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  • 1. 合作探究
    1. (1)  制作一份关于一般现在时用法的Mind-map,并在班内进行交流。
    2. (2)  根据Comprehension D3的表格,用5-8句话简要介绍自己的校园生活,注意在介绍中运用频度副词和副词短语。
  • 1.  阅读单选

    Today Mr Green goes to school with his son Jim. He doesn't go to Jim's school often because he is very busy. But today, he goes there because it's the school open day. Jim usually takes the school bus to school, but they go to school by car today. At the school gate, they see Mike and Julie. They're the guides(向导)today because their school is big and it's difficult for some parents to find their children's classrooms.

    The school open day is from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 in the afternoon. First, Mr Green goes to a big meeting room. There are many parents there. They talk with the teachers and drink tea. Then the teachers show them around the school.

    At 10:30 a.m., they go to their children's classrooms and watch a lesson. They play games with their children there. They have lunch in a large dining hall with their children. The lunch is delicious and the children are happy to have lunch with their parents at school!

    1. (1) Why does Mr Green go to Jim's school today?
    2. (2) How does Jim usually go to school?
    3. (3) How long does the school open day last(持续)?
    4. (4) Which do NOT the parents do on the school open day?
    5. (5) Why does the writer write the passage?
  • 1.  — When do you ____ have dinner?

    — My mother cooks dinner at 5:00 p.m. every day, so we have dinner at 6:00 p.m.

    A . never B . sometimes C . usually D . seldom
  • 1.  Lisa loves reading. She ____ reads books after school.
    A . always B . never C . sometimes D . seldom
  • 1.  —____ the girl play the piano on Monday? 

    —Yes, she ____.

    A . Is; is B . Do; do C . Does; does D . Is; does
  • 1.  — ____do you go to the park? 

    — Once a week.

    A . How long B . How much C . How many D . How often
  • 1.  Lucy is a maths teacher and she ____ maths very well.
    A . teach B . taught C . teaches D . teaching
  • 1.  —Does Peter go swimming every day?


    A . No, I don't B . No, he isn't C . Yes, he does D . Yes, he is
  • 1.  ____ Jack and his brother ____ to the library on Saturday?
    A . Do; goes B . Does; go C . Do; go D . Does; goes
  • 1.  Alice is a very nice girl in class. (改为否定句)

    Alice   a very nice girl in class.

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