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  • 1.  He (have) to wear the school uniform at school. 
  • 1. 你们不能在走廊里跑来跑去。(can't, around)
  • 1. 我们不能在教室里听音乐,但是我们可以在外面听。(can't, but, it)
  • 1.  我们必须穿校服。(have to)
  • 1.  别把脏盘子留在厨房里。

      the dirty dishes   

  • 1.  完形填空

    We can see many traffic signs on1 sides of the roads. Some2 the drivers3 to do, others tell them what not to do. The traffic signs are the traffic rules.4 people must obey遵守) the rules and mustn't break违反) them. Each traffic sign5 its meaning. Do you see the sign "P"? Do you know its meaning? In big cities, there are6 cars, trucks and buses. They can't stop on the streets7 any time. If a driver wants to stop his car, he must8 a place for his car — a car stop. A car stop9 a special "hotel" and it's for cars to live in. "P" is the first letter of the word "Park"停车) and it means "You can stop your car here!"10 important to obey the traffic rules.

    A .  all B .  any C .  both D .  every
    A .  say B .  tell C .  talk D .  speak
    A .  that B .  what C .  why D .  how
    A .  All B .  Some C .  Many D .  Lots of
    A .  have B .  has C .  had D .  have to
    A .  too much B .  too many C .  a lot D .  lot of
    A .  at B .  in C .  on D .  for
    A .  look at B .  look like C .  look for D .  finds
    A .  like B .  is like C .  likes D .  has
    A .  That B .  It C . That's D .  It's
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Dear Li Lei, 

    Thanks for your e-mail. Your school life is very interesting. I hope I can go and visit you soon(不久). Now I'd like to tell you something about my school life in England. 

    In England, school is from Monday to Friday. It often begins at nine o'clock. First we go to meet our teacher for registration(报到). Then we have our classes. Each class is forty-five minutes. There is a rest about twenty minutes in the morning. During the rest, we can buy food from the school shop. A lot of students have lunch at school and others bring their hamburgers or go home for lunch. Students have to wear school uniforms and we also have sportswear for P. E. class. Classes are over at about three thirty in the afternoon and then there are a lot of activities, such as(例如) sports and music clubs. I know Chinese students usually have a lot of homework. We have homework, too, but not much. 

    I have many friends here. I would like you to meet them, if you like. Keep in touch. 



    1. (1) What time does Bill begin his class?
    2. (2) What do Bill and his classmates do first in the morning?
    3. (3) How long is each class in England?
    4. (4) The underlined word "sportswear" in the passage means ____.
    5. (5) Which of the following is true?
  • 1.  He wants (see) the animals, but he has no time. 
  • 1.  阅读短文,完成文后练习。

    Hello, boys and girls! Welcome to the school library! ①但是我们这里有一些规定。 First, don't talk. ②You can't be noisy in the library.You have to be quiet here. Second, you can't listen to music here, so you can't bring your music player to the library. ③Third, you can't bring your food to the library or eat it here.Fourth, you can't take photos in the library.

    You can borrow two books at a time and keep them for three weeks. You must give them back on time. If you lose them, you have to pay for them. Have a good time here!

    1. (1) 将句子①译成英语。
    2. (2) 将句子②改为祈使句。
    3. (3) 将句子③译成汉语。
    4. (4) Can you listen to music in the library?
    5. (5) What do you have to do if you lose the library books?
  • 1.  We must remember (close) the door before we leave the room. 
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