime.

    4. (4) It began to rain suddenly,and the children all ran to seek (遮蔽物) from the rain.

    5. (5) Are you alone or with a (同伴)?.

    6. (6) He prefers (喜剧) to tragedies.

    7. (7) Many people wrote (评论) for his new novel.

  • 1. The sportsmeeting had to be put off ________ the thick fog.

    A . due for B . on account of C . because D . owing
  • 1. Alice trusts you,only you can________ her to give up the foolish idea.
    A . suggest B . attract C . threaten D . persuade
  • 1. I only know we will have a meeting,but I have no idea when ________ it.
    A . shall we have B . will we have C . to have D . having
  • 1. ________ in the 1930s,the novel gives a vivid description of the people living at the bottom of society.
    A . Set B . Setting C . Being set D . To set
  • 1. —May I speak to Mrs. Smith?

    —________Here we don't have such a lady now.                  

    A . Hold on,please. B . Sorry,but she is out at the present. C . Wrong number,sir. D . Who is that speaking?
  • 1. She________ her mother in looks.
    A . resembles B . is resembled C . resembles like D . resembles  as
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