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  • 1. 根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

    1. (1) My brother wants  (buy) a computer.

    2. (2) Why not  (play) football on the playground?

    3. (3) You can't (eat) too much chicken.

    4. (4) There  (be) some bread on the plate.

    5. (5) Betty is my cousin. I often play games with  (she).

    6. (6) Many young people like  (run) in the morning.

    7. (7) The film is very  (interest). We all like it.

    8. (8) Each dog has four  (foot).

  • 1. 根据句意和中文提示完成单词

    1. (1) Jack  (经常) goes to school on foot.

    2. (2) They need some  (饮料).

    3. (3) This is an  (有趣的) book. I like it.

    4. (4) I want to  (唱歌) for my best friend.

    5. (5) We need some  (果汁) for the party.

  • 1. 根据中文提示完成句子, 每空一词。

    1. (1) 他们午餐吃什么?


    2. (2) 为什么不吃根香蕉?

        have a banana?

    3. (3) 我想试一试。

      I want    .

  • 1. 句型转换。

    1. (1) How about you?  (同义句)


    2. (2) I usually have rice and meat for supper.  (对划线部分提问)

       do you usually  for supper?

    3. (3) There is some banana juice in the bottle.    (改为否定句)

      There   banana juice in the bottle.

    4. (4) I have an egg for lunch.    (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

         an egg for lunch?

      , .

    5. (5) I will give them some candies.    (改为同义句)

      I will     .

  • 1. 根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

    1. (1) I can see some  (baby) in the picture.

    2. (2) Are there any  (tomato) in the basket?

    3. (3) My grandma always tells me some funny  (story).

    4. (4) We should eat  (health) food.

    5. (5) I often have some  (rice) and some  (fish).

  • 1. You can taste many kinds of dishes,             fish, chicken and so on.

    A . like B . likes C . liking D . to like
  • 1. -- What do you need           for dinner? 

    -- I want some carrots and beef.

    A . buy B . buys C . buying D . to buy
  • 1. I have           egg and some bread           breakfast in the morning.

    A . a; for B . an; in C . the; for D . an; for
  • 1. -- What's your favourite fruit?

    -- I like           best.

    A . apples B . potatoes C . eggs D . fish
  • 1. Millie wants three           and some          .

    A . apples; rices B . fishes; orange C . cakes; chickens D . eggs; fish
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