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  • 1. 戴安娜没有回答我的问题。

    Diana .

  • 1. 判断下列句子的句型

    A. S+V主谓结构

    B. S+V+O主谓宾结构

    C. S+V+P主系表结构

    D. S+V+O1+O2主谓双宾结构

    E. S+V+O+C主谓宾补结构

    F. There be结构

    1. (1) Jenny looks happy today.
    2. (2) He left soon.
    3. (3) There is a book and two pencils on the desk.
    4. (4) David hasn't finished the letter.
    5. (5) Linda bought her sister a new watch.
    6. (6) He encourages me to speak in public.
    7. (7) Cindy is angry with her friend.
  • 1. —________ kind of tea would you like?

    —I love tea ________has a fruity taste.

    A . Which; what B . What; which C . Whose; that D . What; who
  • 1. —The salad doesn't ________good. Why don't we go to buy some fresh vegetables?

    —Sounds great!

    A . see B . find C . sound D . taste
  • 1. 假设你叫王辉,是美国中学生杰克的笔友。请你根据他给你的电子邮件内容写一封回信,谈谈你的个人爱好情况及你对个人爱好的看法。要求意思连贯、符合逻辑,不少于80词。(信的开头已给出,其词数不计入所完成的回信内)

    Dear Wang Hui,

        Do you have a hobby? Do you spend much time on it?

        My favourite hobby is collecting stamps. I've got a wonderful collection of them now. My father bought me the first stamp album(集邮簿)when I was ten years old. I began to collect stamps from then on. It has brought me great enjoyment but it takes me a lot of time. Sometimes I forget to do my schoolwork. My mother wants me to stop it because she thinks it is bad for my study. What do you think about it?



    Hi Jack,

        It's very nice to hear that you have a hobby of collecting stamps...


    Wang Hui

  • 1. 他也对集邮感兴趣。

    He is also stamps.

  • 1. 我花我一部分业余时间在校队打排球。

    I some of my for the school team.

  • 1. 很多青少年喜欢运动,比如骑车和登山。

    Many teenagers like sports, riding and climbing mountains.

  • 1. 我的爱好不像你们的那样花那么多钱。

    My hobby doesn't cost .

  • 1. 读书能让你成长,发展你的兴趣。

    Reading can and develop your .

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