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  • 1. 阅读理解

    The Life Cycle

        When you plant a seed, does it stay as a seed forever? No! Plants and animals grow and change throughout their lives.

        Many plants begin as seeds. As the seed gets what I needs(water, sunlight, and nutrients from the soil), it begins to grow. The seed turns into a little plant. It keeps growing until it is a full-grown plant. Then the plant makes new seeds, so that new plants can grow even after the plant grows old and dies. Those seeds will then go through their growth process. Because seeds go through this process over and over again, it is called a life cycle. Animals also have life cycles.

        A frog begins as an egg. When the egg hatches, it turns into a tadpole. The tadpoles grow legs and arms, and finally grow into adult frogs. The adult frogs lay eggs, so that new frogs can live even after the frog grows old and dies.

        A dog's life cycle is a little different than a frog's, because a dog does not start out as an egg. It is born from its mother's belly. The puppy keeps growing and is finally an adult dog. Then the adult dog might have puppies to continue the life cycle!

        Insects like caterpillars go through life cycles, too. Caterpillars begin as eggs. When they hatch, they are larvae. The caterpillar becomes a pupa, and inside of the pupa it turns into an adult. The adult is not a caterpillar; it is butterfly! Then the butterfly lays eggs, so that new caterpillars and butterflies can live even after the butterfly grows old and dies.

        Plants and animals don't stay the same throughout their lives; they grow and change through their life cycle.

    1. (1) What do plants begin as?
    2. (2) Which of the following lay eggs?
    3. (3) Where's a butterfly when it turns into an adult?
  • 1. — Did you go to the football match last Friday, Tom?

    — No. I just ________ at home and watched TV.

    A . stayed B . am staying C . stay D . will stay
  • 1. It was hard (see) anything in this kind of weather.
  • 1. When the teacher (come) in, the students were reading.
  • 1. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题

        One day a lion, a wolf, and a fox went hunting together, and they agreed to share what they caught. After killing a large deer, they decided to have a big and delicious meal. The lion asked the wolf to divide(分)the deer. After the wolf made three equal(相等的)parts, he told his friends to take their own part. However, the lion caught the wolf and tore(撕)him into pieces very angrily. The lion then told the fox to divide the deer. The fox gave most of the deer to the lion and left a small part for himself. "Ah, my friend," asked the lion, "who taught you to divide things so equally? The dead wolf. I need no other lessons(教训)," answered the fox.

    1. (1) Who agreed to share what they caught?
    2. (2) How many parts did the wolf divide the deer into?
    3. (3) What did the lion do when he got angry?
    4. (4) Who did the fox learn from?
    5. (5) Which is the cleverest, the lion, the wolf or the fox?
  • 1. 过了一会儿,庞向他扔了一块石头。

    After a while, Pang a stone him.

  • 1. When I got to Linda's home yesterday, she ________ her mother with the housework.
    A . help B . helps C . was helping D . is helping
  • 1. While I was doing my homework, my brother (watch) TV.
  • 1. 短语翻译
    1. (1) make noises
    2. (2) 度假
    3. (3) 拿出
    4. (4) on the other side
  • 1. There are all kinds of beautiful flowers on both ________ of the road.
    A . tops B . sides C . feet D . lines
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