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  • 1.  Wait a minute, please. My brother is working  the computer.
  • 1.  I dropped the water glass on the ground. I have to clean the (地板)now.
  • 1.  After dinner, my brother often does the  (碟).
  • 1.  Chinese people like to (打扫) out their houses before the Spring Festival.
  • 1.  A zero-waste life is a lifestyle (生活方式) that hardly produces (制造) any (浪费).
  • 1.  I often do some housework at home, such as (折叠) clothes and cleaning up the room.
  • 1. (2024八下·上饶月考) Don't go out to play. You ___________finish your homework first.
    A . mustn't B . have to C . had D . had to
  • 1. (2024八下·上饶月考) I'm not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air, because it ____ the weather.
    A . agrees to B . agrees with C . depends on D . lives on
  • 1.  用所给词的适当形式填空,使意思完整。

    Dear Sir,   

    I think it is important for children(learn) how to do chores and help their parents with housework. It is not enough to just get good grades at school. Children these days depend their parents too much. They are always(ask), "Could you get this for me? Or "Could you help me with that?" doing chores helps to develop children's(independent) and(teach) them how(look) after themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of(fair). Since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in(keep) it clean and tidy. Our neighbor's son got into a good college but during this year, he had no idea how to take care of(he). As result, he often (fall) ill and his grades(drop). The(early) kids learn to be independent, the(good) it is for their future.

  • 1.  用所给词的适当形式填空,使意思完整。

    Dear Sir, 

    I don't understand why some parents make their kids help 1 housework and chores at home. Kids these days already have enough stress from school. They don't have time(study) and do housework, too. Housework is a waste their time. Could we just let them do their job as students? They should spend their time schoolwork in order (get) good grades and get into a good university. Also, when they get(old), they will have to do housework so there is no need for them (do) it now. It's the(parent) job to provide a clean and comfortable environment at home their children. And anyway, I think(do) chores is not so difficult, I don't mind(do) them.

    Mr. Miller

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