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  • 1. 阅读理解

    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C  和 D )中,选出最佳选项。

        George Bernard Shaw,the greatest and funniest British dramatist(剧作家)of the first half of the 20th century,was born in Dublin,Ireland,on July 26,1856.His early life was not happy. His father was a selfish man who drank too much and could not support his family properly. His mother was a disappointed,unhappy woman who found more pleasure in studying music than in her children. Bernard and his two sisters received little love and attention from their mother while they were young. At the age of ten Shaw entered school. At first he was the best student,but soon he was at or near the bottom of his class.

        Although he did not like school,Bernard was a good,bright,curious student. His lifelong interest in everything from music and art to machines and medicine began from school life. The interests of this tireless schoolboy were literature and music. He often entertained(使快乐)his classmates with stories he read.

        Early at the age of fifteen,he went to work in an office. He did well as an office clerk,but after five years he decided that he wanted to be a writer. He left Ireland and went to London,where he began to write seriously. Seventy-four years later the great dramatist died.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word “selfish” in the first paragraph mean?
    2. (2) Bernard Shaw grew up________.
    3. (3) Why did Bernard's mother take an interest in music?
    4. (4) Bernard liked reading,so________.
  • 1. 根据下列句子中的中文,用本单元的单词的正确形式填空
    1. (1) He made a quick(适应) to the new environment.
    2. (2) She knew that society would(谴责) her for abandoning her children.
    3. (3) He warned his friend not to(泄露) the secret to anyone else.
    4. (4) He recommended me a(经典的) book on Buddhism.
    5. (5) The referee blew his(口哨),and the game stopped.
    6. (6) The little girl feels(不自在的) with strangers.
    7. (7) The man over there is a(才华横溢的) young musician.
    8. (8) It's(非同寻常的) that he should make exactly the same mistake again.
    9. (9) We can't judge a person on such short(认识).
    10. (10) Parents should teach their children to behave(恰当地) in public.
  • 1. —Are yon getting a new apartment this year?

    —________I can't afford to pay my bills,let alone buy a new apartment.(   )

    A . Don't mention it. B . You must be joking! C . Are you sure? D . Good idea!
  • 1. She brought with her three friends,none of      I had ever met before.(   )

    A . them B . who C . whom D . these
  • 1. As long as I can remember,________I called,my son would answer.(   )

    A . before B . while C . until D . any time
  • 1. 完成句子

    1. (1) The idea (似乎被淡忘了)and the club was never formed.(fade)

    2. (2) The cave (也许永远不会为人所知)had not the entrance been spotted by French pot-holer,Berger.(discover)

    3. (3) I don't know why the woman (甘心忍受) her husband's cruelty to her in the past few years.(term)

    4. (4) In terms of quality,the product of our company is (比其他公司的好).(superior)

    5. (5) I explained to her that last night it was already eleven p.m.(飞机起飞),so I didn't ring to disturb her.(take)

    6. (6) I didn't know his telephone number, otherwise I (会给他打电话).(telephone)

    7. (7) He (仍拿不定主意)over whether to join the expedition.(hesitate)

    8. (8) (无论他多么晚),his mother would wait for him to have dinner together.(however)

    9. (9) Not until the teacher explained it again (我们才理解)the sentence.(sense)

    10. (10) They soon realized that,unless carefully (处理),the situation would become even worse.(deal)

  • 1. 翻译句子

    1. (1) 由于陷入沉思中,他没有注意到车正朝他驶来。

      ,he didn't notice the car running towards him.

    2. (2) 对不起,但是我有重要事情要说。

      to say.

    3. (3) 要是他已经知道事实真相怎么办?

      the truth?

    4. (4) 他残疾的双腿注定他一辈子困在轮椅上。

      His disabled legs

  • 1. 完形填空

              One day I pulled up to my apartment building and noticed there was a father and daughter1some things from a moving truck. Normally I'm shy away from contact with2That particular day, though, something was in me: I can't explain3, but I felt like I should just help these people, even4omething as seemingly unimportant as unloading a truck. So I5and introduced myself, welcomed them to the town, and asked them to give me a(n) 6 to put some proper shoes on. After I had flip-flops(夹趾拖鞋) on, I went over and helped them move all of their7into the apartment.

    After we finished, we talked some and I got to know my new8. It might seem unimportant, but it seems like people are less9and friendly to their neighbors these days: I wanted to10that, at least in my small11block, So we did talk, and they're from Florida, just like me.

              At that12time in my life, I was going through a really difficult 13with my girlfriend of 7 years. I didn't feel like helping anyone or doing anything 14, but I figured why not? And I'm glad I did. Also, as15would have it, their daughter is my age(college student) and we each had a mutual(相互的) 16 in one another. This developed into a friendship, and in the coming months. probably more.

              The 17was the act itself, though. I got to know my new neighbors and made some new friends in the18. And I felt really good about it. Since then, I've tried19my comfort zone to perform other unplanned acts of 20. So far, so good. I'd encourage everyone else to do the same!

    A . stealing B . burdening C . unloading D . packing
    A . teachers B . strangers C . friends D . parents
    A . which B . why C . what D . when
    A . with B . about C . for D . on
    A . came up B . came on C . came out D . came back
    A . moment B . hand C . hour D . break
    A . treasure B . goods C . furniture D . belongings
    A . neighbors B . girlfriend C . students D . classmates
    A . open B . afraid C . curious D . lucky
    A . change B . accept C . receive D . observe
    A . house B . school C . apartment D . company
    A . particular B . common C . normal D . usual
    A . breakout B . breakup C . breakthrough D . breakdown
    A . primitive B . positive C . meaningless D . important
    A . luck B . accident C . success D . result
    A . choice B . habit C . love D . interest
    A . award B . chance C . reward D . prize
    A . game B . process C . program D . direction
    A . expanding B . decreasing C . reducing D . closing
    A . success B . courage C . kindness D . consideration
  • 1. ________achievement,last week's ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low,though not failing,grade.(   )

    A . In terms of B . In case of C . As a result of D . In face of
  • 1. -Do you enjoy your present job?

    -______.I just do it for a living.(   )

    A . Of course B . Not really C . Not likely D . Not a little
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