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  • 1. (defeat) by his rival, he remained a popular boxer.
  • 1. Directions: Read the passage and complete it by using the sentences in the box below. Each sentence can only be used once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

    A. Bolt has changed the face of our sport.

    B. It was Bolt who first started smiling and now they all do it.

    C. However, Bolt is admired not just for the records he has broken.

    D. However, you've also got to enjoy it and I think that's what Bolt has shown.

    E. Bolt has made you realize that you don't have to compete in just one particular way.

    F. Bolt has been able to capture the public's imagination both within the sport and beyond.

    He Who Changed the Face of Athletics

    Over his 13-year running career, Usain Bolt, who is now retired, claimed eight Olympic golds and 11 World Championships titles. The achievements earned the Jamaican athlete the nickname "Lightning Bolt." For many years to come, he is also sure to be remembered for the contributions he has made to athletics, especially concerning the joy we can receive from participating in and watching sports.

    Brendan Foster, BBC commentator

    One of the most notable things Bolt has done is that he has transformed the appearance of the starting line. Before he appeared on the scene, sprinters all wore strict faces with boxer-type approaches at the starting line.

    He has also enabled the commentary to be done with a smile. When you watch the 100 m now, instead of feeling tense, you wear a wide smile. You are now not only waiting to see what he will do on the track, but also on the starting line and then later, after he has crossed the finish line.

    If you are a kid at an athletic club and your coach tells you to train hard, he is right.

    We can't thank him enough for that.

    Harry Aikines-Aryeetey, British sprinter

    From a sprinter's perspective, Bolt is outstanding in the sense that when it comes to major championships, he's his own person.

    I used to start off feeling that I needed to be more serious. Then I saw him and thought, "You know what, this guy is still relaxed." He enjoys it and lives in the moment. Seeing him behaving that way has allowed me to enjoy the moment, too.

  • 1. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage within 30 words.

    At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Australia came eighth in the medals table. That does not sound so great, yet Australia has a population of only about 25 million. There are more Olympic medal winners per head of population in Australia than in most other countries. What is it that makes Australians a sporting people? Some of the answers are simple. Sport needs space. Australians have 7. 4 million square kilometers of space to play sports in. Many other countries are either too crowded or too small to encourage everybody to take part. Besides that, Australia is a warm country, which encourages people to go outdoors to enjoy themselves. Other reasons go deep into the country's history. When the British first found Australia, they decided that it would be a great place to send criminals to. Life for the first Australians was very tough, so they had to be independent and develop a will to win just to survive. Yet they also had to be able to trust each other and be willing to help each other out. In other countries, coaches train people in mental toughness and team building. In Australia, these qualities are part of the general social environment.


  • 1. Directions: Write an English composition of 100-120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


  • 1. Directions: Translate the following passage into English, using the words given in the brackets.

    法国和巴西刚开球,天就下起了倾盆大雨。在恶劣的天气下,两支队伍都不屈不挠。巴西队以2比0开局。法国队在下半场满血复活,最终赢得了比赛。哈利瘫倒在沙发上,长舒一口气。(barely;kick off;roar;sink;relief)

  • 1. Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passages. In each passage, the words given in the box can be used only once and there is one more word than you need.

    admitted    calmed    court    crushed    shot     spot

    The was well beyond the reach of the goalkeeper, which electrified the crowd. Policemen hurried to the and kept the two groups of fans apart. After both sides down, those injured were to a local hospital where the condition of one was said to be serious but five were to death.

    Fans felt completely by the teams' performance. As a(n) was heard, fear ran through the . Someone noticed something suspicious in the behavior of a man who had a(n) on the face. But till now, no one has responsibility for the accident.

  • 1. Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

    Achieved Success with Single Kidney

    Olympian Anju Bobby George, who secured a historic bronze medal within the 203 World Athletics championship in Paris, tweeted on Monday she had many limitations, together with being allergic(过敏的)to even a painkiller, however nonetheless made it.

    Anju's profession developed the instruction of her husband Robe Bobby George. She selected the pandemic(流行病的)season to motivate all of the sportspersons within the present era, are lacking their trainings and competitions as a result of the spread of the virus.

