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  • 1. — What did Mr. Wang ask you just now?

    — He asked me ____________ yesterday afternoon

    A . why I am absent from school B . why I was absent from school C . why am I absent from school D . why was I absent from
  • 1. He left his school (伤心地).
  • 1. There is (很少) milk in the glass.
  • 1. Dick said, "You can sit here, Jim."

    Dick Jim that he sit there.

  • 1. "Where have you been these days?" Tobby asked.

    Tobby asked me been days.

  • 1. — Mr. Smith, could you please tell us _____________ the science show?

    —Sure. Next Friday.

    A . when we attended B . when we will attend C . when did we attend D . when will we attend
  • 1. 请告诉我你上周去哪里了。
  • 1. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文。(方框中有两个选项是多余的)

    A. cheaper    B. away    C. costs    D. another    E. games    F. bored

    G. Although    H. took    I. nothing    J. speak    K. other    L. onto

        There was a young college student; he always thought that he had chosen a wrong course, so he playedevery day and didn't study at all. Day after day, he became very.

        One day, he put a note in the homework that he handed in, saying, "It is said that today's college students arethan potatoes. Do you agree?" The professor looked at the note but said

        Later that day, the student was about to leave the classroom when the professor called him back. The professora small potato that had sprouted (发芽). "Do you know how much it?" he asked the young student. "It's soft and poisonous (有毒的). Nobody wants to buy it even if it's free. "After saying that, the student threw the potato, Then the professor showed himpotato. It was half as big as a football and perfectly round. "This potato is organic (有机的). It is not only large and fresh but also free of pollutionit is very expensive, it sells well around the world."

        The young man was impressed by what the professor said. The professor put the big potato.his hand and said, "Be such a potato, young man."

  • 1. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题

        Li Yaotang is considered to be one of the most important and widely-read Chinese writers in the 20th century. He wrote under the pen name of Ba Jin. Ba Jin started writing his first work (作品) in the 1920s. Li was born in Chengdu, Sichuan. He was born in a rich family of officials. As a child, Li was taught to read and write first by his mother. In 1920, Li entered Chengdu Foreign Language School to study English. Three years later, Li moved to Shanghai to study. In 1927, he went to Paris with his friend for further study. After returning to Shanghai in 1928, Ba Jin continued writing and working on translation. His first novel came out in 1929. Then he wrote a lot of famous novels during ten years. Most of Ba Jin's works could be easily understood by anyone with high school education, which made him one of the easiest modern Chinese writers. Ba Jin died in Shanghai. His death marked the end of a century for Chinese literature. He was one of the masters of language like Lao She.

    1. (1) When did Ba Jin start writing his first work?
    2. (2) Who taught Ba Jin to read and write when he was a child fist?
    3. (3) What did Ba Jin do in Chengdu Foreign Language School?
    4. (4) Did Ba Jin go to France or Britain in 1927?
    5. (5) Why is Ba Jin still one of the easiest modern Chinese writers?
  • 1. I'm (渴的) .Can you get me some water?
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