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  • 1. 请保持安静。这个小女孩现在正在睡觉。

    Please . The little girl is sleeping now.

  • 1. 假设有外星人存在,请你根据以下提示写一篇短文,想象外星人的样子和他们的生活。要求80词左右,可适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。




        I believe aliens really exist. …

  • 1. —I always forget some new words. I don't know___________.

    —Practise writing them many times.

    A . how to do B . when to do C . what to do D . where to do
  • 1. 由于你的帮助,我通过了考试。

    your help, I passed the exam.

  • 1. 阅读短文及文后A~E选项,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。

        Have you ever thought about what our food will be in the future?

        More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Instead, people will eat more fruit and vegetables. In this way, people may be healthier.

        Only about 29%of the Earth's area is land and the rest is sea, so some think maybe we can get more food from the sea.

        Besides, though rice supports more than half the world's population, it needs a lot of water to grow. Therefore, it might be impossible to grow rice in the future. Some farmers are experimenting with new crops. The soybean (黄豆) makes a good substitute (替代品) for rice and meat.

    A. Maybe no one will eat it every day.

    B. Scientists predict (预测) the climate will get drier during the next century.

    C. Scientists are always trying out new ways of growing food.

    D. Farmers like to grow beans because they don't need much water, and beans also improve the quality of the soil.

    E. As the population is growing fast, there must be changes in our food.

  • 1. —When will the plane ___________Shanghai?

    —At 9:00p. m.

    A . get B . arrive at C . reach D . reach in
  • 1. I felt f when I saw the scary big snake.
  • 1. Look! He is dancing at the moment.
    A . in the present B . in the past C . for some time D . in a second
  • 1. The teacher was satisfied with what the student said.
    A . angry B . pleased C . excited D . surprised
  • 1. —We should keep teenagers away from the Internet.

    —___________. Sometimes they need to search the Internet for useful information.

    A . Good idea B . I hope so C . Sounds good D . I disagree
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