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  • 1.  下面文章中有五处(第1~5题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A~F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Travel tips for holidays abroad

    Everyone loves holidays abroad. However, holidays aren't always a great experience. Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday. 

    Have you packed your passport? Your ticket? Every year, thousands of people miss flights because they've forgotten their passport, and they arrive at the airport too late, or even go to the wrong airport!

    How much do you know about the place you are going to visit?Learning a little about the culture of a country will help you understand the people. Learning a few words of another language can also help you make new friends. 

    Try to reduce the pollution you cause. Travel by train if you can. Flying produces twenty times more carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) than traveling by train. Of course, it might be impossible to avoid flying, but when you arrive, use buses or trains instead of taxis. 

    You can help a local community a lot by staying in local hotels and eating in local restaurants. This means that your money will go to local people, rather than to a large international company. 

    You don't want to forget your holiday. Take photos! You can show them to friends, or just use them to remember all the good times you had!And don't forget the new friends you made on holiday. Did you promise to send them pictures or presents? Don't forget to do it!

    A. Remember the environment

    B. Keep a good memory for your holiday

    C. Travel with your friends

    D. Do some research

    E. Get organized

    F. Help the local population

  • 1.  Passage D·

    "Military-style" travel has become the latest fashion among Chinese college students, who spend as little money as possible to travel to as many places as they can during the weekend, hardly taking a break or even sleeping.

    To save money, they usually catch a normal-speed train on a Friday night, arrive at the destination city on Saturday morning, travel around in the city, sleep at a 24-hour restaurant for a few hours on Saturday, then repeat the same busy schedule on Sunday before returning to their university in time for classes on Monday morning. These young travelersare less concerned with in-depth(深入详尽的) experiences and more focused on checking off popular tourist destinations on their schedule. 

    Hu Die, a student at Inne r Mongolia University of Technology, is one such traveler. She put together a 10-day holiday during the recent May Day holiday period and traveled to six cities. 

    On April 26, she took a high-speed train to Beijing and then from Beijing to Tai'an, Shandon g Province, to climb Mount Tai. To save money, she spent 4 hours climbing up to the mountaintop rather than using a cable car. After watching the sunrise from it on April 27, she visited Dai Temple at the foot of the mountain. She then went to Jinan in the afternoon, visited Daming Lake and Quancheng Square in the evening, and on the morning of April 28 went to Baotu Spring and Heihu Spring. She traveled to Zibo to enjoy the famous barbecue in the city, went to Yantai and Weihai before May 4, when she arrived in Luoyang, Henan Province. There, she visited the Longmen Grottoes and then returned to her school on May 5.

    Most people can hardly imagine how she traveled extensively in only 10days. "We do not think we are doing something ‘crazy' or ‘amazing'. We are young and energetic enough to experience such a tight travel schedule, "she said. "Moreover, when you travel with your friends, you are happy and you do not feel tired. "

    Videos of them taking such trips have been posted on social media platforms, such as TikTok, Red, with much praise for their energetic spirit and high ability to achieve their plans. Others, however, question whether such a busy schedule is healthy. 

    1. (1) According to the passage, what does a"military-style" traveler usually do while traveling?
    2. (2) What does Hu Die think of her 10-day trip?
    3. (3) The underlined word "extensively" in Paragraph 5 probably means "____ ".
    4. (4) Why does the writer write this passage?
  • 1.  Passage C·

    People love walking through a giant puzzle. In a corn maze(玉米迷宫), they can follow miles of paths and run into lots of dead ends before they finally find their way out. The corn maze has been growing for almost 30 years. 

    Simple corn mazes began appearing in the 1980s. In 1993, the first big corn maze created for the public to enjoy was made in Annville Pennsylvania, by Don Frantz and Adrian Fischer. Then, in a corntield as big as two and a half football fields, Mr. Frantz created "The Amazing Maize Maze"with the help of his family and friends. When it was done, almost two miles of pathways snaked through the cornfield. Since then, thousands of corn mazes have been created around the world.

    For many farmers, a corn maze means a boost(激增) of extra income. During the opening weekend, about 6, 000 visitors came to get lost in Mr. Frantz's maze. Charging only $5 per person, he earned almost $32, 000in two weeks.

