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           Spring is a wonderful season to celebrate rebirth and new life.The long, cold winter is over.The weather is warmer and sunnier.The trees again have leaves and the flowers are blooming.The season represents hope, joy and beauty.At this time, many people think of this classical music piece—Spring , which shows happiness.Italian composer Antortio Vivaldi wrote it in the 1700s.

           However,not all songs about spring show happiness.This song written and sung by K.D.Lang is about dreaming of spring in cold dark places.She recorded I Dream of Spring in 2008.

           Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein wrote It Might as Well Be Spring for the movie State Fair in 1945.Frank Sinatra sings it.It is a feeling of restlessness or excitement brought on by the coming of spring.Richard Rodgers also wrote Spring Is Here, this time with Lorenz   Hart.Ella Fitzgerald sings this song about feeling lonely during this season.

           Frank Loesser wrote the sad song, Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year.Why has the season been delayed?Because the singer's lover had left her, Sarah Vaughn released her version of the song in 1953.

           By now you may be thinking,“Enough with the sad songs, already!”OK,then how about a cowboy song?Gene Autry was one of most famous singing cowboys of America.He recorded When It's Springtime in the Rockies in 1937.

           And finally, we'll leave you with a sunny song called Up Jumped Spring.Freddie Hubbard wrote this jazz song in 1977 and Billy Taylor Trio performs it.


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    1. (1) If you are in a bad mood, you'd better listen to________.

    2. (2) The song ItMightasWellBeSpring________.

    3. (3) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

    4. (4) Which one of the following songs was first written or recorded?

    5. (5) What would be the best title for the text?

  • 1. I was strongly impressed________the beauty of the sunrise seen on Mount Tai last summer.

    A . with B . in C . on D . at
  • 1. It is no use________to sell these papers to the children.They wouldn't read them.

    A . try B . tried C . having tried D . trying
  • 1. 阅读理解

           If you're considering having your children learn how to play an instrument, you may want your children to start out with piano lessons. Learning the piano can help to provide many surprising benefits to children. For example, the following are several great benefits your children will enjoy while learning to play the piano.

           One great benefit of taking piano lessons is developing better hand­eye coordination(协调). Having good skills in hand­eye coordination is an important skill to have in life, and these skills are especially useful when it comes to writing. Also taking piano lessons will help improve your children's concentration. When children learn to play the piano, it takes quite a bit of concentration, especially when they have to concentrate on playing with both hands. Also, it takes concentration to read the notes and translate the rhythm(节奏) at the same time too.

           As your children learn to play the piano and how notes make up music, they'll further understand how wonderful music can be. This musical appreciation early in their life will lead to a lifetime of musical appreciation.

           When children learn to play the piano, they develop more confidence in themselves. Piano lessons are a challenge to your children and as they learn to practice and improve their performance, they'll build up even more confidence in themselves.

           Believe it or not, studies have shown that children taking piano lessons actually perform better in school. When they learn to play the piano, it helps them understand many other ideas that are behind subjects like math and science.

            As you can see, taking piano lessons can greatly benefit your children. Therefore, consider the benefits and give piano lessons to your children. 

    1. (1) Compared with those taking no piano lessons, a child who takes piano lessons ________.

    2. (2) What can we infer from the passage?

    3. (3) How many benefits of children's learning to play the piano are mentioned in the passage?

    4. (4) The purpose of the last paragraph is to ________.

  • 1. ________she walked, she dropped the seeds along the road so that she would know the way back.                                                      

    A . As B . While C . When D . After
  • 1. It was ________he came back from Africa that year________he met the girl he would like to marry.                                                        

    A . when;then B . not;until C . not until;that D . only;when
  • 1. The theory was so________that few people could understand it at that time.

    A . complete B . complex C . curious D . content
  • 1. They remarried in 1995 and________again in less than a year.

    A . kept up B . built up C . joined up D . split up
  • 1. Salt,when________with water,dissolves quickly,which is a physical reaction.

    A . mixed B . mixing C . mix D . is mixed
  • 1. ________all her work in the office,Mary went to the cinema with her friends.

    A . Having finished B . Finish C . To finish D . Finished
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