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  • 1. 【七选五】

    Are you interested in losing your body fat to look slimmer(苗条)? This article concentrates on losing fat, not weight or muscle. You will naturally look slimmer, and be and feel more healthy and attractive.


    1 Do proper exercise.

    These are exercises that get your heart rate as high as possible and burn fat.Doing at least one hour of cardio(有氧运动)every day along with one hour of strength training a few days per week is the best habit. This will make you lose fat faster, combined with muscle exercise and a healthy, low-fat diet.


    Eating whole, unprocessed foods is the best way to not take in too much fat. This means eating foods that are in their natural state such as fruit and vegetables. Buy raw foods and cook meat yourself, with plant oil. Protein(蛋白质)helps gain muscles. You can find protein in foods like milk, fish, beef and eggs. Get filled with low calories foods such as vegetables.

    3 Watch what you drink.

    Don't drink soda, alcohol and fruit juice all the time, since these drinks contain a lot of "empty calories" which will only lead you to put on unnecessary weight. Green tea is good, healthy choice.  Drink one full glass of water every morning when you wake up—it is said to make you lose weight faster.

    A. Build muscles.

    B. Eat healthily and diet.

    C. These exercises include running, jogging, swimming, etc.

    D. Read on if you are interested in getting all of these advantages!

    E. This will make you eat less fattening food, thus making you slimmer.

    F. Before going on a diet, you should consult with your doctor to avoid side effects.

    G. Drink two cups of water with each meal to fill you up, avoiding eating too much.

  • 1. 你没有必要告诉他这件事情了,因为他已经知道了。(needn't do)
  • 1. 我们必须按照老师告诉我们的来做这个实验。(as引导方式状语从句)
  • 1. 他每次来看我都给我带来礼物。(every time引导的时间状语从句)
  • 1. 这是我看过的最有趣的电影。(定语从句)
  • 1. 所有种类的树都有叶子,但是他们在大小和形状上有不同。

    Leaves are found on all kinds of trees, but theysize and shape.

  • 1. 一项调查表明,人们对该吃什么才能保持健康这个问题感到困惑。

    A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to.

  • 1. 我知道这有很多大学生有能力去做这个工作。

    I realize that there are many other college students whoto do this job.

  • 1. 我一开始读些短诗,但现在我想我最喜欢长诗了。

    Ismall poems, but now I think I most like long poems.

  • 1. 你能就如何学好英语口语给我一些建议吗?

    Can youon how to learn spoken English well?

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