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  • 1. Nick often feels (寂寞的) because he has no sister or brother.
  • 1. you study hard every day, your goals.


  • 1. — Jack often ______________ to help at the underground station on Saturdays.

    — Cool! Let's join him next Saturday.

    A . offers B . refuses C . forgets D . reminds
  • 1. 昨天 Peter 建议我们再等几天。

    Yesterday Peter us for a few more days.

  • 1. Last weekend my father (提出) to take me to the museum.
  • 1. 阅读理解

        Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon, and here are some ways to communicate with them politely.

        How close do you stand when, you talk to a friend? You can stand close to people in the Middle East but don't stand too close to North Americans! Give them more personal space.

        Do you know bow to touch people correctly? Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends. South Americans sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you, so you can't move away! But in Britain many people don't like other people t0 touch them at all.

        Do you look at people when you talk? In some places, it isn't polite to look at people when you talk. but in other countries it isn't polite to look somewhere else. In Britain and the USA, people usually look at each other when they talk.

        And how do you say goodbye? That's easy: wave (挥手) to say goodbye. But be careful! In Greece, it's not at all polite! in fact, it's very nude!

    1. (1) From the passage, we should give more personal space.
    2. (2) The underlined word "touch" means ___________ in Chinese.
    3. (3) We can't wave to say goodbye in _______________.
    4. (4) What's the best title of the passage?
  • 1. My parents are (满意的) with us.
  • 1. What a (愚蠢的) person he is!
  • 1. you meet new people, them about their interests and their everyday life.


  • 1. Bruce was (worry) about his health.
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