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  • 1. I was walking (朝) the bus station when I saw a man lying on the street.
  • 1. Finally the man saved the boy under the damaged building (success).
  • 1. 阅读下面材料,有的答案要填入适当的内容,有的答案要用括号内单词的正确形式,每空不超过3个单词。

        A long time ago, there was a dishonest (不诚实的) bread (sell) at the village market. She arrived early to get a good place and put her box of bread under the market tree. Then she went (hide) somewhere not far away.

        Several minutes later, a meat seller arrived and sat down. She was because she didn't have breakfast that morning. She noticed the bread and wondered who it belonged . "Whose bread is this?" she shouted. Nobody answered, so she shouted again and again. Finally she thought that there was no (own), so she took some of the bread to eat.

        After (see) this, the bread seller came up to the meat seller, "Because you (take) some of my bread, you must give me some meat to pay it," she said. The meat seller refused, so the bread seller called other sellers to help her.

        The other sellers came and stood by the two women. They listened to their stories in to decide who was right. At last, they found that the bread seller left the bread there to trick (欺骗) the meat seller, so the meat seller didn't need (pay).

  • 1. — The song "Where did the time go?" _______________ the old days and the love of my family.

    — Sure. It's my favorite song.

    A . helps me out B . cheers me up C . regards me as D . reminds me of
  • 1. Sally hasn't finished her homework. _______________ she didn't write a word at all.
    A . Suddenly B . Hardly C . Actually D . simply
  • 1. 假设你校读书俱乐部正在举办“世界文学名著欣赏”系列活动,这周阅读的名著是《格列佛游记》( Gulliver's Travels)。请你根据下面的提示写一篇英语短文。







  • 1. — Tom, _______________ you ever _______________ that new film?

    — Yes, I _______________ it a week ago.

    A . have; seen; saw B . have; seen; see C . do; see; see D . had; seen; saw
  • 1. (科技) brings us a lot of knowledge and power.
  • 1. She is due (start) school in September.
  • 1. We _______________ there ever since you left!
    A . be B . is C . was D . have been
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