    "The general vision of the people is that I have a perfect body. But the fact is that I achieved all the success in my field by overcoming all difficulties. I hope that sharing of my experience (help) motivate all ambitious sportspersons, "she mentioned.

    She complained of tiredness whereas in Germany for a contest in 2003 and medical doctors there suggested her relaxation for six months and even (not take) into consideration sports activities. It was just 20 days the Paris World Athletics Championship. She overcame all the issues and won a medal in Paris.

    Anju got to know she was living with a single kidney throughout a total physical check-up in 2001 (result) from some well-being points earlier than the beginning of her worldwide profession. "It was shocking news for me. But Bobby encouraged me to continue my career. He even offered me his kidney, "she mentioned." If I had gone public with my health then, the situation would have been different. "

    (Respond) to her tweet, Union Sports Activities Minister Kiren Rijiju praised her for introducing honors to India by means of her (exhaust) work, courage and willpower. "Anju, it's your hard work to bring laurels for India, (support) by the devoted coaches and the whole technical backup team. We are so proud of you (be) the only Indian so far to win a medal in the World Athletic Championship!"

  • 1. Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

    Life is full of risks. It seems as if one moves from one risk to another during their daily lives. While some risks can't be1, there are others that can. One area of "risky business" includes exercise.

    One risk is getting too little of exercise. Unless restricted by a physician for a medical reason, or a(n)2leaving one unable to exercise, people of all walks of life and age can engage in physical activity. But it is estimated that 80%of Americans do not get enough exercise per week. This3can lead to weight gain, cardiovascular(心血)disease, and other medical conditions. One cause may be4illness, especially depression, symptoms of which include a lack of motivation, or losing interest in activities.

    Another risk is exercise addiction. Research has shown it, like any5behavior, is maintained by its mood-enhancing effects. The double effect of improving one's aerobic(有氧的) and/or muscle strength and appearance, along with mood enhancement, serves to further increase one's pride as a result of6a disciplined and strict exercise plan. Many who are addicted to exercise are praised for their devotion or their appearance by friends, family, coaches, teammates, and the media. This7and attention only enhances the efforts of the exercise-addicted.

    People who are addicted to exercise may also have a second or a third addiction such as alcohol, work, or food. It is estimated that as many as 25% of addicted people have a second addiction, further8their condition and the care needed for successful treatment. How can a person tell they are addicted to exercise?Common9include:

    l Escalating to a(n)10level of exercise;

    l Exercising through chronic(慢性的) illnesses or sometimes failing injuries;

    l Needing more exercise, or escalating levels of intensity to achieve mood-altering effects;

    l Not taking days off to11

    l Continuing a vigorous workout schedule despite12consequences.

    For example, a player may lift weights both in the morning and afternoon to keep improving their appearance, as13their strength levels.

    Mental Health America and the National Athletic Trainers Association believe it important to14exercise addition. This means getting help at the15stages of a problem, in order to prevent it from worsening to stages that put a person at risk for significant mental illness. Remember, treatment is out there and if you think you have been taking a risky behavior too far, you can seek care to live a full and enjoyable life.

    A . controlled B . eliminated C . measured D . predicted
    A . disability B . experiment C . secret D . threat
    A . disagreement B . imbalance C . inactivity D . irregularity
    A . fatal B . mental C . progressive D . sudden
    A . social B . normal C . individual D . compulsive
    A . carrying out B . commenting on C . drawing up D . sticking to
    A . memory B . approval C . discussion D . supervision
    A . complicating B . improving C . monitoring D . stimulating
    A . forms B . practices C . problems D . signs
    A . moderate B . recommended C . unreasonable D . varying
    A . play B . recover C . think D . work
    A . foreseeable B . inevitable C . negative D . significant
    A . Associated with B . based on C . followed by D . oppose to
    A . avoid B . identify C . pursue D . treat
    A . early B . exploratory C . distinct D . transitional
  • 1. 12. Directions: Read the following the passages The passages are followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them here are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Chose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    Originating from Sweden, "plogging" is a fitness craze that sees participants pick up plastic litter while jogging-adding a virtuous, environmentally driven element to the sport. Plogging appears to have stared around 2016, but is now going global, due to increasing awareness and fear over plastic levels in the ocean.