    Brett Herbst is also a maze designer. In 1999 he set a world record for the world's largest corn maze, an image of the solar system with nine planets in it. He now has a business called The Maize, which has designed more than 4, 000 mazes around the world. "Corn mazes help people connectwith their roots, "he says. "People are so far removed from farm life that they are drawn to something real, something organic. "

    Today, a great number of people enjoy seeking fun in a corn maze. Mr. Herbst says, "When we see families on the farm having fun, we know that they are making memories that will last a lifetime. "

    1. (1) The first big corn maze for the public appeared in____. 
    2. (2) According to the passage, "The Amazing Maize Maze"____.
    3. (3) Which picture shows the maze designed by Brett Herbst?
    4. (4) What's the best title for the passage?
  • 1.  Passage B·

    Researchers found that people who go to live concerts and museums live longer than those who do not. Experts from a London university looked at over 6, 700 British people for 15 years. They examined how often the people went out and where they went. They found that over-50s who regularly went to concerts were around 30 percent less likely to die in the next 14 years. The over-50s could lengthen their lives by looking at "beautiful arts". These include art centers, concerts, museums and theaters. In addition, people who often go to concerts could have more fun.

    The lead researcher said money was important in whether or not people went to concerts. She wrote, "Over 40 percent of people in the least wealthy group reported that they never took part in cultural activities. "The UK Health Secretary believes the research. He said arts and culture could improve things like mental health, ageing and loneliness. The UK's National Health Service will use the arts to improve people's happiness and health. The researcher said, "I hope more and more people will have more chances to go to concerts, museums, art centers and so on. "

    1. (1) What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
    2. (2) What can arts and culture improve?

      ① people's men tal health

      ② people's ageing and loneliness

      ③ people's happiness and health

      ④ people's abilities to make money

    3. (3) Why did more than 40 percent of people never take part in cultural activities?
    4. (4) The passage may come from____. 
  • 1.  Passage A

    Hangzhou Safari Park

    There are over 13, 000 amazing animals for you to see. These are just a few things which make a visit to Hangzhou Safari Park a great day. 

    Ticket Price: adults 220 yuan; children 140 yuan

    Opening Time: Daily 7:00 a. m. -5:30 p. m. 

    Visit Time: 4 hours

    Science Museum

    (The Science of Survival, IMAX &SIMEX)

    The Science Museum has something for everyone. Entry to the museum is free. 

    You can offer applies to IMAX 3D Cinema and SIMEX. 

    Tickets: IMAX £7. 50; SIMEX £4. 00; the Science of Survival £6. 00

    Opening Time: Daily 10:00 a. m. -6 p. m. 

    Visit Time: 2 hours

    National Gallery

    Opening Time: Daily 9 a. m. —6 p. m. ; Weekends until 9 p. m. 

    Admission: adults $8; students $4; under 12, free

    Tickets: Available daily from 10 a. m. 

    Telephone: 020-7747-2885

    1. (1) How much do an adult ticket and a child ticket to Hangzhou Safari Park cost?
    2. (2) Where is the Science of Survival exhibition held?
    3. (3) How long is the National Gallery open on Wednesday?
  • 1.  Cloze test

    As a little girl when I heard my sister talk about her life-changing term abroad in Paris, it became my goal to visit it one day. When my daily life in New Jersey seemed boring, I often dreamed1 walking around the streets of Paris. With our financial(财务的) situation2 , European travel became a reality. 

    Traveling to a European country with my3 was exciting, but it would not be complete without facing problems and figuring them out. 

    We had just started to get4 familiar with the Paris subway system. Since using it was very difficult, we were walking slowly until we5 the su bway was about to leave. As soon as I  6 the subway, the doors shut with my mom on the other side. I did not have my cellphone. Neither of us could speak a word of7 , and we had no idea how to8 each other. My mom and I, who were both9 , began to knock heavily on the doors. Suddenly, a man with a very puzzled look on his face walked over to the doors and simply10 them. My mom stepped on the subway and we hugged11 we just met each other for the first time in years. A huge sense of12 washed over us, followed by embarrassment. 

    13 , my mom and I were able to find all those tourist places we wanted to go to. We began to explore the neighborhood we were staying in, such as finding our favorite breakfast cafe, and walking to museums and back. The trip to Paris was not just14 because of the beautiful clothes or the sidewalk cafes, but it also taught me it is okay to run into15 when trying to explore an unfamiliar area, and if you keep working, you will improve. 

    A .  with B .  to C .  up D .  about
    A .  improving B .  changing C .  happening D .  appearing
    A .  sister B .  father C .  mother D .  brother
    A .  itself B .  ourselves C .  yourselves D .  themselves
    A .  guessed B .  realized C .  remembered D .  felt
    A .  got on B .  rushed out C .  started off D .  fell over
    A .  English B .  German C .  Russian D .  French
    A .  introduce B .  encourage C .  remind D .  contact
    A .  touched B .  surprised C .  worried D .  excited
    A .  opened B .  broke C .  closed D .  repaired
    A .  ever since B .  as if C .  even though D .  so that
    A .  pride B .  shame C .  peace D .  happiness
    A .  Finally B .  Clearly C .  Recently D .  Suddenly
    A .  important B .  disappointing C .  unforgettable D .  strange
    A .  risks B .  challenges C .  fights D .  dangers
  • 1. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项

    What do you think will be invented in the future?Do you have any ideas?Soon,there will be a Museum of Future Inventions near London..

