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  • 1.  Matin was once ____ problem child, but now he is one of ____ best children. 
    A . a, a B . the, a C . the, / D . a, the
  • 1.  ____ careful you are, ____ mistakes you will make. 
    A . More, less B . The more, the less C . The more, the fewer D . More, fewer
  • 1.  — Mike, why are you watching TV again?

    — I ____ my homework. 

    A . had finished B . finished C . finish D . have finished
  • 1.  语法填空

    Liu Xiang, the world champion hurdler(跨栏冠军), retired on April 72015

    Liu was one of 1 hurdlers in the world. Liu won the 110m hurdles gold medal at the 2004 Olympics in Athens. He said the injury(损伤)in his foot stopped him from 2 part in the Olympics games. It made him accept the fact that he won't be able 3 at the highest level again.

    "I am retiring today to say goodbye to my tracks(跑道)and hurdles," Liu said on his personal blog 4 Tuesday afternoon.

    "It's 5 big decision, and it is difficult for me to make it. I've tried all my best to get well from the injury over the past two years since the 2012 London Olympics. I dreamed I 6 start over again, but my foot hurt over and over again. I knew 7 I couldn't take any hard training and racing any more. I hated my foot as 8 as I love my track and my hurdles. " Liu said to his fans 9 .

    From 2004 to 2007, he 10 winning for three times at the Olympics, the world championships in 2007 and set a world record of 12. 88 seconds in Lausanne in 2006. In those days, everyone in China was proud of 11 . However, Liu's career dropped. In 2008, he had to drop out of the 110m hurdles race at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. 12 fans in the Bird's Nest were in great surprise.

    From then on, Liu's career 13 by his injury. 14 he still tried his best to take part in some international competitions from 2009 to 2011. 15 amazing the man is! We will remember him for his effort and bravery.

    A . famous B . more famous C . the most famous D . most famous
    A . to take B . taking C . took D . take
    A . racing B . to race C . raced D . race
    A . in B . on C . at D . of
    A . the B . a C . an D . /
    A . must B . need C . should D . could
    A . where B . how C . what D . that
    A . many B . much C . more D . most
    A . saddest B . sadness C . sad D . sadly
    A . keep B . kept C . will keep D . is keeping
    A . himself B . his C . he D . him
    A . Thousands B . Thousand C . Thousand of D . Thousands of
    A . influence B . influenced C . influencing D . was influenced
    A . So B . But C . Or D . Because
    A . How a B . How C . What a D . What
  • 1.  完形填空

    When you were young, who rode you around on the back of a bike? Who played football and flew kites with you 1 in the park to sweep away the tiredness of long time of study? Who helped you work out the 2 math problem you can't solve? Who taught you the 3 between right and wrong?

    Your dad. Now it is your turn to do something for him. The third Sunday in June is Father's Day. So why not do something to thank your dad for all his love and 4 ?

    The idea of Father's Day came from an 5 lady called Samara Smart Dodd in 1909. She wanted an unusual day to remember her father. He raised(抚养)six children by himself after his wife died. When Dodd 6 , she thought there needed to be a day to thank all the great, selfless and loving dads. Her father was born in June, so she wanted to hold the first Father's Day celebration(庆祝)on his birthday in 1909. In 1924, most of the Americans liked the 7 of Father's Day. In the end, the third Sunday in June was named Father's Day.

    There are many ways to show your love and thanks. Send him a postcard. Usually fathers like cards. So, maybe a good one can make him 8 . A small 9 , such as a photo of your family or a lovely wallet can make him feel like a king. Send him flowers: the rose is the official Father's Day flower. At last don't 10 to say "I love you, dad!"

    A . happily B . surprisedly C . carefully D . quietly
    A . easy B . difficult C . boring D . funny
    A . knowledge B . difference C . skill D . problem
    A . feeling B . support C . energy D . ability
    A . English B . Indian C . African D . American
    A . looked out B . grew up C . took off D . got down
    A . idea B . opinion C . hobby D . order
    A . agree B . win C . believe D . laugh
    A . camera B . present C . animal D . palace
    A . like B . hate C . forget D . remember
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Do you want to live a happier life? Try laughing for no reason. That's how many people start their day at Laughter Yoga(瑜伽)Clubs around the world, and many doctors now think that having a good laugh might be one of the best ways to stay healthy.

    The First Laughter Club was started in Mumbai, India, in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria. "Young children laugh about 300 times a day. Adults(成人)laugh between 7 and 15 times a day," says Dr. Kataria. "Everyone's naturally good at laughing. We want people to feel happy with their lives. " There are now more than 500 Laughter Clubs in India and over 1300 in the world. many doctors are also interested in the effects of laughter on our health.

    A study at the UCLA School of Medicine in California shows that laughter makes people relaxed and is very good for the heart. Laughter Yoga is used in many hospitals for the illness treatment(治疗)and it is also practiced in schools, factories and old people's homes.

    So, what is Laughter Yoga? I went to my nearest Laughter Club to find out. I was quite nervous about it. I didn't like the idea of laughing with others. First, our laughter teacher told us to clap(拍)our hands and say, "Ho ho ho, ha ha ha. " He said our bodies can't tell the difference between fake laughter and real laughter, so they both work. After ten minutes everybody in the room was laughing for real! We did different kinds of laughter exercises and finally I was surprised by how relaxed I felt.

    So if you're upset about something, just start laughing. As Dr. Kataria says, "When you laugh, you change, and when you change, the world changes around you. "

    1. (1) What can we learn from Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2?
    2. (2) How many Laughter Clubs are there in the world today?
    3. (3) The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refers to ____.
    4. (4) How did the writer feel in his Laughter Club experience?

      a. Nervous.  b. Surprised.  c. Upset.  d. Relaxed. 

    5. (5) What is the purpose of the passage?
  • 1.  阅读填空

    In different countries, people have different opinions about numbers. For example, Americans don't like number 13. If they invite some friends for dinner and it happened that there are 13 people sitting at the table, the host will invite another friend to join them. Americans always plan to get married on July 7th.

    Because it sounds like the word "death" in Chinese. Because of this, many buildings skip(跳)the fourth floor. In Hong Kong, some buildings even skip all floors numbered with 4, such as 4, 14, 24, 35 and all 40-49 floors. Some buildings also skip the 13th floor, because this is seen as an unlucky number in the west. so what's a "lucky" number in China? The Chinese pronunciation of the number "8" has almost the same sound as that of the Chinese character "发[fa:]", which means making a fortune. Some people will even spend a lot of money to have the number 8 in their phone numbers or vehicle license plate(车牌照)numbers. For example, The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics began at 8:08 pm. on August 8, 2008. Everybody thinks it was a good day.

    A. And simply they call it the fifth floor. 

    B. But they think number 7 is a good number. 

    C. So, people think it is a very lucky number. 

    D. In China, the most unlucky number is four. 

    E. As a result, a building whose highest floor is 50 may have only 35 physical floors. 

  • 1.  Anna had a little headache yesterday. H, she still went to work by bus. 
  • 1.  We all know the Bell was the i of the telephone. 
  • 1.  Tom got the first p in the singing competition, so he is very excited. 
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