    The appeal of plogging is its simplicity-all you need is running facilities and a bin bag, and the feeling of getting fit while supporting a good case. By adding regular squats to pick up junk and carrying weight to jogging, we can assume the health benefits are increased.

    Running and good causes have always gone hand in hand-just think of all the fundraising marathon runners do. But there couldn't be a more on-trend way of keeping fit than plogging.

    "Anything that's getting people out in nature and connecting positively with their environment is a good thing, "says Lizzie Carr, an environmentalist who helped set up Plastic Patrol, a nationwide campaign to rid our inland waterways of plastic pollution." There's been a real shift in the public mindset around plastics, helped by things like Blue Planet highlighting how disastrous the crisis is." she says.

    We need to keep momentum high and the pressure up and empower people through initiatives like plogging and Plastic Patrol.

    The Plastic Patrol app allows users to map plastic anywhere in the world by collecting discarded items, photographing them and uploading to the app, giving us a better knowledge of what sorts of plastic and which brands are being thrown out. "I'd urge all ploggers to get involved, "adds Carr.

    As we can see, plogging has becoming a new fashion. However, plogging isn't the first fitness trend to combine running with a good cause.

    1. (1) According to the passage, what is true about plogging?
    2. (2) Plogging is the most popular way of keeping fit for all the reasons EXCEPT ______.
    3. (3) Why does Carr urge all the ploggers to get involved in the Plastic Patrol?
    4. (4) What will the writer probably talk about after the last paragraph?
  • 1. Read the following the passages. The passages are followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them here are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Chose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    Morita, who just graduated from the University of Shizuoka, returned to Sarajevo in February 2000 with 500, 000 yen in grant money and started F. K. Krilo, a multi-ethnic soccer team. Children from the two regions into which the country is divided-the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republika Srpska—joined one after another, more out of the desire to play soccer than for the purpose of building better relationships among the peoples. Morita enlisted two men as coaches:a physical education teacher at a Bosnian school and a Serbian driver.

    Practices were to be held on both sides of the city of Sarajevo, but the children from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina at first refused to go to the other side. "If the Serbs find us they'll beat us up and maybe even kill us, "they would say. Morita had almost given up hope, when a 14-year-old Bosniak agreed to join the practice in the Republika Srpska. During the car ride over, the usually humorous boy kept quiet in fear. But after the practice he cheerfully commented, "It was the same as practicing in Ilidza." The courage of one teenager helped move the project a step forward.

    Another problem was presented by the fact that many of the children were joining F. K. Kilo without telling their parents about the team. Feeling that his efforts would not go far without the parents' understanding, Morita and his staff spent three weeks visiting each member's home and having parents sign a letter of approval that laid out the objectives of the project. while some of then were quick to agree to support the project, saying the bad feelings between peoples shouldn't go beyond their generation, others refused o let children go" where murderers live" and would not even talk with them.

    Two years since the team's start, F. K. Krilo now has 35 players. In April Morita published a book describing his initiatives for better ethnic relationships, title Overcoming Ethnic Boundaries Through Soccer. Although all the activities of F. K. Krilo appear to be going smoothly, Morita is in fact very concerned. "None of us are professional, myself included. " he explains. "Although we're all connected at the spiritual level, it worries me that we don't have a strong organizational base in Sarajevo for supporting F. K. Krilo's activities."At present all the team's expenses are covered by contributions from Japan, such as fees collected from members of the F. K. Krilo Supporters' club, flea market sales, and grants. Says Morita, "I hope to see more commitment from local people; I'd like them to play active roles in the operations, including collecting money."

    1. (1) Children from the two regions joined F. K. Krilo because they wanted to ______.
    2. (2) The children refused to practise in the other region because ______.
    3. (3) For what reason did some parents finally permit their children to join F. K. Krilo?
    4. (4) What is Morita's major concern now?
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