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  • 1. 假如你叫Li Ping,最近和英国朋友Mike通过邮件谈论成长过程中对自己产生过重要影响的人。他想了解你生命中最重要的人是谁,请你根据他的问题回复邮件,不少于50词。

    提示词语: hear from, the most important person, spare no effort to

    提示问题:Who is the most important person in your life?

    Why is, he/she so important? Give an example.

    What can you learn from him/ her?

  • 1. The mother walked into the room _____________ in order not to wake up her baby.
    A . quickly B . quietly C . heavily D . fast
  • 1. 为了迎接2022年北京冬奥会,各校组织冰雪运动进校园活动。某英文网站在开展以“My Skiing Experience”为主题的征文活动,假如你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿。请结合自身经历,谈谈你在此活动中都做了什么,以及有什么感受。

    提示词语: Yunju Ski Resort( 云居滑雪场), fall down, never give up, happy

    提示问题: When and where did you go skiing?

    What did you do there?

    How did you feel?

  • 1. My hometown is a beautiful city and it is well-known _____________ it's beautiful mountains and lakes.
    A . as B . for C . of D . with
  • 1. I couldn't lift the box. It was very heavy. It was full _____________ old books and magazines.
    A . with B . for C . of D . over
  • 1. I speak more and I'm not afraid of making mistakes.
  • 1. When I listen, I still don't understand every word, but I don't give up.
  • 1. — Jack is a shy young man.

    — That's true. He always feels _____________ when he speaks before people.

    A . friendly B . nervous C . honest D . lively
  • 1. 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

        When I was a little girl, my family lived in the countryside. There was a beautiful river near my home. The water was clean and cool. I could see lots of fish swimming in it. I liked to go fishing there with my mum. We would catch fish, wash clothes and swim in the river. There were lots of birds near the river. We would spend all day watching the birds.

        Now my family live in the city. Last Sunday my daughter asked me to take her to see the river I was always talking about. "I want so much to go fishing there with you and Grandma, "she said.

        On the way to the river, we were all very excited. But when we got there, we only saw a factory and a mountain of litter. My mum was surprised, my daughter was disappointed (失望的), and I was sad. The river was my best friend. I grew up with it. Now there are no fish in it, and the birds are gone, too. I hear it cry for help. But what can I do?

    1. (1) What was the water in the river like when the writer was a child?
    2. (2) What would they do in the river when the writer was a child?
    3. (3) How did they feel on the way to the river?
    4. (4) What did they see when they got to the river?
    5. (5) How did the writer feel after they got there?
  • 1. 单词拼写
    1. (1) 句子(n.)
    2. (2) 理解;抓住(v.)
    3. (3) 速度(n.)
    4. (4) 经历;经验(n.)
    5. (5) 错误(n.)
    6. (6) 完美的;理想的(adj.)
    7. (7) 懂;理解(v.)
    8. (8) 简单的;容易的(adj.)
    9. (9) 提高;改善(v.)
    10. (10) 主要的,最重要的(adj.)
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