    The museum will be very big.There will be modern escalators(自动扶梯) and beautiful glass lifts.  They will listen to audio (音频的) guides to find the things in the museum. Some of the robots will talk to you. They will be able to talk in a lot of different languages. 

    There will be cinemas, laboratories, classrooms, a cafe and a gift shop in the museum. At the gift shop there will be fantastic things to buy for your friends and family.  Children will make their own future inventions in the laboratory.

     There will be very small computers that you can wear like a watch.There will be game consoles and TVs with 3-D images.There will be tiny phones you will wear in your ear. 

    Do you have an idea for a future invention?Why not send it to us? We will send the best ideas to the museum and they will put them on the walls of the Young Inventor Laboratory for everyone to see.

    A. We will send you a Future Inventor T-shirt.

    B. Visitors will move through the museum on moving walkways.

    C. At the museum you will be able to see models of the machines,cars and robots of the future.

    D. There will also be a Young Inventor Laboratory for children,with displays(展览,陈列)of new inventions.

    E. In the Technology Room you will see displays of computers,TVs and game consoles (控制台)of the future.

  • 1. 完形填空

    "What's this?" Bob asked, pointing at a wooden box on the sidewalk (人行道). The sign on it said Little Free Library.

    "I've heard of those," Bob's elder sister Lily said. "People make them and put books 1. Other people take away the books they want and add the 2 they've already read."

    "I want to make something like that," said Bob, "for kids to exchange books."

    "What if (要是……会怎么样) it doesn't work?" Lily asked.

    "Why wouldn't it 3?" asked Bob. Lily shrugged(耸肩), "Maybe kids won't notice it, or maybe they won't want to 4 their books."

    "I'd like to try anyway," Bob said. "Will you help me make one?" "Sure," Lily said. "I'll also ask Dad for 5."

    Bob ran inside to collect books while Lily talked to Dad. With Dad's help, they 6 a wooden box. They put a door on it and attached(固定) the box to a post(桩). Then they dug a hole in their front yard and lifted the post into the hole.

    Bob put the books inside the box and closed the 7. "Now I just have to wait," he said. Three times that day, Bob ran outside to check. 8 each time his books were the only ones inside.

    For the next few days, Bob 9 the box again and again. However, his books were still there. "I guess you were right, Lily," Bob said. "No kids want to exchange books." "I know you really wanted your 10 work, Bob," Lily said. "I'm sorry it didn't."

    The next two days, Bob didn't check the box. "Aren't you going to check your little 11, Bob?" Lily asked. "Maybe 12 decided to exchange. You can go and have a look."

    Bob walked slowly to the box. He opened the door. His books were gone. Instead, the box was 13 with new books. "Wow, it worked!" Bob shouted excitedly.

    Indeed, it was Lily who helped her brother Bob. She called all the 14 kids in the neighborhood and asked them to tell their younger sisters and brothers.

    Bob's idea worked 15. He was very lucky to have new books to read and a very good sister.

    A . inside B . outside C . forward D . upward
    A . letters B . words C . books D . papers
    A . stay B . work C . keep D . change
    A . shake B . spell C . share D . sell
    A . fun B . hope C . joy D . help
    A . gave B . made C . broke D . drew
    A . wall B . floor C . window D . door
    A . And B . So C . But D . Since
    A . checked B . fixed C . knocked D . closed
    A . story B . idea C . order D . joke
    A . office B . library C . museum D . classroom
    A . someone B . anyone C . nobody D . none
    A . locked B . connected C . charged D . filled
    A . stronger B . shorter C . older D . larger
    A . at last B . in all C . at first D . above all
  • 1. 根据短文内容及汉语提示补全短文

    Singapore is a city of different cultures. Walking through the streets of Singapore, you can (听到)different languages spoken, such as English, Chinese and Malay. People from different cultures live and work peacefully with each other and  (分享)their traditions. 

    In Singapore, cultural differences are shown in building styles, shops and in many other ways. Take food as an  (例子), each culture has its own place to sell their traditional food, but there are also the (著名的) hawkers markets. Different foods are sold here in these (繁忙的) markets. And these are very popular with Singapore citizens and  (游客)from around the world. The food is good and very  (便宜的). 

    Singapore is also an interesting city. Large numbers of people, ideas, etc, are mixed together  (在……下面) the same sky. English is used for business,  (虽然)the national language here is Malay. Now, however, there is a strong Chinese business community and also a growing Indian business community. Singapore welcomes talented people from around the world and  (希望)they will live there all their lives.  

  • 1. She has ever been to the WaterWorld.(改为否定句)

    She   to the WaterWorld. 

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