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  • 1. 阅读理解

        This is a story of a man who worked in a big factory. I got to know him many years ago, but I never paid any attention to him. He always wore an old red hat and carried a rubbish bag. He usually spent his break time and his lunchtime walking around in that old big factory to collect the unused tins.

        Today, I was fixing a machine in the factory when this "tin man" came with his bag. As usual, he picked up the tins. My manager was standing there to watch him. He asked the "tin man" what he was going to do with those tins. I never thought about this question, because I always thought that he'd sell those tins for money. The "tin man" answered, "I will give these tins to my neighbor, because he is ill and he cannot work." I was so surprised to hear that, so I asked him, "You collect all those tins just to help your neighbor?" "I know this does not help much," he said. "But I will try my best to help him."

        At that time, I found myself standing in front of a great man. This "tin man" only wore a T-shirt and an old red hat and carried a rubbish bag, but he was a great man.

        We shouldn't judge a man by his appearance (外表). We should look at his heart.

    1. (1) The "tin man" was a(n)____________in a big factory.
    2. (2) The "tin man" usually ____________during his break time and lunchtime.
    3. (3) From the passage we know that the "tin man" is____________.
    4. (4) The last paragraph tells us that ____________.
    5. (5) Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?
  • 1. 阅读理解

        When I was in the eighth grade, my teacher asked us to write an article about what we would like to do when we grew up. All I could think of was one sentence—I want to help other people! During the years, I met many problems. But I never gave up. I know that to help other people I have to help myself first. I encouraged myself after I experienced failures (失败). Finally my dream really came true. I found a part-time job in a charity. I began to spend my days doing things for people. I have a happy life. That doesn't mean that this kind of life is easy, or that my work is always enjoyable. I am happy because I am doing what I want to do.

        What do you want to do? Write it down now. If you don't know, you can ask yourself, "What would I do if this was the last day of my life?" Then write down the first thing that comes to your mind, no matter (无论) how silly or impossible it is. If you have an answer, you will know what your dream is.

    1. (1) What did the writer want to do?
    2. (2) What did the writer do whenever he experienced failures?
    3. (3) The writer says "I have a happy life" because_____________.
    4. (4) What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
    5. (5) The best title for the passage is "___________".
  • 1. Last night, the football game l two hours.
  • 1. 昨天,我写作业的同时听着音乐。

    Yesterday I did my homework and listened to music .

  • 1. 跑完马拉松之后,他累得说不出话来。

    After running in the marathon, he was say a word.

  • 1. 阅读短文及文后A~E选项,选出可以填入61~65各题空白处的最佳选项。

        Life used to be fun for teenagers. They used to have money to spend, and free time to spend. They used to wear teenage clothes, and meet in teenage coffee bars and discos. But for many young people, life is harder now. There is not so much money around. Things are more expensive, and it is hard to find a place to live in. Teachers say that students work harder than they used to.and more interested in passing exams. They know that good exam results may get them better jobs.

        Most young people worry more about money than their parents did twenty years ago.They want to be able to get homes of their own one day.

        For some, the answer to the unemployed is to leave home and look for work in one of the Britain's big cities. Every day hundreds of young people arrive in London from other parts of Britain, looking for jobs.Others don't find it, and go home again.

        When you read the newspapers and watch the news on televisions, it's easy to get the idea that British young people lose their jobs and are angry or in trouble. But that's not true.

    A. Some find and stay.

    B. Some of them still do.

    C. They are less interested in politics

    D. They try to spend less and save more.

    E. Jobs are difficult to find.

  • 1. Mary doesn't like to go to the zoo, because she is afraid____________ tigers.
    A . at B . of C . about D . to
  • 1. Doing morning exercises can keep us ____________.
    A . healthy B . be healthy C . more healthy D . healthily
  • 1. —Has your son changed a lot?

    —Yes, he has. He____________ his homework very carelessly, but now he doesn't.

    A . used to do B . used to doing C . was used to do D . was used to doing
  • 1. Mum was washing the dishes ____________the light went out.
    A . before B . when C . as soon as D . so
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