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  • 1. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空(每个短语限用一次)

    pass down,   wash away,   feed on,   connect with,   plenty of,  be covered in

    1. (1) The insects are known to apples, peaches, grapes, and hardwoods.
    2. (2) There are many traditional customs which should be to young generations.
    3. (3) The plants will have a chance to grow strong roots, unless heavy rain the soil.
    4. (4) The city is set to see rain over the coming days but the sun is expected to return next week.
    5. (5) The discovery by the experts that the stream doesn't the sea has attracted public interest.
    6. (6) The cave ice most of the year but opens for visitors for a short period during summer.
  • 1. 写出所给单词在下列各句中的词性及中文释义。design
    1. (1) The course is designed for students who want to look for a career in protecting nature.

    2. (2) To fit in with the local environment, the building's design was inspired by the local history.

  • 1. 写出所给单词在下列各句中的词性及中文释义。 harm
    1. (1) Measures must be taken to deal with the insects which harm the crops and affect the harvest.

    2. (2) The factory has taken up large amounts of land, which has brought harm to the countryside.

  • 1. 写出所给单词在下列各句中的词性及中文释义。shallow
    1. (1) The stream is quite shallow so we can walk across it.

    2. (2) If he is only interested in your appearance, that shows how shallow he is.

  • 1. 体育运动对人的健康有好处。(be good for)
  • 1. 阅读短文,回答问题

    There are many gardening tips. Some suggest playing music for your houseplants, having conversations with them, or even giving them a gentle touch now and then. Most of these practices are probably more for the benefit of the gardener than the garden, and generally harmless enough but except the last one. Your plants really dislike it when you touch them.

    A new study out of the La Trobe Institute for Agriculture and Food has found that most plants are extremely sensitive to touch, and even a light touch can significantly stunt(遏制) their growth. "The lightest touch from a human, animals, insects, or even plants touching each other in the wind, can cause a huge gene response in the plant," said Jim Whelan, who led the new study. "Within 30 minutes of being touched, 10% of the plant's genome(基因组) can be changed. This involves a huge expenditure(消耗) of energy which is taken away from plant growth. If the touching is repeated, then plant growth is reduced by up to 30%. "

    Whelan and his team are still trying to find out why plants respond, at the genetic level, so strongly. They do have some theories, however. "We know that when an insect lands on a plant, genes are activated(激活) preparing the plant for defending itself against being eaten," said Dr. Yan Wang, coauthor of the study.

    Until more research is done, it's just a guess at this point. Still, the findings might already lead to new methods for how agriculturalists deal with their crops, to best promote healthier growth.

    It's worth noticing that while the study found that plants often respond to just a single touch in negative ways, it's really repeated touch that causes lasting stunted growth. That's because the plants are looking for patterns in the touching, to tell harmful touch from random touch. So it doesn't matter if you accidentally brush up against a bush during a walk through the woods.

    1. (1) How is the passage mainly developed?
    2. (2) Why can touching stunt a plant growing according to the study?
    3. (3) What's the importance of the study by Whelan and his team?
    4. (4) What is the passage mainly about?
  • 1. 选词填空

    in harmony with;   go to the trouble to;  benefit from;   be at one with;   be in doubt;   be home to;   be covered in;   pass down;   reflect on;   lead to;   enter into a competition;  check out

    1. (1) Please the data carefully before submitting(上报) to make sure it is correct.
    2. (2) The mountains sheets of white frost.
    3. (3) It's a permanent theme that human beings should live wildlife.
    4. (4) The sudden traffic accident that happened this morning a traffic jam.
    5. (5) I feel relaxed to nature.
    6. (6) Qiqihar, a city in Heilongjiang Province, red-crowned cranes.
    7. (7) I whether he can finish the task on time.
    8. (8) The start of a new year is a good time to the many achievements of the past.
    9. (9) The journalists cover the incident just to give the common people an explanation.
    10. (10) Anyone who will be given the opportunity to travel abroad.
    11. (11) Future generations of the Yangtze River valley will the Three Gorges Project.
    12. (12) We should the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.
  • 1. 不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。(as well as)
  • 1. 他修理电视机很在行。(expert)
  • 1. 七选五

    More than half the planet's population now live in cities, with limited access to the natural world. For Europe and Latin America, the figure is more than 70%. ①

    Gardening in particular is an opportunity for everyone to have such kind of experience, even if they live in built-up areas. It is typically seen as moderate(适度的) intensity exercise equal to playing doubles tennis or walking at a speed of 3. 5 mph, so it has similar fitness benefits.

    Home and gardens have long been important for family food production, but gardening can also encourage people to eat more healthily and act as an educational resource of nutritious food. In fact, children who take part in gardening and grow their own food have a greater preference for, and increased consumption of, fruit and vegetables.

    Research has shown that gardeners generally have greater life satisfaction, raised self-esteem and fewer feelings of depression and anger than non-gardeners.

    This last point suggests that the mental benefits of gardening may be more than just a side effect of the physical exercise involved. People with strong social networks have increased life expectancy, less stress and fewer visits to the doctor. In addition, spending time outdoors in a natural environment helps us to feel less stressed, reduce the symptoms of depression, and improve our concentration and attention.

    All the evidence shows there's a strong relationship between gardening and health, but we only know for sure that there is connection, not "cause and effect". We also need to directly examine the immediate effects of gardening on people who have never previously taken part or are suffering from mental and physical ill health.

    A. Gardening is also linked to better diets.

    B. But more than this, it can improve people's mental health.

    C. One possible reason is that gardening can involve social interaction.

    D. Good eating is supposed to include a balance of several food groups.

    E. Yet contact with nature has varieties of benefits for both physical and mental health.

    F. This means gardening alone is not necessarily a direct cause of any improvements in health.

    G. Remaining socially active can also inspire seniors to build confidence and live a healthy life.

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