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  • 1. Tom is         of the two boys.
    A . young B . older C . younger D . the older
  • 1. 他努力学习最后找到了理想的工作。

    He worked hard and found an ideal job .

  • 1. 看!这个盒子里满是书。

    Look! The box books.

  • 1. When we meet problems in life, we can turn to old people. I'm sure we'll learn much from their ______.
    A . confidence B . importance C . experience D . difference
  • 1. Jim likes _______ very much.
    A . orange, tomatoes and milk B . oranges, tomatoes and milks C . oranges, tomatoes and milk D . oranges, tomato and milk
  • 1. 多句选词填空

    far, long , interesting , little , day

    1. (1) In my opinion, Harry Potter is book that I have read.
    2. (2) Of all the boys, Tom's brother has bread.
    3. (3) Please write to me and tell me about your life.
    4. (4) Do you know the of the Changjiang River?
    5. (5) Amy's sister went to Shanghai for study last week.
  • 1. —How are you doing?


    A . Not bad B . I'm watching TV C . I'm doing well D . Thank you
  • 1. 完形填空

    Bill is a good student and a smart boy. He likes to study 1, and he can do all of the maths problems in his book easily.

    One day on his way to school, Bill passed a fruit store. There was a 2 in the window which said, "Apple-six for 5 cents (美分) ." An idea 3 to Bill and he went into the store. "How 4 are the apples?" he asked the store.

    "Six for 5 cents."

    "But I don't want six apples."

    "How many apples do you want?"

    "It is not a question of how many apples I want. It is a maths problem."

    "What do you 5 by a maths problem?" asked the man.

    "Well, if six apples are worth(值)5 cents, then five apples are worth 4 cents, four apples are worth 3 cents, three apples are worth 2 cents, two apples are worth 1 cent and one apple is worth 6 . I only want 7 apple"

    Bill 8 a good apple, began to eat it and walked 9 out of the store. The man looked at the young boy with such 10 that he could not say a word.

    A . English B . Biology C . Geography D . Maths
    A . news B . book C . sign D . glass
    A . came B . went C . got D . appeared
    A . many B . much C . big D . heavy
    A . mean B . do C . say D . plan
    A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing
    A . one B . two C . three D . four
    A . looked out B . put out C . picked out D . set out
    A . angrily B . happily C . easily D . carefully
    A . sadness B . prize C . surprise D . fruit
  • 1. 主菜您想要什么?

    What would you like for your ?

  • 1. 其中一个主要的原因是他太懒了。

    is that he is too lazy.

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