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  • 1. — So you were in the supermarket ________ you heard a strange sound, right?

    — That's true. I ran out as quickly as possible.

    A . when B . while C . then D . which
  • 1. 阅读理解

        What problems do the teenagers probably have Here's a survey showing their main problems.




    Feeling stressed

    Too much homework. Not enough time for their hobbies.

    Make a plan for study and hobbies. Find time to relax as possible as you can.

    Getting short-sighted(近视的)

    Bad reading habits. Spend too much time playing computer games.

    Read in a correct way. Spend less time playing computer games.

    Fighting with each other

    Not knowing how to get on well with classmates.

    Make more friends and understand each other.

    Getting fat

    Eating too many snacks. Doing little exercise.

    Stop eating snacks. Spend more time doing exercise.

    1. (1) If Tony has too much homework and no time for his hobbies. He may ________.
    2. (2) Teenagers are getting short-sighted because they ________.
    3. (3) ________ is a good way for teenagers to stop fighting.
    4. (4) Tony is getting fat because he may ________.
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Healthy Food That Matches Each Other


        Although spinach has lots of iron your body doesn't' absorb(吸收)it well when spinach is eaten alone. But with vitamin C by its side, this vegetable becomes a true hero.


        Tomatoes are super food. You can eat some avocados at the same time, because the fat in avocados helps the body absorb seven times more lycopene(番茄红素).

    Green tea+ Lemon

        Drinking several cups of green tea is a good habit, because it can protect your heart. But if you intake some vitamin C at the same time, it can't be better. The vitamin C in lemons helps your body absorb 13 times more catechin(儿茶酚)than it can get from tea alone.

    1. (1) Which food pair is correct when you eat according to the passage?
    2. (2) Why do we eat oranges with spinach?
    3. (3) What can help body absorb more lycopene?
  • 1. 阅读理解

        A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water. Almost 60% of the body is made of water, but how much water do you drink in a day? Although it's the best thing we can put in our body, most of us are not drinking enough.

        Drinking water is important to your health. Adults should drink between 8 and 10 glasses a day. Drinking coffee or soda is not right because they can dehydrate(使脱水)you.


        If you want to feel good, you should drink water. Dehydration, resulted from not drinking enough water, can make you feel bad. If your body doesn't have enough water, it will get tired. So just make sure you drink lots of water.

        Do you often feel hungry and want to eat food? Drink a glass of water. When you drink water, it stops you from eating more. So drinking water can also help you lose weight.

        Drinking lots of water may also stop you from getting a headache, and if you do have one, the first thing that you can do is to drink some water.

    1. (1) If you dehydrate, it is mainly because you ________.
    2. (2) Which of the following can be put in the blank?
    3. (3) If you get a headache, you can ________ first.
  • 1. 阅读理解

        As a result of years of study, we know that too much animal fat is bad for our health. For example, Americans eat a lot of meat and only a small amount of grains, fruit and vegetables Because of the way they eat, they have a high rate of cancer and heart disease. In Japan, people eat large amounts of grains and very little meat. The Japanese also have a very low rate of cancer and heart disease. The Japanese live longer than anyone else in the world. However, when Japanese people move to the US, the rate of heart disease and cancer goes up as their eating habit changes. And as hamburgers ice creams and other high-fat foods become popular in Japan, the rate of heart disease and cancer is going up there as well. People are also eating more meat and dairy food in other countries, in which the disease rate is going up alone with the change of the way people eat. Doctors everywhere suggest people eat more grains, fruit and vegetables and less meat and dairy food.

        Eating healthily is important for children as well as their parents. When parents have poor eating habits, their children usually do, too. After all, children eat the same way as their parents. When parents eat healthy food the children will learn to enjoy it, too. Then they will develop good eating habits. Doctors suggest parents give their children healthier food such as fruit, vegetables and juice.

        Everyone wants to live a long, healthy life. We know that the food we eat affects us in different ways. For example, doctors believe that fruit and vegetables can really protect people from many different diseases. On the other hand, animal fat can cause diseases. We can change our eating habits now and enjoy many years of healthy living.

    1. (1) Doctors suggest parents give their children healthier food such as ________.
    2. (2) The first paragraph mainly tells us that ________.
    3. (3) The greatest help the passage gives us is ________.
  • 1. My parents always tell me ________ more fruit and vegetables.
    A . eat B . eating C . eats D . to eat
  • 1. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

        Few people like changing their habits, good or bad. Whether it is smoking, drinking or overeating, they 1 "enjoying" them to the end.

        On every packet of cigarettes, people are warned against the 2 of smoking: "Warning: Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health". 3, millions of them start smoking or go on smoking. Why?

        Facts show that families and surroundings(环境)play very important part in 4 smokers. All those smokers come from smoking families or have smoking friends or relatives. Films and TV plays also play a part. People 5 their "heroes" on TV drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. "Heroes" seem to fear 6 neither killing themselves nor killing others with alcohol and cigarettes. If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking, why should common people be afraid?

        The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers' habits. Even 7 warnings, like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer, don't seem to work.

        Knowing and believing seem to be two 8 things. If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say, it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up!

    A . stop B . continue C . finish D . avoid
    A . chances B . excuses C . causes D . dangers
    A . Moreover B . Also C . However D . Otherwise
    A . influencing B . explaining C . improving D . describing
    A . hear B . catch C . watch D . face
    A . something B . nothing C . anything D . everything
    A . stronger B . worse C . longer D . harder
    A . similar B . pleasant C . different D . boring
  • 1. It's very cold outside, ________ wear your warm clothes.
    A . but B . or C . so D . and
  • 1. I hate travelling by air ________ you usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes off.
    A . because B . though C . until D . unless
  • 1. — How much milk would you like?

    — Just ________, please.

    A . a few B . a little C . few D . little
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