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  • 1. 你需要为你的演讲做准备吗?

    Do you need to your speech?

  • 1. 我正在考虑去超市。

    I'm going to the supermarket.

  • 1. 汤姆想要醒来,但睡意使他又沉人梦乡。

    Tom wanted to , but sleep held him back.

  • 1. 阅读理解

        Space travel is nothing new. The first spacecraft with a human was sent up into space in 1961. Since then, people have not only travelled to space, but many of them have also lived in space stations for some time.

        The Soviet Union sent the first space station into space in 1971. This space station was called Salyut 1, Salyut 1 was designed as a place where people could live while they observed space and did experiments. The first group of astronauts lived there for 23 days. The Soviet Union went on to make seven more Salyut space stations. At about the same time, the United States built its own space station, called Skylab.

        Astronauts visited and often lived in these space stations for a short time. However, it wasn't until the late 1980s when the Soviet Union sent the Mir space station that people began to live in space for a longer time. Mir stayed in space from 1989 to 2001,when it was decided that the space station was too old and no longer safe to live in.

        Living in space stations seems to be fun, but astronauts face many problems. One of them is food. All the meals on space stations are put together on Earth and sent there by space shuttle. Because the food has to last a long time (sometimes up to three months), a lot of it has to be stored in cans. The space station does not have a fridge, but it has a cool room to keep fruit and vegetables fresh. Astronauts also eat many other foods such as dried meat that do not need special care.

        Without the help of gravity, sitting down to eat can be tough. Astronauts sometimes have to fix themselves to the wall while eating. They also have to be very careful so that food does not float away.

    1. (1) Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word "observed" in Paragraph 2?
    2. (2) What can we infer(推断) from the passage?
    3. (3) What is the best title of this passage?
  • 1. I hope in the future, when we are free, we can go anywhere by (宇宙飞船).
  • 1. They claimed to have discovered a new (行星).
  • 1. I think (国际的) calls are very expensive.
  • 1. We have to take a to stop them.
  • 1. 最后,如果你要保持健康,你必须吃得好。

    Finally, if you want to , you must eat well.

  • 1. ___________________ flowers are going to be planted around the park near our school.
    A . A lot B . Plenty of C . Lot of D . Much
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